Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, September 26, 1912, Image 1

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    Penn State
Prospects Promising With Hollen
bach, Harlow and Reed as Coach
es—Dr. Luby is Trainer —Attract-
ive Schedule Arranged.'
Football again 1 The season for
the greatest of all college games is
at hand and on Beaver Field, “that
wonderful Penn State spirit” is
radiating from all the varsity foot
ball candidates.
Captain Mauthe, Very, Engle,
Wilson, Clarke, Bebout, Hansen,
Miller and Berryman, of the cham
pionship 1911 team which tied the
Navy and defeated all other oppon
ents among whom were Cornell and
Pennsylvania, have returned to
college. The second string men
from last year’s squad remaining in
college are McVean, Lamb, Fisher,
Foster, Smith, Hartman, Sayre,
Vogt, Vogle, Weston, Welty, Ford,
Tobin and Welling. Of the sixty
new candidates who have reported
to the coaches, DeVine, of Harris
burg High, Sarver, of East Liberty
Academy, Haven, of Wilkinsburg
High, McNulty and Wood, of Mer
cersburg, are a few of those who
have shown more than ordinary
ability. All these candidates are in
excellent condition with the excep
tion of Sayre and Smith who are
suffering from injuries received in
scrimmage last Saturday and Engle
and Bebout whose knees are both
;; cfiiig-them.
■*T“wi?'nnxv«i« ' T -y
. The .loss of Harlow and. Hermann
through' graduation; will ( be, '.keenly
. -—"J ■ +*+ «•*»<****«},
down piints and tackling,was unsur-
method of kicking was an import
ant factor in many games. To re
place these two men is a problem
for the coaches to solve. Page T 3,
who was injured in the Penn game
last year will be unable to play on
account of parental objections.
Goedecke, King and Barry failed to
return to college.
The 1912 team is favored with
the best coaching and training that
can be obtained. “Big Bill” who
turned out the undefeated 1909 and
1911_ State teams is the capable
head coach. Bill will be assisted
by Bob Reed, the old Princeton
star and Dick Harlow T 2, who
played so consistently for the State
eleven last fall. Dr. Daniel Luby is
the new physical director of the
team. Dr. Luby attended Exeter
in 1903, Mercersburg 1905 and was
graduated in medicine at Penn in
1910. He was with Coach Hollen
bach at the University of Missouri
in 1910 and for two years he has
been in the Bellevue hospital in
New York City from which place
he comes to Penn State.
The 1912 football schedule as ar
ranged by Manager Kerr is more
attractive than those of former
years and calls for four games to be
played on Beaver Field and four
on foreign territory. State’s
season opens October 5 at home
with Coach Ramsdeli’s Carnegie
Tech team of Pittsburgh as oppon
ents. The following week Penn
State meets W. and J. on New
Beaver which game should prove to
be the most interesting and hardest
of the home encounters. The re
sults of the four major conflicts,
Scheduled away from home, will be
watched by the athletic world with
much interest.
The 1912 schedule.
Oct. s—Carnegie5—Carnegie Tech at State
Oct. 12 —Washington and Jeffer
son at State College.
Oct. 19 —Cornell at Ithaca, N. Y.
Oct. 26 —Gettysburg at Stale
Nov. 2 —University of Pennsyl
vania at Philadelphia.
Nov. 9 —Villanova at State Col
Nov. 16 —Ohio State University
at Columbus, O.
Nov. 28 —University of Pitts
burgh at Pittsburgh.
Track Trials.
The Freshman-Sophomore track
trials held Saturday afternoon
brought out an unusually large num
ber of new men. In the run-
ning events some very promis
ing material was noticed. This was
also true of the high jump. Owing
to more experience several T 5 men
were excused from the finals in the
various events, thus making place
for the new men.
The summaries follow: —
100 yard dash —Won by Smith
T 6; second, Robinson T 6; third
Mason. Time 11 sec.
220 yard dash: —Won by White
T 6; second, Mason; third, Stewart
T 6. Time 26.1 sec.
440 yard dash: —Won by Denny;
second, Shelly; third, Quiggle.
Time 59.2 sec.
Half mile run: —Won by Sharp
T 5; second Reyburn. Time 2'min.
One mile run: —Won by Schroder
. .Two mile run: —Worn -by Snyder;
11 min; 5 sec.'
