'll Copyright Hart Scl You read about the Olympic games; the contest for supremacy, men competing in skill, swiftnsss, strength. Business is like that; a little. Were trying to excel in our busi- ness; not, so rnucn to oeat, soli body else, but to excel ourselves Our goal is “the highest serv ice to our customers;” we want every man who comes to this shop to get what’s best for him. We shall sell ready to wear and custom made clothes, haber dashery, hats, in newest approved fashions and best qualities, be cause they belong to just such a shop and just such a service idea as this. The stocks will he constanly replenished and new fashions as as introduced will he added duickly as brought out We shall try to merit your patronage by the service we give. SIM THE CLOTHIER CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN Nittany Inn Block, College Avo. chaffncr Sc M: PENN aTE COLLEGIAN Sheffler’s * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups E. L. Graham & Company Dry; Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue Phones BUSH HOUSE UIIU.T'I'ONTE PEKNA ItatojiPi Uaysr-.*)o With t»nt li S.T per day W. L. DAGGIOTT Soles sewed or stitched by Champion stitcher. W. C. KLINF 'South Allen street I. G. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quulity Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST? STATE COLLEGE State College Billiard Parlors BASEMENT ROBISON BLOCK The Quality. Shopu- An eflaVltihmcnl which is noted for ..its fine quality of lelterpre*! printing V Every order receives the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company v State College Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek’s Pool Room Get in the Hahit of asking us for a bid on your job work We , will su r p r i s,e you in | quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte Both Telephones J. B. IVIARTIN SOLE * AGEN I' FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Ailed Street, opposite the Postoffice HENRY GRIMM FINE . TAILORING Established 13*>1 J • PRESSING ‘ Repairing CLEANING !J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. ;Allen Street TRe Toggery Shop Men’s Furnishings is A. G. Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods is The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing 't v A full assortment of (ollege Pennants is v is is VISIT THE A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the i Largest Manufacturers — "i'll' the World of Spalding Trade-Mark ahiciAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the world as a IE Vnil are interested Ip lUU ,n Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It’s a complete cnclyclopcdia of of WHAT'S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request Guarantee of Quality &. smi 2W YORK 1116-12$ Nassau Struct 29-33 West 42d Street The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital SIIXI,OOO Surplus $125,000 CharlcsMcCurdy Jas K. Barnhart President Cashier r- " —— IWELLINGTON dA I ANETtLEJOIQigOEBOR ( I jl A simple, artistic shoe of B best materials and workman- B ship. The Wellington in black or B tan is the fall season’s most correct B style and the surest foundation of B good dress. B NETTLETON SPECIAL AGENCY A o. in;, fisher C. W. SMITH South Allen Street RAY D. GILLILAND, P. D. Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery '• • Toilet-Articles Students' Supplies “ "a Tpecialfy STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block , College Ave. i C. A. Blanchard ! Manager > j Penn Avenue and Tenth Street S 'PttisfcwrgU, "Pa.