Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 09, 1912, Image 1

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Penn State Swamps Cainegie Tclli
in Initial Stiuggle of Season.
Miller Makes Long Rum
Score 41-0
Expectations were icalized iast
Satin clay when the Penn State elev
en downed Captain Ciawioid's
lightet Carnegie Tech team by the
scoie o! 41-0 The Stale coaches
took advantage of the excellent ou
portunity affotded to ny out new
men, and in all 23 State men took
part in the game Metheny, Tay
lor and Heizel showed good fotm
for the visitors while Mauthe, Very,
Millet, Claik and Wilson played
their usual stiong game. Millet,
who enteied college uom the State
College High School, played well at
guard. The game showed tint
team woik in otu back field was
“Shot tv" Miller teceived the ball
trom Clan on the kick-off and tan
it back to our 35 yard line. Tech
soon gained possession of the ball
and after six minutes of play, kick
ed to State. The ball was caught
by Miller *who dashed aiound the
right side of the field making a sen
sational run of 78 yards for a touch
down. The first quarter ended with
State having possession ot the bail
on Tech's 17 yard line
Captain Mauthe scoied State’s
second touchdown shortly after the
second quartei opened. An at
tempted foiward pass oy State was
inlet cepted by Humbie on Tech’s
25 yatd line State proved invinci
ble forcing Tech to kick to Mauthe.
who was downed in his tiacks on
the 35 yaid line. The first naif
ended as Mauthe scored a touch
Beriyman's dash of six yards for
a touchdown came shoitiy aftei
Miller’s 38 yatd nm foi the fouith
touchdown. Tayloi of Tech block
ed a kick in the third cjuaiterbut
the ball was recorded for State by
Mauthe, who was absent fiom
the game during the thud quarter,
returned in time to scoie the final
touchdown. The game ended with
Tech having possession of the ball
on theii own 40 yard line.
IV*iri State -11
< urncuie T.-Gi U
1 IVteiMin
1, T. Cl.uvlmd
L (I. Chur
Hem man U ii
Mautlu* \' i
1!. T.
It C.
t> li
Substitutions Penn State
ion tor Wilson, Devine toi Banon
Sayre for Engle, Voglc toi Bebout,
Pisner for Clailte, Lamb foi Whit
ney, R Millet i'oi Hansen. Langdon
for Miller, Welling foi Welty, Mc-
Nulty for Weliing, Weston foi Ber
ivman, Tobin for Matithe.
Carnegie Tech —Heizcl foi Percr
Touchdowns— Mamhe. o. Miilci.
Bcnyman Goals from touch
downs —Miuthc, -4. Miller. Kc
-O'Biicn, Swaiihmorr. Um
pire—Moffitt, Princeton Linesman
Robinson. Univcisity of Pitts
burgh. Time of periods—lo min
Stamp Collectors
Pi of. Diemei will be triad to ha\e
any stamp collectors call at his
house on the Noith Campus anti
atiange ioi :ot>ulai meetings.
HP AHP I? f |fA T T T? pT A IV T
IAI h U blj i A JN.
W IWI -Ml. in 'I 1 ti
7 'IS p. in. Engir.eci mg Building
Koum 202. Lalusettc Coun
t> Club.
700 p. m 1 ibiaiy Room K.
Socialistic Studv Societ
All Welcome.
mum i» i II
iOO p. in. I.ilnaiy Room K. Lib- Aits Societ;,
0.3 U p. m. Old Chapel. Mass
Meeting. I’iepnintion loi W
and J Came
sa'inunu, hi t. 12
300 p.m. New Beavei Held.
Vaisity Football. W. and J
vs Penn State.
S.UO p. m Auditorium. Concert
by Glee Club.
.xI'XUVV . m'l. Pt
1000 a. m. Old Chapel. Piesh
man Seivice. Led by Di
1100 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel
Services. Di. Seerley will
6'3U p. m. Auditorium Y. M. C.
