STM CAST AN $ ALL The College Boy’s Wedding to be Given Bay of Graduation—Good Matinee Promised. “The College Boy’s Wedding,” the brilliant Y. M. C. A. produc tion- which achieved such a dis- tinct hit upon its initial presenta tion, will be repeated for Com mencement Matinee Wednesday, June .12, at 2 p. m., following the graduation in the Auditorium. In the vernacular of New York along “The Great White Way,” the Y. M. C. A. this year certainly “Put one over.” The play and its finished production proved a con stant delight. Dramatic Director G. Stuart Brodock has developed from the first cast several hitherto unsuspected dramatic geniuses, whose work-placed them at once among the stars of the college world. will Professor John.,S. Mrs. Frank D. Gardner, Paul I. Moyer, Frank G. Ashbrook, and Miss Margaret Lawsing, in character, work, and Fred M...Selkregg, Gordon, J. F. Heron, and Harold T. Swisher, as breezy light comedians, twinkle at the Commencement matinee. Just to prove that the Y. M. C. A. of Penn State College is the “Last word” in things dramatic, Director Brodock has arranged an “All Star Cf>st” for The College Boy’s Wedding. It is composed of imported stars, besides the for mer cast mentioned, .and several of last year’s “College Widow” principals. Mrs. Benjamin Dreifus, long conceded the cleverest of the lead ing society women of Altoona, will repeat her charming, portrayal of “Ruth-?.’ Mrs. Grace F. McMur trie, inimitable in character roles, will .appear .as the stately “Mrs. Ralstjon,’? also doubling the dashing . chaperon, role, “Miss Waterson.’,’ The leading juvenile part, “Frank Ralston,” the “Col lege boy,” will be played by a professional actor, Mr. Arthur Deering, now a student of Penn State. Mr. Deering was associ ated two years in leading roles with Miss May Robson, in “The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary,” which engagement included a two months run in London, England. The hit of last spring, the “Col lege Widow,” was S. F. Miles, who has the role' of “Professor Tickle Pitcher,” the comedian of the “College Boy’s Wedding,” in which he is inimitable. Another change is Oliver J. Vogel, who in the present cast doubles with “Zeke.” Catchy new songs will be pro duced by Professor Crandell, Mr. Miles, Mr. James A. Leyden, and his quartet composed of James Kiester, Alex Gray and L. Key ser. The student body is advised to secure seats early and assure “a tonic of real joy” for their guests, as every indication points to a ca pacity matinee. Varsity Tennis. • The record of the Varsity ten nis team for the past season of two matches won and three lost is one which carries with it credit. From the opening of the season, bad weather conditions have ren dered it practically impossible for the players to get sufficient prac tice to show their best form, and it is mainly due to this cause, in addition - to having as opponents in the first three matches teams of first-class ability, that we were unable to make a better showing. Penn State defeated Dickinson and Gettysburg.and lost to Penn, and Pitt; twice. , ' IMPROVEMENTS ON CAMPUS. Several New Buildings Will in the Future Relieve , Crowded Con ditions. The first of a series of four buildings to be erected to relieve the crowded conditions in the En gineering Building will be com pleted and ready for occupancy by September first. The building will be occupied for the present by the hvdro-electric furnaces and the ce ment laboratories. The new structures are to be placed between the present Ther mal Laboratory and the Engineer ing Building, the other three be ing similar in size and shape to the one under construction.- The buildings will be three stories high and will contain ample space for recitation, drawing and labora tory rooms. The three buildings yet to be started will be used by the Milling Department, as instrument and drawing rooms for the Gjyjl En gineering Department and v as test ing laboratories for the Mechan ical and Electrical Departments. These new structures are to be erected as soon as the necessary appropriations are granted by the State Legislature, and the entire group will probably be completed in six years. These new units will do away with the confusion and inconveni ence now experienced in the En gineering Building and will per mit that the main building be used exclusively for recitation rooms. The new additions will necessitate the removal of the present tem porary Thermal Laboratory, the Electrical Annex and the Presi dent’s house, the latter building to be placed in the orchard near the Library. The most important addition to the Agricultural group is the new Horticulture Building on Agricul tural Hill. This building, for the present, will have a temporary roof, and class rooms will only be installed on the ground floor. When the remainder of the appro priation is granted, two additional stories will be added. The re moval of the barn on the west side of the campus and the build ing of several other similar build 7 ings are contemplated to relieve the cramped and congested condij tions now found in the Agricult tural group. - j PENN ESTATE COLLEGIAN ANOTHER BIG VICTORY Varsity Track Team Overwhelming ly Defeats Dickinson—Two Local Records Broken. On nevy Beaver Field, May 25, Penn State outclassed Dickinson in this year’s first home dual track and field meet, winning by the one-sided score of 90to 21 J 4. The home team secured first place iii all the events with the exception of the 120-yard high and the 220-yard low hurdles, in which events Pier of State ran even with Rue of Dickinson. Maybee, who formerly held the Penn State pole vaulting record jointly with Hoskins, set a new local mark by clearing the bar at a height of 11 feet 6 inches. Piner lowered the Penn State 220-yard dash record by running the dis- swell Dwight Hillis of Brooklyn, Commencement Orator, Jui tance in 22 seconds flat. ■A.First and second places counted: : five and three points, respectively.! The summaries follow: • .100-yard dash Piner, Penn State, first; Garton, Dickinson, second. Time, 10 seconds. * 220-yard dash Piner, Penn State, first; Garton, Dickinson, second. Time, 22 seconds. 