Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, June 08, 1912, Image 1

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    Penn State
Dr. Sparks Here lor Commencement
After Spending a -Pleasant Trip
Penn State has many pleasures
to look forward to for this Com
mencemrnt, but one especially is of
significance and that is the return of
our President.
(Dr. ■ Sparks began his vacation
drip several months ago, and since
then he has seen and experienced
many interesting things. ~ He has
visited Egypt and Turkey, and has
; been oh,' foreign waters. It would
be relate how he spent
his time, for we have been fortunate
•enough in having received several
interesting letters from Egypt and
Turkey, and we all expect to hear
something about his travels in the
Dr> Sparks left to enjoy a much
needed rest on another continent.
It is to sbe hoped that he pomes
back to us feelffijg greatly refreshed
and bringing with him many pleas
ant reminiscences. We express the
sentiment of the faculty and stu
dents of State College, when we ex
tend to Dr. Sparks a most hearty
welcome. We hope that our
President may long enjoy the best
of health, so that Penn State may
prosper for many years to come
under his wise and tactful guidance.
Tuesday 'Will be the Day of Re
unions of Several Classes—The
Fiftieth-Anniversary of ’62.
As /.usual, ;Tuesday, June 11, of
Cotnmencpm&rtrweek will be alum
ni day and plans are being made to
have here for that day at least as
many as possible former Penn State
men. A special effort is being
made under the direction of ,Dr. G.
G. Pond to bring about a reunion of
the class of 1862, the second to
graduate from this institution.
The class''of* 1862 ’during their
years in' college had a total of
eighty-eight members, of whom
thirty-seven: are r ;now. living. Many
men did not graduate, but left'col
lege before completing their courses.
Of those men who received degrees,
only seven are now living, and it is
expected all of these men will
attend the reunion. They are: H.
R. Breneman, of Lancaster; R. H.
Furst, of Cedar Springs; Dr. George
Gleim, of Landsdowne; J. F. Miles,
of North Springfield; W. A. Shinn,
of Ossining, N. Y.; F. C. Watts, of
President E. E. Sparks
Chambersburg; and John I. Thomp
son, of Lemont, who is now acting
as treasurer of this college.
A number of active members of
this class who did not graduate are
expected to be here, and all will
take part in the alumni parade. In
the Auditorium at 11:00 a. m., a
Dr. Arthur Holmes,
public Welcome will be extended to
the class of ’62, and the usual alumni
reception will be held in the even
ing in McAllister Hall.
Alumni Day this year will be a
very successful feature of the Com
mencement program, and the Penn
State men of today may well feel
proud to be able to display their
college with all its improvements to
the men of '62, who attended a
Farmer’s High School.
Convention of the Division Operators.
The Annual Convention of the
Division Operators of the Penn
sylvania System met here on Sat
urday, May 25th. The formal
meeting of the convention was
called to order at 10 a. m. in the
foyer* of the Auditorium, and
Cootioued oo page t) f column 1
Team Wins Majority of Games.
Much Credit is Due Coach Man
ning and Captain Eberlein.
At the end of the first few days
of practice, Penn State's piospccts
for a winning baseball team were
none too bright. Two outfielders,
the shortstop, first baseman and
one pitcher were the only “S” men
remaining from last year’s varsity.
But Manager Devor has given us a
winning tejm, one which has lived
up to the standard set by former
Penn State nines. Credit is due to
every member of the squad for the
bringing about of this result.
Especially is credit due to Coach
Manning and Captain Eberlein, to
gether with the remaining infielders,
Blythe, Carson, and Bien, who are
playing their last games for their
Alma Mater.
Coach Manning s well qualified
to turn out a winning team. A na
tive of Williamsport, he made a
name for himself as a pitcher by
helping the “Millionaires” win the
Tri State Pennant. He then went
to the New York Americans and
last year helped Beading win the
Tri State Pennant. This year, with
Dean-elect of the General Faculty, who will deliver the Baccalauri
Allentown, he is again one of the
leading pitchers of the league. He
not only knows the fine points of
the game but can teach them to
others. His tact and geniality
made him popular with players and
fans and secured their best efforts
and support for a winning team.