-- 120-yard-hurdle*—-Won-by-Hamd
met 'l6; second Hancock. Time
18.1 sec.
220 yard low hurdle: —Won by
Student Directory Free
A complete Student Directory will •
be given free to every student who i '
pay 3 his or her subscription to the : ;
Penn State Collegian. Get in on,
the $1.25 rate.
! -i
Seyden; second, Jeffries. Time
31 sec.
High jump:—Won by Pickett;
second Brown; third Dippie, Gill.
Height 5 ft. 6 in.
Broad jump:—Won by Clemmer
T 5; second Robinson; third Palmer.
Distance 19 ft. 2 1-2 in.
Pole Vault: —Tie between Math
ers T 5 and Bingaman T 6. Height
9 ft.
Elections of Captains and Managers.
R. B. Whitney, T 3, and H. A.
Lum, 'l3, have been, elected,
respectively, baseball captain
and track captain for this
year. C. A. Keyser, T 4, is
captain of cross-country running.
H. M. Clarke, 'l3, was recently
elected track manager for this year.
Manager Clarke has plans for a
much larger track schedule than we
have had for many years. George
F. Vosburg, T 3, is manager of the
baseball team that will represent us
on the diamond mset spring.
New Building Will .
Conditions in '
Group. ’ikj
Much interest has, 1 !
as to the uses to whi
f' _£>
“engineering unit,”
rear of the engineer!
to be put. This bi
who have examinee
is about 110 feet li
wide. It contains i(
dows and also skylif
ing it an unusuallj
building for fine
is constructed of bi and .jjrown
stone on the exterir The-interior
has the first floor ividefa by a
partition and a floor; :oncr£te; the
second floor is in tn ' of«a wide
gallery. This is or< shop con
struction and permil ; erection of
large structures in tj renter part.
The first floor is > contain the
civil engineering 'uments, the
concrete laboratorie! id-“the -oad
making materials . iratory from
the Department ‘o! vil Engineer
ing; it also is to cot in the electro
chemical the! appa
ratus for high vplta§e electrical in
\ estigation from ‘the'jpepartment of
Electrical Engineering.- Thejgallery
is to contain the telephone‘labora
tory equipment and p large amount
of the general electrical testing ap
paratus; it also ’ is ‘.b contain the
'Chipping’"and" (filling, and; sheet
metal £sm the Depart
gagctgf —-
On account of the unusual growth
o£.the_ College. Jlnd the numbernf
men taking subjeers in the School
of Engineering, the construction of
this new unit became absolutely es
sential, and it will do much to re
lieve the congestion, resulting from
contracted floor s'pace. .
The general plans for the growth
of the buildings of the School of
Engineering, (as the work-:makes
such growth necessary,) include
the erection of three additional
units between the one now'. being
completed, and the rear of the main
engineering building. Two o f f these
are to be used for the shops of the
Industrial Ergineering Department,
and the last two,"including tire pres
ent one, are to be the
Department cf. Electrical. Engi
neering. It is expected that-at least
two, including the present One, are
to be occupied by the Department
of Electrical lt is
expected that atileast tweyand. pos
sibly three, of these units will be
erected in a comparatively! short
time. !'
Another line of extehsioniwill be
along the south ride of the railroad
from the rear of the 'bpjlerj house
toward the mining group'ahcEinclud
r - J
dBER 26, 1912
ing the space occupied by the Belle
fonte Central Railway Station. The
first unit of this group of connected
units lying next to the boiler house
will become the new power plant-
The unit beyond that will become
an annex to the mechanical engineer
ing laboratories and will be devoted
particularly to steam engineering.
Beyond that will lie the transporta
tion unit, which will contain the
locomotive, dynamometer car, sig
nal apparatus, etc., etc. It is hoped
that the transportation unit will be
erected in the very near future.
:he fihe new
:ted 'at the
building, is
ing, as those
havej noted,
by io feet
jerovls win
:s, thus mak
•well Jighted
This unit
Further extensions will be between
the-present buildings and the Arm
ory and will be a continuation of the
unit system explained above.
It is thus seen that the plans pro
posed for extension of facilities for
training young men for such indus
tries as lequire engineering educa
tion are simple and comparatively
easy of accomplishment. The new
class rooms and laboratories in Mc-
Allister Hall will greatly relieve
crowded conditions. Further col
lege extension, such as new buildings
and improvements to the campus
and walks, will be continued as soon
as possible.
