Penn State(gllegian r’ubliihed on Thursday of each •vtck during the college year by the students of lne Pennsylvania State Collece in the interest of the Students, l'ac ulty. Alumni and Friends of the college Entered at the Posloffice, State CoileKi*, Pa is second class matter Editor in Chief R. M. EVANS, 'l3 Assistant Editor M. A. ICRIMMEL, Associate Editois G. A. BARKER, ’l3 J. D. HOGARTH, ’l4 P. C. DOSE, ’l4 ’ D. HESS, ’l4 J. R. MATHERS, ’l5 W. S. PARKINSON, Jr., Business Manager M. M GRUBBS, ’l3 Assistant Manager B. R. HENDERSON, ’l3 Associate Manager. L. B. KEELAN, ’: SUBSCRIPTION. $! 50 per i ear or $1 25 if paid within 20 days aftc] d Be of subscription. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 1912 A Change in Commencing with the Day. this issue the “Col- legian” will be pub- lished on Wednesday morning in stead of Thursday morning. The change of one day has been made in order that the Satui day’s news of the college may reach oui alumni subscribers one day earlier than be fore. Ever since their insti- Meeting, tution by Fresidenl Sparks, the Wednesday morning mass meetings have ser\ ed a veiy important puipose. No ott er gathering has been so successful in bringing together the faculty, the classes and student oiganizaticns in lace—where discussi&as— nsy-hc held. To upperclassmen and sophomores no plea is needed for attendance at mass meeting; but to the new men, it will be well worth the time to attend all such meet- ings. It is the best opportunity that you have to become thoroughly ac quainted with all the student ac- tivities and with the undertakings of college organizations. Again, we must not forget mass meetings held in the evening. The initial one of the year was held last Friday. In some ways this was a remarkable meeting. Suiely no more inspiring talks weie ever given by our athletes and coaches than on that night. It is after such a meet ing as this that a Penn State man begins to appreciate how great are liis opportunities. The We Our “We Wonder’’ Wonders. Column has a pur- pose. Read it, the college or your fellow-students may be benefited by your so doing. Owing to the in- Calendar, creased interest which has been shown in our calendar, the popular column will be continued this year. To insure the success of the work, we ask the co-operation of all organizations in college. Class officeis, vaiious sectional officers, musicial clubs and all other organizations should notify us not later than Monday noon of all meetings that aie to appeal in the Wednesday issue. Also This “Collegian” fees may Week. be paid on Thursday and Ftiday evenings of this week at C. W. Smith’s store, Allen stiect fiom six until eight o’clock. Remember the price is $1.25 until Octobei 15. The Call for Two new business New Men. managers are to be added to the staff of the paper from the present junior class. All applications should be sent to the business managers. Y. M. C. A. NOTES, Last year over 30,000 college men in this country were in voluntaty bible classes thiough out the country. An in creasing number of students are realizing the value of this work and are giving it a prominent place on theii schedule. The work here at Penn State is now being organiz ed for the year and a variety of courses will be offeied. Some of the arranged courses are as follows:— Scniois “Crisis of the Christ” given by Professor Willard. Sophomoies “New Studies in Acts". For upper classmen (special) “Systematic Study of the Old Testament”, given by Professor Foster. Freshmen Freshman Bible class, conducted by Mr. Buchrran. Two year men A bible class meet ing in the Agiicultural Building. There will also be classes in the various churches through-out the town. Call at the Y. M. C. A. loom foi particulars. Arrangements can be made with Dr. Runkle to have denominational papers and magazines seemed at the libiary and placed out on the tables on Sundavs. Any men in teiested aie requested to take up the mallei with him as soon as possible. A “Lost and Found” bureau is -being conducted at Tile Y. M. C. A. room. Anyone losing or finding anything will assist by leporting it theie. BY THE WAY. The University of Cornell will duiing th : s year complete the con stuction of six new buildings, cost ing approximately $1,000,000. An infirmary was constructed at the cost of $120,000, which should be of especial significance and inteiest to Penn State. Columbia this year will have an enrollment of students which will surpass any previous one in the an nals of the institution, It is be lieved that the number of men in the univeisity will come close to 10,000. The average standing of the fra ternity and club men in the Univer sity of California has shown a maiked improvement during the last spring teim. The baseball championship won by Princeton last year, will be cele