EVERY young man who is real ly keen for the smartest style in his clothes, should see the show- ing of ready to wear The styles, the weaves, the design ing; some very unusual things here for you. Lively patterns, snappy new models; some very smart new ideas in cut and finish. A large variety to choose from. Suits $l5 to $35 Overcoats $12.50 to $4O Custom tailoring—Suits and over- coats to order $2O up. Correct ;3Drjrss Bellefonte -State College - Pa. Fifty Alumni Will Be Here, A large number of State Alumni Whether * 'rsob” Reed’s idea of will be here for the W. and J. game tpe Penn State spirit would not on Saturday Oct. 12. At a iC/vxnM help. Alumni meeting in Pittsburgh many Whether there is a freshman in expressed their intention of coming college today who does not know up to College the Thursday before his Alma Mater. rtie game. The main crowd will whether a few upperclassmen leave Pittsburgh on Friday evening CO uld not assist in keeping the October 11th on the 7:10 train to crowd back to the track at football Altoona. This will make a com- p rac tice. fortable trip and mileage will be used entirely as the Pennsylvania Railroad failed to offer attract've rates for a party trip. Doubtless 50 Pittsburgh Alumni will be on hand to - see Captain Mauthe’s men defea' W. and J’s strong eleven, Rules for Use of the Gymnasium, Gymnasium open to all students from 8:30 a. m. to 10:00 p. m„ ex cept holidays, Sundays, and gym nasium class hours. Baths open to 10:30 p. m. A plain white gym suit with soft soled shoes required when appear ing on the floor. Smoking in the building not per mitted. Spitting on the floor prohibited. The throwing of peanut shells and other refuse on the floor not allow ed. The enforcement of these rules shall be insisted upon. Largest Freshman Bible Class. The largest freshman bible class in the history of this institution, numbering approximately 500 per sons, assembled in the Old Chapel on Sunday morning, September 22nd. The work of this class in past years was heartily endorsed by prominent members of the sopho more and upper classes. Sim Clothes Dean Jackson in Atlantic City. To-morrow Dean Jackson will speak at the Road Congress Con ference which is now in session at Atlantic City. His talk will con sist of a detailed discussion of the public roads and the benefits deriv ed from the course in Highway En gineering as given at the Pennsyl vania State College. President Sparks to Speak. President Sparks will give some interesting impressions of his recent trip to the Holy Land on Sunday evening next at 6:30 in the Auditorium under the auspices of the Christian Association. The President’s Reception. On Friday evening, September 27th, President and Mrs. Sparks received both the old and the new members of the faculty at their residence from eight to ten o’clock. Latest Registration. The freshman class has now en rolled within its number 650 fresh men. The total nnmber of new men is 760. Dr. G. G. Pond, who is on a year’s leave of absence, is travelling in Italy with Mrs. Pond. Miss Mill icent and Albert are in Seesan, Ger many, and Miss Clara and Gilbert at Bornhausen, Germany. We Wonder IfATE COLLEGIAN Slieffler's * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups E, L. Graham & Company Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue BUSH HOUSE Bellefonte Penna ltato yor day $2 30 With bath $3 pur day W. L. DAGGETT Soles sewed or stitched by Champion stitcher. W. C. KLINE South Allen street I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCV GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE State College Billiard Parlors BASEMENT ROBISON BLOCK The Quality Shop An establishment which is noted (or its fine quality oi letterpress printing V Every order receives the personal attention oi the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Niitany Printing and Publishing Company 3? State College Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room Get in the Habit of asking us for a bid H H on your job work We j§| &iin j ■ ■' yt/rk I wm surprise you m |g WF I I Wf\ I The Keystone Gazette IS M I Bellefonte | ‘D sss'. I Both Telephones || NEITLETOSCWQUEROR . I J. B. MARTIN Wj- ’ | SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT M I South Allen Street, opposite the Fostoffice l|j A simple, artistic shoe of II —l best materials and workman- I FINE TAILORING J J ||| ship. The Wellington in black or 1 1 Estftbinhed HA jBS tan is the fall season’s most correct I REPAIRING jHi style and the surest foundation of| | 9 good dress. 9 J. P. HAGMAN 9 NETTLETON SPECIAL AGENCY 9 Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring II G. 2M. FISHER II High Grade Gents Furnishings H H 127 S. Allen Street —memm THe Toggery Shop Men’s Furnishings v A. G. » Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods v Hie Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing V s A full assortment of (allege Pennants v v v re VISIT THE A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the ILargest Manufacturers i n the World of TEe Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the world as a 1C vnil are interested IT IUU in Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It’s a complete enclyciopedia of of WHAT’S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request Guarantee of Quality 3V. &. ST?3\.£UitL& TL'ft.aS .„ „ NEW YORK 1-6-123 Nassau Street 29-33 West 42d Street The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital SIIXI.UOU Surplus $125,000 Charles McCurdy Ja. K. Barnhart President Cashier C. W. SMITH South Allen Street RAY D. GILLILAND, P. 0. Druggist ■ , ‘ \ Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students’ Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty—^ STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. C. A. Blanchard < Manager ) Penn Avenue and Tenth Street S 'PtttstmT&Vi, 'Pa. \