Penn State is for him.
Captain Jack Eberlein will al
ways be ranked as one of State’s
best leader’s on -the diamond. A
clean, fair-minded, enthusiastic
player, he has been a big factor in
instilling team work and the
proper Penn State fighting spirit
into his men. “Spi” Blythe was
shifted from short to second, where
he has been playing the most con
sistent game of his career. Carson
and Bien were brought from the out-
field to cover third and short, re
spectively. They have proved to be
the right men for the places and the
left side of the diamond has been
well defended. Penn State’s infield
will be hard to replace next year.
McKibben, Craig, and Crawford
make an outfield strong both on de
| fense and offense. Theii hits have
been responsible for many runs.
Success has also been largely due
to the consistent pitching of Whit
ney and Wardwell, who have a ic
tories to their credit over such
strong teams as Princeton, A. and
M., of Carolina, Washington and
Lee, and West Point. Henderson
took good care of the receivirg end
until he was injured, since which
time Vogt has proved to be an able
Sixteen games have been played,
eleven of which have been on for
eign fields. Four games have been
cancelled on account of rain, three
of which were to have been played
here. Thus far eleven victories
have been won. Games are still to be
played here with U. of Pittsburgh
on Saturday, June 8, and with Lehigh
University Tuesday, June 11. We
look for victories.
Summary of Season: On foreign
:ate Sermon, June 9.
April 3, Penn State 7, U. of S.
Carolina 11.
April 4, Penn State 8, U. of S.
Carolina 7.
April 5, Penn State 7, A. and M,
of N. Carolina 2.
April 6, Penn State 14, Staunton
Military Academy 2.
' April 8, Penn State 3, Washing
ton and Lee 6.
April 9, Penn State 6, Washing
ton and Lee 2.
April 24, Penn State 4, Princeton
University 1.
May 3, Penn State 7, Dickinson
College 0.
May 14, Penn Slate 0, Cornell
University 2.
May 17, Penn State 1, Holy
Cross 3.
May 18, Penn State 5, West
Point 2.
Captain libtrlein
On Beaver Field :
April 13, Penn State 4, Carnegie
Tech 3.
April 20, Penn State 20, Susque
hanna University o.s
April 27, Penn State 10, Dickin
son College 0.
May 11, Penn S'ate 1,-"-Notre
Dame 6.
May 25, Penn State 8, Frmiklin
and Marshall 1.
Reunion of the Class of 1892.'
Tile twentieth reunion of the
class of ’92 will he held this Com
mencement. In the class twenty
three men graduated. The larger
number of these and several cx
members will attend the reunion.
A class dinner will be held Mon
day evening at the Spruce Creek
Rod and Gun Club. A few of the
prominent men of the class who
are expected arc: J. F. Shields
and A C. Read, Trustees of the
college: E \Y. Hush, President of
Ihe Alumni Association; C. E
Anil, C. M. Id. Atherton, W. W.
liohn, C. C. Hildebrand, C. 11.
Hilo, and M. S. McDowell, of the
Department of Agricultural Ex-
Military Inspection,
It is the prevailing opinion of
hose closely associated with mil-
airy affairs of the college, that
the recent inspection will prove to
be .one of the most satisfactory of
Although the report of the in
specting officer will not be pub
lished until next fall, it is assumed
that bis report will be favorable.
The dress parade and inspection
were very satisfactory—as were
also the battalion -drills and at
If the regiment shows up well
at Commencement, it will have a
very good record for this year,
which is especially commendable
because of its increased numbers.
Return of Library Books.
All books should be returned to
the Library at once. The annual
inventory and the needs of the
Summer School call for the re
turn of all hooks.