INTER-COLLEGIATE DEBATE. Penn State vs. Franklin and Mar shall on Friday, March 1, at 8 P. M. in the Auditorium. The question to be debated upon by the Inter-Collegiate League this year is, Resolved, that the United States is justified in fortitying the Panama Canal. Concerned with this live and bristling topic of the day, our college team, is to set forth its ingenuity and argumentsi against those propounded by the F. and M. representatives. Let us hope that the balance will be weighted more heavily on our side. The affirmative team that will de bate F. and M. at Lancaster will be composed of: E. S. Ross, H. B Cranston, J. A. Kinney, W. H. Bul ock, alternate. The negative team will be com. posed of: Miles Horst, H. W Nichols, S. S. Levisee, W. D. Meik le alternate. Both the negative and the affirmative debate with F. and M. will be carried on under the inter collegiate rules. We won from F. and M. at Lancaster in 1901, score 2-1. The debates occur simulta neously on Mar. 2, the Swart;hmore teams being ptted against those of Dickinson. WE WONDER What the audience at the Y. M. C. A. show will be next year. If whistling is the best way to show appreciation at amateur shows. If we did not enjoy that whole holiday. If that was not a wicked wind which blew last Thursday. If it was not great to have skat ing right on our Campus. If that was not some corking big crowd at the wrestling meet on Sat urday. If we really did create a good im pression upon our visitors. Who dug up the hatchet. Why a McAllister Hall dance was not attempted before. If, too, this dance should not be made an annual affair. Why more of us did not attend the memorial service to Dr. Gill on Sunday. If Penn State will ever own decent side walks. Whether the annual freshman class gymnasium exhibition on March 30 will be as successful as last year’s event. Why moie of us are not taking advantage of the Indoor School Athletic Contest as arranged by Director Lewis. If the studes should not refrain from expectorating on the Armory floor. How much longer the hall of the Engineering Building will be block aded by Flour Milling machinery. Landscape Gardening Notes. At the last meeting of the Gard ening Society, Mr. E. J. Reeves T 3 gave a-very interesting talk of his summer’s experiences in the Buffalo Park System. The Juniors taking Landscape Gardening in company with Prof. Gregg, will spend ten days at East er studying ornamental trees shrubs and herbaceous perennials in the large Andorra Nurseries at Chestnut Hill, Pa. These nurseries owned by Mr. Wm. Warren Harper contain over three hundred acres of ornamentals, raised and handled especially for the finest landscape work. Opportunity will also be afforded to study some of the large private estates in the vicinity. Mr. Lehman T 3 is working on plans for the embellishment of the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania R. Rl in the vicinity of Altoona. The University of Illinois, Uni- ’ C N. FISHER Hie Toggery Shop Successor to A. H. hjartswlck Men’s Furnishings ? A. -G. Headquarters Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods 't TBe Heidcap and Tailormade Clothind * WALK-OVER AL-*. EDUCATOR lailormade Clothing * CRAWEORD XlinfiS PATRICIAN A full assortment of (allege BANISTER WIIUUU COUSINS Pennants "t 'v 's 't • Always in stock, a good line of gym nasium shoes. JUST ARRIVED: A line C W SMITH ■ of early s P rin S Shoes, in both Men's and Womens. South Allen Street » Steamship Tickets Schedules, rates and itinerary o£ trips quoted to Europe, Bermuda, Panama and other points W. B. HICKS Insurance and Steamship Agency Penn’a Altoona SatuoTS, qei Cops Sowas Co* Sous atvdi "OVaVag 72-74 Madison Ave, S. W. Chubb, Agent Phi Sigma Kappa House C.. KKAjevs’ 'Uo’asoTv.a.V T?avVor Hair Cutting a Specialty Moles arid Warts Removed versity of Notre Dame and the American Society of Landscape Architects have requested copies of the revised course in Landscape Gardening as it will be offered next year. Through the courtesy of the Dept of Landscape Architecture of Harvard , University, Prof. Gregg has been able to secure several very fine renderings in color and detailed plates. These are now on exhibi tion in the draughting room and are being studied by the men taking the course here. Voluntary Chapel Collection. Next Sunday there will be in augurated a new custom, a volun tary chapel collection, to support the philanthropic work of the col lege. This will do away with all special collections, such as Groff Day and Hampton Sunday. The movement is strictly a student one and has been advocated for several years. At a recent meeting it was put up to the student body and the vote was eight hundred sevonty-five to thirty-one in favor of the col lection. Don’t forget the German Play tonight* Admission 15 cents. Helen Barrett Montgomery. One of the most unique Ameri can women; an authoress, a club woman, and a Christian; will speak next Sunday morning at the Fresh man Chapel, the Sunday morning Chapel, and a meeting of the Senior Class, and also at the Association meeting. Don’t forget the Lehigh Penn State Wrestling meet in the Armory Saturday night at seven o’clock. PENN fSTATE] (COLLEGIAN The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South fillen Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, readymade suits in stock. Orders taken for made to order clothing. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek’s Pool Room d. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice HENRY GRIMM FINE •TAILORING Established 1831 CLEANING REPAIRING PRESSING The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital $lOO,OOO ‘ Charles McCurdy President \ Surplus $125,000 Jas K. Barnhart Cashier I. C,. HOMES STAPLE and FANG? GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street Sheffler's * Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups p-io.ll , State College Dining Room Under New MaijagemeQt Students’ regular board a week $3.00 Students’ single meals 35c Transient 50c GeJfermgj to FratSmitfsA txiQct Gfousseg a. .SpeoiaftK All new equipment [A. L. BASCOMB & BROTHERS, Proprietors TRe Quality Shop An establishment which is noted (or its fine quality of letterpress printing V Every order receives ihe personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company ? State College "fctvttMya 'V.e&t axvii "Pomex Gompaxt^ StaAe CoVVege, TJ&Wa. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the ILargest Manufacturers i n the World of Tie Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the IC Vfl 11 are interested 11 IU U 1“ Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It's a complete encyclopedia of of WHAT'S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request world as a Guarantee of Quality Tl. S. SH! SDWCS h m*6s ’W YORK.... NE. 125-123 Nassau Street 29-33 West42d Street BUSH HOUSE Beleefonte Penna liate per day eSO With batl. $3 per day W. h. DAGGETT—r- MOovks DYEINO AND DRY CLEANING Goods sent on Thursdays of each week 'TCtvs. 119 South Burrowes Street F. D, WEAVER UP-TO-DATE LIVERY Opposite the Pastime Both Phones Your attention is called to HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Full line of Fine Fresh Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream In Seasonable Flavors 'Excellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Building The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D. Druggist Drugs- -Sundries- -Stationery Toilet Articles Students’ Supplies -“Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Agency for WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES C. A. Blanchard Manager Tunn Avenue and Tenth Street WUsbutaVt, "Pa. E. L. Graham & Company Dry Goods Groceries' Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAG MAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street R. C. PEARCE Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave