Continued from page 1 sport in the playground movement, the Grammar schools, the High schools, and the preparatory schools of our country. In this way we could so influence the minds of our young men that by the time they are prepared to enter college they have a good, wholesome view of athletics, and will not sell them selves to the highest bidder. To me, this is the only solution to work out this perplexing problem.” Forestry Notes. From February 26 to March 2. Mr. S. B. Detweiler, executive offi cer of the Chestnut Blight commis sion will have his assistant in the blight work here for a series of lectures on Forestry and Plant Path ology. Prof. Fulton will give sev eral days of work with the micro scope in determining common plant diseases All work will be given in the Forestry Building. Mr. George H. Wirt, formerly in charge of the Forest Academy at Mont Alto, and Mr. Walter Ludwig, the state forester located at Boals burg, have been assigned here dur ing these meetings to give a series of talks for forestry students and the blight scouts on the forest policy of the state and the work on state reserves. O. E. Huse, 1912, is compelled to leave college, and will enter New Hampshire college, at Durham, New Hampshiie. Prof. Clark is considering as a location for the summer camp ihe property of N. P. Wheeler. The area, which is covered with an ex cellent stand of virgin white pine, lies in northwestern Forrest County and southern Warren County. The Department has received a gift from Victoria, Australia, of specimens of wood, seeds, oil, etc., obtained from Australian trees. | The Sophomores in the School of Agriculture and Experiment Sta tion have classified for the second semester, 1911-1912, as follows: Forestry, 25; Horticulture, 24; Agricultural Chemistry, 22; Agron omy, 19; Animal Husbandry, 15; Not stated, 8; Landscape Garden ing, 4; Dairy Husbandry, 3; Botany, 2. Total, 122. Track House Benefit a Success. Large crowds turned out to wit ness both matinees and the four evening performances last Saturday at the Pastime so as to add their little mite to the Track House Bene fit Fund. An additional evening oerformance was necessary to ac commodate all those who were en thusiastic about seeing the excel lent reels, the pleasing features and to help swell the proceeds. Those who carried out the details of the show and those who aided to make the day a success by offering their services in the way of special features deserve thanks and valu able mention. A handsome sum was raised and from this fund furnishings will be bought to improve the interior of the Track House. A detailed statement of the receipts and ex penditures in connection with the performances will be published next week in these columns. A New Dance. The Officers Club, consisting of fifty-one commissioned officers of the cadet regiment, will establish a Military Hop as an annual social function at Penn State on the night of February 10, at McAllister Hall. With all the members present in full uniform, with both military and popular music, with) refreshments at Captain Fry’s residence, and with appropriate decorations,this promis es to be a most unique affair from the time of assembly at eight o’clock until the sounding of taps at twelve. O N. FISHER TRe Toggery Shop Successor to A. H. Hartswlck Men’s Furnishings A. G. Headquarters for Spalding & Bro’s Athletic Goods THe Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing f s OlinAA EDUCATOR af n * * * „ „ CRAWFORD XnnDQ PATRICIAN A tull assortment of Qllege BANISTER WIIUUU COUSINS Pennants -s 's 's Always in stock, a good line of gym nasium shoes. JUST ARRIVED: A line C. W. SMI T H 0f early Spring Shoes, in both Men's and Womens. South Allen Street Superintendent Appointed. Mr. C. L. formerly with J. B. Beam, contractor, of Ty rone, is appointed superintendent of buildings and campus. Mr. R. S. Friday will retain the superintend ency of the heat, light, water and power plants, including repairs to plumbing, steam fitting and wiring in all buildings. His office and telephone will remain in the Engi neering Building. Mr. Hollinbaugh will have charge of the repairs to buildings, includ ing the work of carpenters, paint ers, roofers, and cement workers; he will have charge of the cleaning of the buildings; he will oversee the work of the janitors in co-operation with the deans; he will have charge of all campus laborers and of the construction of all buildings not under outside contract. His office will be be located in 173 Main, and he may be called by telephone in the Janitor’s Office, Main Building. Porto Rican Clu'_, The students from Porto Rico have organ'zed a club, the purpose of which is to encourage fellowship among the students from the is land, and to advertise our College in the island. The College is bi ing very widely advertised in the Port > Rican press. .Some evening in the near future there will be. given an entertain ment on Porto Rico, in the Old Chapel. That evening will be the Poto Rican Night under the au spices of the Cosmopolition Club. Many stories are told about Porto Rico and Porto Ricans which are not true. Due announcement of the entertainments will be made so come and hear both sides of the question. Engineering Lecture, Mr. George E. Hulse, chief engi neer, Safety Car Heating and Light ing company, New York, will give an illustrated lecture in Room 202, Engineering Building, on Friday afternoon of this week, February at 1:20. Senior, junior and sophomore Mechanicals will be excused to at tend but are to report first to their regular scheduled classes. Others invited. Mr. Hulse will speak on "The New Vapor Jet System of Car Heating.” By this system a tem perature of the radiator pipes may be obtained between 130 and 280 degrees. He will also show views of the Safety car axle lighting system. Italian Class. Those wishing to enter a class in beginning Italian are to meet Prof. Foster in Room 226 Main on Fri day at 5:10 to arrange hours. LOST —On Saturday, a dark blue sweater coat with roll collar. Finder will please notify H. W., care of Woman’s building. PENN t STATEI (COLLEGIAN The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South flllen Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, readymade suits in stock Orders taken for made to order clothing. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT Kt. V-utoUx, Ttov Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS ibIGARETTES Meek’s Pool Room J. B. MARTIN SOLL AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Fostoffice HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING Established 18. U CLEANING Repairing Pressing The First National Bank BELLEFONTE ' apital SIOO,W)U Charles McCurdy Surplus $125,000 Jas K. Barnhart Cashier I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCV GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street Sheffler’s * Restaurant I Opposite Hotel I Pies Sandwiches Soups } I McAllister f-letll 1 ! State College Dining Room n Under New Magagemeot B Students’regular board a week $3.00 Students’ single meals 35c Transient 50c I Gatsrit2o to I'ratei'Tsrties, a.T2cl tx [j All new,equipment jA. L. BASCOMB & BROTHERS, Proprietors | 7* TRe Quality Shop An establishment whuh is noted (or its fine quality o( letterpress printing V Every order ret elves the per* nal attention of the manager thus insurng perfect satisfaction The Nitlany Printing and Publishing Company v State College ' SaqWl, awA ■Potner Comyatva State Cottage, VeaVa A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the ILargest Manufacturers i n the World of Tfie Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the world as a 1C Vnil are interested IF TUU in Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It's a complete encyclopedia of of WHAT'S NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on request Guarantee of Quality it. &. SYStS,- :w YORK NE\ 126-12 Nassau Street 29-33 West 43d Street BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE PENNA Uato pur day *3 50 With bath S 3 per day VV. h. DAGGETT ‘3oo\.ev 1 s MDovV^s DVEINa AND DRY CLEANING Goods sent on Thursdays of each week Tttva. 'B.owadtTee 119 South Burrowes Street r F. D. WEAVER UP-TO-DATE LIVERY Opposite the Pastime Both Phones Your attention is called to HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Full line of FineFreshCiiocolaies always on band Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors Excellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Building The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D. Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students’ Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Agency for WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES Tvtt A£.o\d C. A. Blanchard Manager ■*4*" Penn Avenue and Tenth Street T?tt\sbxxTQ\v, T?a. E.L. Graham & Company Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAG M A N Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street R. C. PEARCE Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave