There's no way to describe the lively, smart styles of these new oveicoats so that you’ll get a really good idea ot them. Even the best illustrations don’t do ihe clothes full justice. You’ve simply got to see the goods it you want to "get a I'i.c” on them. The Sim Store has produced the best oveicont styles this season you have ever seen, unless you have a look at them you’ll miss the smallest lot of stuff in the maiket; and we’re sure you don’t want to do that. You can find plenty of good looking clothes everywhere; but theic’s more than looks in these. There’s quality in them; fine fabrics, fine tailoring, fine finish. They’re the clothes you want. New styles for young men; new belt-back models; new colors and weaves. Overcoats $15.00 and up Suits $15.00 and up <9* §Jim,®t*driothi€r Correct Vi' gresfi Bellefonte - State College - Pa. Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANITAY QUALITY WORK Affents •! A - M - Barron J - R - Huglies G. F. Vosburg Agents -j H G Hall P J Glessner P ;,f. Frear n . 11. Wetzel “Big Cife” Married, Miss Nellie Wright and Ellis Raymond Cyphers were married recently in Plains, Kansas. Mr. Cyphers was at one time a noted “Penn State Foot-ball Player”, and played three years on the Blue and White team. Mr. and Mis. Cy phers are living on the Cyphers Cattle Ranch, Johnson, Kansas. Experiment Chickens. Some person has recently broken into a building and stolen several valuable experiment chickens. If a student, do not forget the “death knell” to a college education; if a townsman, remember the “rail road.” A Talk on China, The Chinese National Night was presented last Friday under the auspices of the Cosmopolitan Club. Mr. Taam spoke on women activi ties in China. Mr. Chang spoke on Chinese philosophy, mainly as taught by Confucius. Harrisburg Dance, The Harrisburg Club cordially in vites all Penn State men to attend their annual dance at Christmas, to be held Thursday, December 26, at the Studio Music Hall. The P. R. R. is trying to give us better train service at Christmas time than ever before. All the company asks of the students is that each person sign a card signi fying the exact time of his de parture. Remember the special attractionn at the Pastime on Friday, Dec. 13 and Wednesday, Dec. 18. Mrs. Gale as an Omaha Indian and Mr. Gale in Real Life. "Y. M. C. A. COURSE” Whereas, God in His infinite wis dom has seen fit to call from this earth the father of our classmate, Edgar Boyd Moyer, be it Resolved, That we, the class of 1914 of The Pennsylvania State College, extend our sincere sym pathy to our classmate and his rel atives in their bereavement. And furthermore, be it Resolved, That this resolution be entered upon the class minutes and published in the Penn State Colleg ian. And furthermore, be it Ratolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. C. Edward Lyons Clarence D. Gibbs Paul P. Suiter Committee. Special Christmas music will be sung by the choir at the Auditorium services next Sunday. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN TRe Quality Shop An establishment which is noted for ils fine quality ol lellcrpress ptinling V livery tinlor receive* die prmml f.l l)i»* i}»m wrrtnß pfdfri «ti|j uMt/m I't ,Vil[;;i,v (’rifitiiijr .inti I'ulilkliiii!! Cumpnin stavr Cull *l*.‘ i. t:. nor.Mii!; \ STAPLE au'l FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS S Qn.iiitv Hen Smire J Ynur J,r'.n.i-r ■,,licit-,i , AI.I.KN ST. STATI 1 COI.I.LC’,K | Pool Billiards Bowling o TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek’s Pool Room BUSH HOUSE | JilSM.lil'ON’n2 Penxa liatti per day $2 f 0 With hath pur day W. L. DAGGETT Übe ‘lRlttang Inn State College Jru ?:><=: s P. Proprietor Special Rites to Students Settler's * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups State Collage Meat Market F. Pi RESIDES Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH 4LLEN STREET Expert Picture Framing OBNJJRAI.j merchandise Our Friers .ire Right H. M, Myers E. College Av Visit the State College Billiard Parlors Easement Robison Building OY. Vt\A 'iYv.e ’VLom.c Tvive (io’t^ecAAons The placa that made State College famous for line confections 'i'n.e SxaoVbts ‘PoxoAtse Hie Toggery Shop Men’s Furnishings ? A. G. Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods t The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing t tr A full assortment of (allege Pennants 't ~s 't C W. SMIT H South Alkn Stie-'j IA/Hlto . Grotto Cafe Holmes Block, State College NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We invite criticism and while we may not be able to fulfill every want at once, we will endeavor to do so as soon as we know the wants of the general public Shell Oysters Other Delicacies Standard Quality There is no "quicksand more unstable than poverty in quality and we avoid this quicksand by standard quality Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Cricket, Football,Ath letic Equipment Catalog free A G. SPALDING & BROS, 2.1 West Street 136-128 Nassau Street NEW YORK The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Surplus Ja» K. Barnhart Cashier j Capital $lOO,OOO ( CltarlesMcCurdj ( President J. P. HAG M A N Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING Established 131*1 Cleaning repairing PRESSING It’s A Nettleton The Nettleton Stands for What is Best in Men’s Fine Shoes. The Man -who has worn a Nettle ton ' Shoe knows this, and will wear no other make. The habit of wearing Nettleton Shoes begins with the first pair— Come in and get years* The prices are exceedingly low, considering the qwhhy. We arc the'-.ive agents. C. IN. F' ISH E R J. L. Mauthe, Student Agent Drop in and See Us Open 6 a. m. to 12 p. m RAY D, GILLILAND, P, D. Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students’ Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. *3ovY Pvtt C. A. Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street 'Pa..