7:00 p. m. Engineering Building.
Philadelphia Club Smoker.
1:30 p. m. Old Beaver Field.
Pushball Scrap between
-- - and-Freshmen.
2:00 p. m. New Beaver Field.
Earsit". Fu . Prn-K-G
2:30 p. m. Old Beaver Field.
Varsity Football-Practice: '
10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh
man Service.
11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel
6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M. C.
A. Meeting. Prof. Watts and
Prof. Agee will speak.
6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Prayer
Scholarship Lists.
In order to avoid possible misun
derstanding, the Registrar wishes
students of the College to know
that, in accordance with the College
regulations, the lists of candidates
who are eligible for “The Louise
Carnegie” and “The John W.
White” Scholarships in the three
lower classes are made out during
the summer, between July 1 and
August 1, on the basis of College
work already completed; but that
no one can be considered as eligible
who, at the time of making up these
lists, has any deficiencies whatso
ever standing against him. It is
therefore evident that freshmen who
are admitted to College with an en
trance condition should remove this
deficiency before July 1 of their
first year in college, if they wish to
be considered eligible for the
Scholarship list.
The Registration of New Men.
The total registration of all new
men who have entered the Pennsyl
vania State College,at noon Tuesday
was 745. Of these new men, 614 are
freshmen, 112 two year specials and
16 new upper-class men.
Band and Orchestra Elections.
J. E. Heester has been elected to
the leadership of the College
Orchestra and W. A. Moyer to that
of the Cadet Band. Both men will
hold their positions for one year.
Last Summer’s Student Conference
a Great Success— Penn State
Students in Majority—Contests
The Conference held at Eagles
Mere last June met with success un
precemed in the history of con
ferences in this district. Not alone
must praise be accorded to the sev
eral institutions which helped to
compose this happy venture, but
especial commendation is due to
Penn State, for we had the largest
delegation in attendance.
The scope of this gathering did
not only confine itself to large num
bers, but an intense amount of
spirit and enthusiasm was manifest
ed in that assemblage among the
mountains. Meetings were held in
the mornings and in the evening,
while athletic games held the atten
tion of the delegation during the
Men from fortyfive different in
stitutions were present at Eagles
Mere. Some of the following well
known personages were there from
State College.—President Sparks,
General Beaver, Dean Holmes, Pro
fessor Pattee, Mi. Richardson, Ray
Smith, Pop Golden, Reverend Mar
tin. and Professor and Mrs. Agee.
Messrs. Mott, Speer, Seeley, Car
rens, and Holmes took active part
in the leadership. The State
quartet took care of the musical end
of the Stay aT Ea'gles’Mere.
At the conference the SO repre-
needed in capturing a large majority
of-the- athletic- "honors,-"in ' spite-of "■
the keen competition of such ui i
versities as, Columbia, Princeton
and John Hopkins. Some of Penn
State’s best athletes attended the
meetings, and looked out for the
interests of their Alma Mater in
reference to the moral and the ath
letic activities.
In base bail Puni State first play
ed Cornell, and won the game by
the score of 5-3. The second game
was captured from a team made up
of Cornell and John Hopkins men,
and placed our delegation in line
for the finals. The final game was
played against the combined Ohio
colleges. The game was very
closely contested, and the score was
2-2 in the ninth, when Very stole
home and won the game for Penn
State. The batting of Knight and
Harlow was the main feature of the
game. The battery was Harlow
and Me Vean.
In basket-ball State did equally
well beating Princeton by a score of
22-5, and Johns Hopkins with 27-1.
In reference to track, our boys
achieved splendid success. Lamb
took second place in the 100 yard
dash. Foster came in third in the
hurdles. In the quarter mile Ley
den came in second, and he suc
ceeded in getting first in the half
mile run. The high jump laurels
were apprehended by Armsby, and
Lamb gotgfirst in the Shot-put, with
Very coming in third. Of the four
teen men entered in the three ar.d
oi.e half mile cross country, Key:er
came in first and Allen came in
fifth. Grubbs won the obstac !e
race and Keyser came in third. In
the potato race the first and second
places were gained by Miller ai d
Rhinehard, respectively. Lair b
got second place in the 50 yard
Princeton carried off the victories
for most of the aquatic sports, al
thougl Cornell defeated- Penn State
in the final canoe-tilting contest.
Throughout the different athletic
meets a spirit of good-fellov. Ehlp