brated by a huge bon-fiie on the campus. J. B. Watson, 1909, and his wife departed for Brazil during the first part of the month. “Daddy” Gioff and his wife left for China, where he will again take up woik at the Canton Christian college. Botl of these men expect to be actively en gaged in mission woik. A Sophomore Victory. The fust class scrap of the year was easy for the sophomores. The push-ball contest, held on Old Beaver Field last Satuiday, resulted in a twelve-one victory for the class of 1915. Dick Harlow T 2 acted as lefeiee, and the judges were Vety T 3, Craig 'l4, and “Bill” Hollen back. The fiist ten minute peiiod began at 1.30 p. m., and the two classes, when lined up for the signal, seem ed to be almost equal in numbers, PENNT ?ATE COLLEGIAN 'l' I'ji e ]HL i grin. Sta.nda.rd Ivaitj.nd.ry §We make an honest efiort to give you the best to be had in our line. STUDENT AGENTS L. A. Davis ’l2 ) ou Svciham, ow l\\e cotaev, Vac wp Vo V\\o mVaaYe coa^ecUoacv Over asVoVc a\m Vs Vo tiVoaso Vioa. VvoVvVs a socoa&ani coasVioTaVVoa S>'ca\\am oa VV.B C.OTOCT State College Meat Mark! F. P. RESIDES Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH ALLEN STREET Übe lnn State College J.\t?n=:s. P rli it<=ti>c, Proprietor Special Rates to Students although the freshman class as a whole is By far the larger. From the' very beginning the advantage ■was ‘ with ’Hfe 1 ' men of 1915. The freshmen were decidedly lacking in aggressiveness, and though had been instructed befofie the scrap and had definitej.afctics to fol low, they seemed bewildered, for the most part, and failed to check the determined rushes of the “Sophs.”. The latter made their greatest gains by swift end runs, but made shower progress when encountering the massed center of their opponents. After ten min utes of scrapping, the score stood 7-0. ; Duiing th.|: remaining two periods the freshmen profited somewhat fiom their ejtperience, holding their opponants to five scores, and at limes afforec.l a stubborn lesistance! At the end !of the second period they hold .he sophs almost on their goal lin|e, and just before the final signal at the end of the thiid period, they ran the ball into sopho more tenitoi /, just in time to make their only seoie. Though beaten by the over whelming score of 12-1, the class ofl 1916 has scrapping material and will doubtless make good in the f| Two Friends of Penn State Coming. . Graham, Sporting 'alter Hoban, Sporting “Philadelphia North fill make their annual liege some time during :ginning October 28; visit Mr. Grahao' will Iher tall: on athletics accompanied on the liy Hoban. The meet r will be held in the clitorium. Full details George M Editor and V\ Cartoonist o: American” v visit to the cc the week b During their give us anot and will be black board 1 ing this year Schwab Auc will appear la :erlry Coming. Dr. F. N, eerley, of the Spiing- School, Springfield, vas one of the most ers at Eaglesmere last at State College Oct. field Training Mass., who ’ popular speak June, will be 12th and 13th. The Student’s Laundry We carry a full line of Studcnts , Supplies Bellefonte Central Railroad F. H. THOMAS, General Manager Xo | Xo I No s I y l. amlj) in . . 100| 000 .. J 2J| 11 .If, .. . . . am 800 .5 10 ... 7 fiB 3 00 . . a id 11 10 [i m 12 10 ta oo | 2 ■ athini: with soap and water You can st md on it when empty The best LOW PRICE suitcase made J. B. MIHGLE, Shoemaker Allen Street J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats Fish in season 138 College Avenue Wz ‘ “"‘ S5s 'PkoVoTta-pVvcv a.ui denier m Sastraatv SwjvVVes yvrslc\ UiQt'ft doUB 2\2 EatA CoUeqt State CoUcqe Lock Haven Steam Laundry ebbt work Ur atrona ®° STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman T 4 H.W. Stlner ’l3 ALctA nuA. "Pomy Com-pawa ( E. T. Asplundh 'l2 STUDENT AGENTS ] B. M. Herman ’l2 ( T. W. Harris ’l3 The Athletic Store BELLEFONTE, PA. Dec. 2G 1010 .. I,v NEW YORK Ar .. Lv PHILADELPHIA Ar .Lv HARRISBURG Ar Lv PITTSBURG Ar. Lv ALTOONA Ar Lv TYRONE Ar Lv WILLIAMSPORT Ar Lv LOCK lIAVEN Ar Lv BI.LLEFONTEt ‘ . ’ COLK\*ILLE .. .. MORRIS STEVENS . HUNTERS PARK ... FILLMORE . . BRTARLY . . . WADDLES .Ar KRUMRINE Lv . STATE COLLEGE .. STRUBLES .. BLOO.MSDORF ... TINE GROVE MILLS The Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Everything in Hardware Disti Ibutors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO’S complete line ASPHALT R00F1NG5...... our specialty BELLEFONTE. PA. S. E. KIMPORT Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones Both phones G. B. .SBue,/ Jew'e.f’ei' arz3 o)oticsia.T2 Post Cards COLLEGE JEWELRY C. E. SNYDER FIREPROOF GARAGE Steam Heated AUTOS. BICYCLES, GUNS TO HIRE General Repair Work a Specialty 116 S. Frazier Street, corner of Calder made In self striped Madras. AR.R-OW C OLLARS Cluctt, Peabody Sc Makers