Continued from page 1 opened with greetings by Dean Jackson and Professor Kinsloe. The convention discussed prin cipally, dispatching by telephone; the preservation of mine timber, arid wjireless telegraphy for rail road purposes. Mr. J. J. Johnson, General Su perintendent of Telegraphs of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, presided, and prominent represen tatives from all parts of the sys tem east of the Allegheny Moun tains were present. The special train carrying the guests left here about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The railway dispatchers are much interested in wireless tel egraphy as a possible instrument wthereby communications can be maintained between stations in case of the breakdown of the or dinary methods of communica tions, and examined the College wireless equipment with care. : Football Prospects for 1912. (The results accomplished through the inauguration of spring fcjotball practice at Penn State have been extremely gratifying. It'dias given the new men an op portunity to gain confidence and to' become acquainted with .the system and style of play in use hepe. Among those who have showed up well in practice are Shupe, Welty, McVean and Bticzko. for the football sea son of 1912 appear very bright at tli,s present writing. With but four men gone from last year’s championship eleven, it looks as if wb shall have another champion ship team this year. The back fveld positions made vacant by Barry, King' and Barrett leaving CpUege will be filled by Barron and Berryman. From present in dications, Lamb will make a strong bid for the position of tackle left vacant by the gradua tion of Harlow. Bean Jackson Interested in Alumni. During Dean Jackson’s recent trip, he attended, with Mr. R. H. Smith, the Section Alumni meet ing at Scranton; a meeting of an other section just forming at Buf falo, and the convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at Schenectady, where he spoke at the convention dinner upon the responsibility of engi neering organizations for the pub lic welfare. He also attended the notable banquet and conference at tlie University Club in New York of the ex-presidents, managers, and a few others of the organiza tion named above who were gath ered together upon the invitation of the President, Gano Dunn. Verein.” During the past college year probably no'society has met with greater success than the“Deutsch er Verein.” This is chiefly due to the active interest shown by tlie individual members. The play produced by the “Verein” this year was so well received that •h more elaborate production is be ing planned for next year. ; 'All students who have talent •along the dramatical line, and are ’idonversant with German, are so licited to join the “Verein,” and to go out for the play. Mr. Garvepin Science, Madison J.l Garver recently read "v. - important paper before tKe 'Canadian Royal Society. Dur /ing the past couple of years Pro -1 'fessor Garver has presented to the scientific world some results of his researches, which are of extraor dinary value and are attracting world-wide attention. He is set ting forth, in an apparently unas sailjable manner, important scien tific facts which evidently are Wading to a new advance along certain lines of science. i I >' '' i Headquarters for TKe Toggery Shop — WALK-OVER ftL... EDUCATOR • CRAWFORD NilflrX PATRICIAN BANISTER VIIUUU COUSINS Mens Furnishings '* A. G. 1 Always in stock, a good line of gym- Spalding & Bro’s Athletic | nasium shoes. JUST ARRIVED; A line Goods TKe Heidcap and of early Spring Shoes, in both Men's. Tailormade Clothing v , and Womens. A full assortment of (allege Pennants *s t v v c. w. smith O N. FISHER South Allen Street Successor’to A. H. Hartswlck if you want employment and can afford to prepare, for a paying po sition GOING INTO BUSINESS ? Then investigate EASTMAN before you decide on your college. Consider What it will mean to you to begin busi ness “full panoplied” as Minerva sprang from the head of Jove—equipped BEFOREHAND with what most col lege men and women have to learn aft er graduating through a long, painful, poorly paid or costly apprenticeship. EASTMAN teaches all that is essen tial to training for business—during college life, a wholesome, energizing experience, affording, time and money considered, just as much of all the cul tural activities— physical, and social-while you are in college, and very much more after you are through. For EASTMAN graduates are ready for work and are not obliged to hunt aimlessly for “something to do.” Po sitions are offered them promptly, and they earn higher salaries at the start and advance faster up because they KNOW BUSINESS before they begin. The prospectus of the school will tell you what is taught—and how. Write to-day for interesting and in spiring publication. “There are many business schools but only one EAST MAN.” Clement C. Gaines, M.A., L.L.D. Box C. C., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. The Enterprise Clothing Store' 125 South flllen Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, readymade suits .In stock. Orders taken for made to order clothing. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT KC. V-mvwUx, Titov NOTICE! The largest and best line of APOtIO CHOCOLATES in town can be found at Harveyßrothers Bakers and Confectioners —SUNDAES and SODAS— our great specialty TKe Nittanylnn Building PENN WSTATEI {COLLEGIAN State College Billiard Parlors BASEMENT ROBISON BLOCK Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek’s Fool Room J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT „ South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING Established 1831 PRESSING CLEANING REPAIRING The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Surplus $125,000 Jttt K. Barnhart Cashier Capital $lOO,OOO CbarleaMcCurdy President I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Qaality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street Sheffler's * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups McAllister IHLeill State College Dining Room ~j • > Under New Ma^ageme^t Students’ regular board a week $3,00 Students’ single meals 35c Transiint 50c Gafe-rmgf to Fr ti &.& erne! Gftvft&es a .Spe.oi&.f’tg. All new equipment A. L. BASCOMB & BROTHERS, •-Proprietors VISIT THE IGttaxwi fisvqjxt, ALaai atiA -Pomer Comyatvg SiaAa CoVVea®, Vewa’a. A, G. SPALDING & BROS. are the lLargest Manufacturers i n the World of TKe Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the world as a IP vn are interested IP IllU i° Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It's a complete endydopedia of of WHAT’S NEW IN SPORT and is seat free on request Guarantee of Quality •w YORK'; _ NEI 126-12> Nassau Street 29-33 West 43d Street BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE PENNA Kate per day $2 50 Wltli bath S 3 per day W. L. DAGGETT Cooler’s ALovks DYEINd AND DRY CLEANER] Goods sent on Thursdays of each week td,Ya. ‘B.ow&Vr®® 119 South Burrowes Street F. D. WEAVER UP-TO-DATE LIVERY Opposite the Pastime Both Phones The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D. ' Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet-Articles j Students’ Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty • STATE JEWELRY Agency for WHITMAN’S CHOCOLATES “Sovl C. A. Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street "PVWsYKrtgVk, "Pa. E. L. Graham & Company Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAG MAN Strictly : Firatclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen- Street \ R. C. PEARCE 1 Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce-, ries and Queensware Hotel Block . W. College Ave
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