THe Quality Shop An eAablishment which is noted for its fine quality of letterpress printing *.* Every order receives the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfasflion The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company v State College Tennis Match Called Off. Unfavorable weather conditions and wet courts made it impossible to play the tennis match scheduled with Lehigh University for Satur day, May 18th. On Friday and Saturday, May 24th and 25th, the Varsity will meet Dickinson and Gettysburg, respectively, away from home. • •»t'jjit Hart ScLai We handle the proper clothes for any game, be it tennis, motoring 1 , or formal evening wear. Sample garments, high grade ready to wear clothes Custom Tailoring Neckwear, Shirts Rainproofed Straw Hats “ SIM THE CLOTHIER CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN Niltany Inn Block, College Ave. Clothes Distributor'of Hart, SchafTner & Marx; Garson Meyers & Co.; Pell heim. TRe Toggery Shop Men’s Furnishings v A. G. Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods THe Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing v t A full assortment of (gllege Pennants x v "t t let Be Marx Outing Trousers r-ri PENNSSTATEJ (COLLEGIAN C. W. SMITH South Allen Street State College Billiard Parlors Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek’s Pool Room J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice HENRY GRIMM FINE •TAILORING Established 1831 OLEANINQ REPAIRING The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital $lOO,OOO CharlesMcCurdy President, I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street Sheffler’s * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups IHEo.II State College Dining Room Under New Mapagemeot Students’ regular board a week $3.00 Students’ single meals 35c Transient 50c GoJfermgf tS'Frafe-rraities h.i2el a. Spe©-iaPt£ All new equipment A. L. BASCOMB & BROTHERS, Proprietors Headquarters for WALK-OVER EDUCATOR CRAWEORD \nflßfv PATRICIAN BANISTER WIIUIIU COUSINS Always in stock, a good line of gym nasium shoes. JUST ARRIVED: A line of early Spring Shoes, in both Men's and Womens. O N. FISHER Successor to A. H. Hartswlck IS I T THE BASEMENT ROBISON BLOCK at\A VotneT Gompatva State toUeqe, "PeaVa A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THe' Spalding Trade-Mark is known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality PRESSING it. &. SHV! NEi 126-128 Nassau Street Surplus $125,000 Jat K. Barnhart Cashier BUSH HOUSE BEM.EFONTE PENNA liato per day $3 50 With bath $3 par day W. L. DAGGETT “Soolev’s "MDovks DYEING AND DRY CLEANING Goods sent on Thursdays of each week Ktra. "B.O’auitvee 119 South Burrowes Street F. D. WEAVER UP-TO-DATE LIVERY Opposite the Pastime Both Phones The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D. Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students’ Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Agency for WHITMAN’S CHOCOLATES are the lLargest Manufacturers i n the World of OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES C VOll are interested 11 IUU in Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It's a complete encyclopedia of of WHAT’S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request SDtttS 5) 'KB-fcS •W YORK 29-33 West 42d Streel E. L. Graham & Company Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAG MAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave 3oy\. C. A. Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street "Pa. 127 S. Allen Street R. C. PEARCE