220-yard low hurdles Pier, Penn State, and Rue, Dickinson, dead heat. Time, 26.1 seconds. 120 yard high hurdles—Pier, Penn State, and Rue, Dickinson, dead heat. Time, 16.1 seconds. Quarter mile run Leyden, Penn State, first; Reinhardt, Penn State, second. Time, 52 seconds. Half-mile run Lewis, Penn State, first; Lum, State, second. Time, 2 minutes 7 seconds. One mile run—Lum, Penn State, first; Watts, Penn State, second. Time, 4 minutes 38 4-5 seconds. Two mile run—Kaiser, Penn State, first; Watts, Penn State, second. Time, 10 minutes 4-5 sec onds. Running broad jump—Clem mcr, Penn State, first; Henny, Penn-State, second. Distance, 22 fcct-4J4 inches. High jump Elliott, Penn State, first; Armsby, Penn State, and Marvel, Dickinson, tied for second. Distance, 5 feet 4 inches. Discus throw Lamb, Penn State, first; Ewing, State, second. Distance, 110 feet 6 inches, j Eagles Mere, Eagles ■ Mere is a go. There will be at least a hundred and twenty-five Penn State then at Eagles Mere, and justly so, as it appeals to every type of college man, if he is a member of the As sociation or not. First; It appeals to the man who demands a good time, be cause no where else will he have the opportunity of meeting so many college men under such ideal circumstances. It is legiti mate for any man to go in view of the fellows he will meet and the friendships he will make. Here you will have the opportunity of knowing the men intimately of whose athletic prowess you read in the big dailies. Second; It will attract men who want to be under the guidance of real leaders of men. One of the greatest living men to-day, John R. Mott, will be at this con ference. It is a fact worthy to know that this man is not a miner or an engineer, but is a Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Secretary of the World’s Student Movement. Rob ert E. Speer, one of the three most brilliant men who ever graduated from Princeton, is another leader; not to speak of Dean Holmes, Kairns, who comes all the way from Scotland, and the score or more of student experts who will be there for interviews during the conference. Third; It appeals to the man who wants training for religious leadership, a man who desires to increase his efficiency in work for other men, and in short the man who wants to be a human engi neer, and become a dynamic in the lives of men. The difficulty of a slim purse at this time of the year has been bridged by the receipts of ‘‘The College Bov’s Wedding,” which allows for a loan to any man who needs the money, giving his note as security. Pole vault Maybee, Penn State, first; Hoskins and Hays, Penn State, tied for second. Dis tance, 11 feet 6 inches. Shot put—Lamb, Penn State, first; Felton, Efickinson, second. Distance, 40 feet 9 inches. Hammer throw—Lamb, Penn State, first; Felton, Dickinson, second. Distance, 139 feet IJ4 inches. “THE COMMANDANT” Thespian Commencement Production to be Better Than Ever on Tues- day Evening. On Tuesday evening of Com mencement week, at 8.15, in the Auditorium, the Thespians will again present this year’s play, “The Commandant.” The an nual Easter trip of the company, taking in Lancaster, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Clearfield, Dußois, and Bellefonte.was the most successful one in years—the audiences made up in enthusiasm what they often lacked in numbers, and this year’s production, by its worth, has more than ensured the success of future Thespian trips. No one who saw the first ap pearance of “The Commandant” in State College needs to be urged to sec the Commencement show. Since Easter the actors and ac torines have been striving to per fect all details, and their efforts have been more than rewarded. Stage effects and costumes will be more gorgeous than ever at the grand masked ball, and at the Japanese “Feast of the Lan terns.” The songs and dances which made such hits in earlier performances of “The Command-' ant” will be repeated. The “Man ager’s Finale,” as given in Belle fonte by Christ, Skinner and But terfield, is a feature alone worth the price of admission. And those queens!—gliding about the stage, in terpsichorean revelry how they fascinate the susceptible male heart by their grace and beauty! But words fail us. Let it suffice to say, “Let no man deny himself the pleasure of seeing the very last great performance of “The Commandant.” The Graduate Manager^. Mr. R. I-I. Smith, graduate man ager ,of athletics at-Pent)-. State, has just completed a yearjs serv ice at the head of our athletics. Mr. Smith has systematized and reorganized thework of handling the athletic relations with other colleges. In addition to the suc cessful teams and the victories on ’ the gridiron, diamond, track, floor and mat, Penn State has been for tunate in having an alumnus at the head of all these who has looked after details and arrange ments with such business like ability. Mr. Smith, in making out thee football schedule for next fall, made ' a good selection in the Ohio State University game to be played in Columbus. This game will estab lish athletic relations with a neighboring state institution that is rapidly coming to the front along all lines. In addition to looking after ath letics, Mr. Smith has also carried out the work of Alumnus Secre tary in a most satisfactory man ner. Three Alumni Quarterlies have been issued and the fourth will be ready for distribution next month. New interest in the col lege has been created and through encouragement several alumni as sociations have been formed in different sections of the country. Congratulations are due to Mr. Smith for his success in this im portant work. The Breaking Point. In reviewing Professor Pattee’s latest novel, “The Chicago Ad vance” says: “The book is the strongest bit of fiction of the spring season. Prof. Pattee has a style and way most convincing. He is not long drawn out and de cidedly to the point. Bctweenjthe ' first and last chapters we find a great story, a story-that holds our attention with a grip of (firmness, for the author knows life,”
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