A. Meeting. Dr. Seeilev will
n I.MiU . (KT. 11
030 p. m. Old Chapel. Piayci
Final Track Trials.
Final tiacl: tiiais foi the Vaisity
team were held last Saturday aftei
noon on New Beaver track.
Although the numbei of con-
testants *vns lay lie rr.ear.c as great
as of those held two weeks ago, the
marks made Satuiclay, in the vari
ous events, weie betiei
Among the best peuormers in
their special events weic Pickett,
Palmei. Schioeder, Michnei, Hen
drick, White, and Allen.
The summaries follow
100 yd. dash —Won by Hendrick,
second. J. J Robinson, Time, 10 3
220 yd dash —Dead neat between
L. T. Michnei and W. White Time,
440 yd clash —Won by E R
Seybcrt. second, Denny• lime
55.2 sec
120 yd huidle—Won by E. Ham
mil!, second, H. G McCartney.
Time, 15.2 sec.
220 vd. hmdle Won by 1 B.
Leyden; second. Pi G, McCaitney.
Time, 30 sec
I it- Moth
Stone i ml
1-2 mile uni —Won by R. Shaip,
second. A E. P'ishci Time, 2.12
1 mile i an —Won by W M. Allen,
second, tie between R. P Ewing
and S. K. Butler Time 1 1 min
The Rnudes Sdtolarship for
I'hc dates r 'ji the next ciuahiyir,"
examination for trie Rhodes Schol
p ate Octobei l.Sth aid iot-i,
1912. and will be 1 iid .it .Pennsyl
vania College. Get ysb ig, l’a The
sc’nolaiship is open to jumon jn.i
scniots only and i vt! ’eel at $lBOO
a veat, being p sable lot thtee
yeais, with the m.iex.>Tv el ait mi
inf; Oxtoid Utii\«.isity. A eanni
date nnmt be a cot /eu of the Unit
ed States with at least li\i;yrai s
domicile and be rm.;;:u!. tv the
fust oi October of the year foi
which lie is elected, he must have
passed his nineteenth and not have
passed his twenty-fifth birthday.
Anv tuithei mfoimation may be
had .1/ applying to Dean Holmes.
I leaidciil’s 01!ice,
Renewal of Athletic Relations With
Washington and Jeffuson We)
coined by Student Body and
Pern State will play its second.
and most impottant home game this
Satuiday with W and J. Ihe Red
and Black team comes heic wuh a
wondeifill lecoicl. Two weeks nt'o
W and J. held Cornell to a 3 to 0
scoie, the only points ol the game
being scoicd by a Comedian who
placed the pigskin between the up
tights dining the iast thieo minutes
of play. A few days iatei Geneva
was swamped 52 to 7 and last Sat
uiday Carlisle was held to a tie
score. These thite games plavcdhy
W. and J. against States one, give
the foi mer a decided advantage.
Saiuulay's opponents have met in
six football games all of which in
sulted in victories foi the Blue and
White team except the diaws of
J8 r >s and 1599. The old scotes are:
IS9T Penn Stale 6 W. and J 0
1595 Penn State 6 W. and J. 6
IS9S Penn State 11 W. and J. 0
1899 Penn Stale 0 W and J. U
1903 Penn State 22 W. and J. 0
1904 Penn State 12 W. and J. 0
Saturday's game will play an im
portant part in deciding the West
ern Pennsylvania giidtion su
piemaey foi the pi event ye.u
Pent: Stale now holds the West
ern Pennsylvania championship
title by reason of its splendid vic
loiy ovei Pitt last Thanksgiving
Day It is g.anted th. • e '?tc'l’M
not play W. and J last yeai. but
Slate defeated both Cornell aid
Pitt who had in tuin defeated VV.
anti J.: th ; s gives the Blue and
White team piestigc ovei the Red
and Black. Should each of the
contendeis win one game while
playing one another tins fall the
supremacy foi 1912 may be disput
ed but any one of the three teams
gaining victoiies ovei the other two
would cinch the championship title
The teams will piobably stait
Saturday’s game with the following
PENN S’l.VI i: \V. .mil .1.
WTI-tm L. K. llni ill
T, T. I. Seliw.ili
I. E. lli-yiiMn
O I.'i iilU-honl.
It. \V. Ymml.ins
Whitney li. T Cnuiuvll
Vim y R. E A!i*\.iml' , i tl.ijit.
itfilli'i (J II fiiiuihvm
W'.lty I. ILCu'i!,. !. SiTtvv'b
r.iuivmiin 11. II Killing. Y'.Ynl.n-.
.Mouth" (Kopl ) I l ’. 11. Yniim;
Civic Club Meeting.
The fust meeting of the Penn
State Civic Club was held on Tues
day. Octobei 1. Dr. P. O. Kay
gave a vciy interesting lepoil of
the ptoceedings of the Republican
National Convention held in Clin j
go. Meetings o: the club will be
held eveiy two weeks dining the
>e'Ji, arid ail membcis rue iC'iuesled
to be on Hand at a'l meetings. The
next meeting vv : 11 be held on Octo
bci 17. at 7 p. in. m tli»- Kngincei
u:g Building
Applications foi meinbi i-hip must
be handed to the executive corn
mi'tec, and each application inu-u
ibe signed by thiee mciubeix oi the
club. Only rncmbnx ol the cl,is.
'o! 191-1 am eiigioie at tT-x tune
' The following off.teis -..ere eleei
ed - Secretaiy-Ticasutei.CS Adam-,
1 Vice Piesident, John Blacken.
| E. W. “Gene" Carson is with the
Wm. Ritter Lumbei compaii'. t
1 Ptincelon, N. C.
Pint Watts Tilaile Acting Dean
i'lo'C'-eu Kalpii I- Watts has
been m :de Acting Dean ol the
School oi AgrUnUum and Expel i-
ment station to succeed Piolcssot
Al\d Agee when the luttei
goes to the Hew Jei .ey Station.
Piolesso: Watts is a giaduate of
Penn State ot the class of 1891).
Koi some time he was a nu mhei of
the facility of the Univcisily of
Tennessee. Lntei he, engaged in
piactionl horncuitmal woik and m
1908 became Lead o! the Depail
meut of Houiculluie of h.s Alma
Matei. ITe has been a stiongfactot
in building up the School of Agii
culiuie and has beer, in constant
! demand as a speaket at hoilicul
i total gatheiings in all pans of the
i state. ITis text-books aie in genu
al use throughout the colieges of
the United States. He has the
confidence of his fellow membeis
of the faculty and the lespect of the
student body. The loss of Dr.
Hunt and Piofessoi Agee is de
plorable; but the appointment of
Professor Watts is an assurance
that the work of this school will go
on with undiminished vigor.
Fall Base Ball Praciice,
Fall pratice on the base , ball
diamond is being cairicd on more
extensively this yea: than ever bc
foie. Each afternoon all of the
legulais, together with a score of
new men who were selected tiom
the huge squad that icsponded to
the fust ca'l foi candidates, go
through a systematic batting and
fielding piacticc. 1 'lnis practice
will be extremely valuable in mote
than one respect, foi not only will
itpioveoi" mateiia! benefit to the
playei, but it will enable the
coaches to get a 1 new line on the
new men this fall, thus making the
task ol cutting down and selecting
the squad, in the spiing, a much
simpler one
Piospects, so far, look good.
Captain Whitney, Vvatdweil, Hend
erson, Ciaig, Cintvfoid. and Mc-
Kibben, lcmain oi iast yeats team,
also McCracken, Seybett, Kern,
Muiphv and Gmham, who took
pait in seveial of the games last
season a:e heie.
A Funnels’ Day.
Last Thuisday a special train
biought 700 men interested in agu
cultine to State College. The lo
calities in the neighborhood of tliis
institution vveie well icpicsenled,
and the special biought faimeis
fiom Duncannon, Tyionc, and
'The objec t of this visit was to
acquaint the faimeis willi the col-
lege, to aiouse theii inluest in the
college, and to look foi waul to
making plans to induce the Penn
sylvania Railioad to give Slutc Col
lege bettei laihoad acrommoda-
/X 1 the dinnei which took place
in the Methodist Chinch. Piesident
Spaiks, Piofessoi Agee, and Piofes
soi Walts iceeived the vis.itoi
J.n. Unimex’ New Book
lne i. U l.ippincott Company
hi.e nisi issued a bool: by Dean
Anhui llohncs entitled “The Con
sol vatiou ol the Cii’ld". which, gives
the n'.ilts o! Di. Holmes, ixpeii-
incit, and nbxcivaliens m the
psychological clinic at Philadelphia
I he volume is one in a seiies ediled
, by Supeiu.tendem Maitin G Bmm
baugh, anil will be sine to arouse a
daige nileiest m the educational
i woild.
All Anno icon Fullback of 100 S, and
l’enn Slai, Doing Splendid Woik
on the Football Field
"Big Bill" Hoilenbnck is heic
again this yeai This is nothing
new—ev civ body knows it. and con
sequently eveivbodv anticipates a
repetion of iast year's achievements.
This is “Bill's" fouith yeai of
coaching, am! judging by his pie
voiis success, he will indulge in a
few moic.
Coach llolienbaek staited eaily
on his football caieer. The embryo
developed to a star on the I’hilips
btirg High team. Athletic pios
pccts looked bright when “Bill" en
tered the Univcisity of Pennsyl
vania, but unfortunately he was
hurt in 1905, and had to relinquish
football Cot one yeai.
In 1906, he played on the line,
but was finally put in as fullback,
and fiom that time on, the prowess
of the Red and Blue team increas
ed. In 1907, Hollenback distin
guished himself on the team, and
played a steady and consistent
game, which paved the way for the
brilliant success which was to fol
111 190 S, “Big Bill”, aftci a won
deiful season, in which he had dis
played his ability in defensive and
offensive woik, and. had attained
temai liable results in punting, was
unanimously chosen as the All
American fullback.
His capability on the giidiion,
Hollenback repioduced while
coaching. Ttie energy, grit and
system which he instigated in the
Penn State team, helped it to tie
Penn and Cailisle, and to beat Pitt.
ITis success last yeai is too well
known, to dwell upon it.
With "Big Bill” in the camp this
year, the on-rush of the opponents
is awaited, and if masoning by anal
ogy is pcimissible, a few bon-fiies
may be expected this year.
Cosmopolitan Club Reception
On Saturday night, October the
sth, the annual reception of the
Cosmopolitan club of the Pennsyl
vania State College was held in the
Engineering Club Room, Pi of. Fos
ter presiding. Speeches and musi
cal selections, by icpresentativcs
fiom diffeicnt countiies, vveie the
pnncipal features of the night. The
membeis showed good spiiit towaid
their pitnciples and the new plan of
activities foi this yeai. The aifair
was a leal success.
Only College to Own Equipment.
Dean Jackson attended last week
'he Anieiican Road Confess held
at Atlantic
The congiess
especially commended om college
bi\ause of the fact, that this college
aione has a mad consti action
appaintu'; that is being used on
highway constiuction. This appa
intns is being used at ptcsenl on the
load between Lcmont and State
C ollcge. The college is indebted
to the Good Roads Machine com
pany ot Kennett Snuaic
Two Visitors.
Di. R K. Duncan, the well known
chemist and populai writei of
s- icntific subjects visited the col
lege last week in company of Mi.
(.has McKee, id. ol Pittsburgh.
Notice U> 1012 Men
All 1912, ex-1912 and near 1912
men aie icquested to meet in the
Kngineeiing building this Thuisday
1 • ening at 7 o'clock, to anange for