Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 01, 1912, Image 1
Penn State VOLUME 8 NUMBER IS EXPERIENCED MEN L4UNCH MOVEMENT Who’s Who in the Present Cam- paign at Penn State—Twenty two College Men Take Part. Work Carried on by Public Meet- ings and by Group aud Private Conferences. E. C. Mercer, a graduate of Uni versity of Virginia, one of the best known college rr en, will be here. Comes from an old Southern fami ly and is n nephew of former Presi dent Arthur. During his college days he learned the pace of the “fast set,” and found himself a tramp in New York City, and the story of his rise is facinating. Henry J. Wright, the most popu lar professor at Yale, author of “The Will of God," and “A Man’s Life Work” and other books which are of interest to the college man; popular speaker at all student summer conferences; leader of the freshman bible class at Yale; the man who won Billy Dewitt, will be here. Arthur J. Elliot, international sec retary for the West, known every where as “Dad,” one of the greatest ends Northwestern ever had; the leader of last year’s successful cam paign, will be here for the closing days. Mr. Huston is a member of the National Committee of 97, who have charge of the Men and Re ligion Forward Movement. Mr. Huston is a Mechanical Engineer and chairman of the Evangelistical Committee of the Presbyterian church of North America. Mrs. Huston is a woman of rare charac ter and a true mother and is noted for her philanthropy. The Rev. John R. Woodcock, the first student secretary of State’s Y. M. C. A.; Wm. J. Miller, former State secretary and now in relig ious work if Philadelphia will be present. The following men will also be here: —C. P. Davis, a senior in Wharton School and one of the association officers. He is a mem ber of the Friars, editor of the Red and Blue, an associate editor of the Record, and a member of the track team. Mr. Walton Mitchell, State 1890, vice-president of Board of Trustees. Joe Caughlin 1911, now doing Christian work in Hampton Insti tute. Joseph E. Platt 1910, secretary at Lehigh and also a member of the Student Volunteer Movement. S. S. H.tndershield of State. Vick Schmidt of Bucknell, captain of the football team; W. A. Goerning, the Y. M. C. A. secretary of Bucknell; and also L. M. Richardson and W. H. Edwards. Muhlenberg sends : Fry and Krutz. George W. Groff, State 1907, doing work in China, and Mr. Deer, the Pennsylvania Secretary, will be here; as will Mr. Martz who will lead the singing. In view of the tremendous sig nificance of a m..n’s college life during the four years in which he develops rapidly, it is of the high est importance that his religious nature be not neglected. Upon leaving home there is a natural break with his previous religious associations and a difference often stands in the way of his identifica tion with the same interests in his new surroundirgs. As a result many men pass through thcii entiie college course without seeing the need of or giving much serious thought to matters of religion. To supply this need, in many cf the colleges the plan has been trie d of conducting a campaign of four or five days duration to challerge the attention of the men,and to start them thinking seriously of these thirgs. In general, these campaigns consist of daily meetings in which aie presented in a rational manner, rea sons for religious faith. These meetings are supplemented Dy group mxci.', cud inteivieu - in which personal doubts and que: - dons are taken up. No sensational methods are employed, the aim be ing to presen', facts and truths of religion in a straight forward man ner for fair consideration. CALENDAR. THURSDAY, FEB. 1 6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Men md Religion Forward Movement. FRIDAY, FEB. 2 7:00 p. m. Meeting of Liberal Arts Society. Room K, Li brary. 7:30 p. m. Armory. Varsity Basketball. Franklin and Marshall vs. Penn State. 7:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Deutscher Verein. SATURDAY, FEB. 3 6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Men and Religion Forward Movement. 8:00 p. m. Auditorium. Wilbur Starr Co., in Y. M. C. A. En tertainment. SUNDAY, FEB. 4 10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh man Chapel services followed by Bible Class. 11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel Service by A. J. "Dad” Elliott. 6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Men and Religion Forward Move ment. MONDAY, FEB. 5 7:30 p. m. Armory. 1912 vs. 1913 class basketball. TUESDAY, FEB. G 7:00 p. m. Main. Important meeting of all county repre sentatives in the Press Club. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7 7:30 p. m. Armory, 1913 vs. 1915 in class basketball. Y. M. C. A. Course Entertainment. Next Saturday evening, Feb. 3, we shall have with us the Wilbur Starr company, which has achieved quite a name for itself in the way of musical entertaining. Mr. Starr has for some time been at the head of various musical de partments in the Western Univer sities, but finally his talents prompt ed him to give up an excellent po sition, and form a company which consists of Mr. and Mrs. Starr, Mc- Donald, Worthington, and Mr. Ried. In doing this he gratified his own desires, at the same time imparted much pleasure to his audiences. The program will probably con sist of selections by the Starr quar tette, impersonations by Mr. Starr, vocal, piano and cello solos by Mrs. Starr. A very pleasing and excellent performance is promised, and every one should make it a point to join the “four hundred” —to see this event, and thus to participate in the affairs of Penn State. Philadelphia Club picture and meeting on Saturday afternoon. Look for notices of the time. STATE COLLEGE, PA., FEBRUARY 1, 1912 COLLEGE TRUSTEES MEET I Annual Report Submitted •to Gov. 1 Tener—Trustees Elected. At the annual meeting of the trustees of this college held Jan. 23, at Harrisburg, the officers were re elected after submitting the annua l report of the institution to Gover- j ncr Tener. In the afternoon the ex ! etutive committee held a meeting, lat which many routine matters | w :re considered. 1 Gen. James A. Beaver, Belletonte, •w is re-elected president of the baard; H. Walton Mitchell, Pitts b..rg, vice president; Dr. Edwin E. Sparks, State College secretary; and John I. Thompson, Jr„ Lemont, treasurer. The latter succeeds John Hamilton, State College, who re s ’ned after serving 37 years as treasurer of the college. The board elected the following executive commitlee : James A. Beaver, Bellefonte; Vance C. Mc- Cormick, Harrisburg; Milton W. Lowry, Scranton; Ellis L. Orvis, Bellefonte; H. V. White, Blooms burg; H. Walton Mitchell and J. E. Quigley, Pittsburg, tne latter suc ceeding the late Gabriel Hiester. Appointments to the faculty were announced as follow;: E. Newton Bates, Lansing, Mich., instructor in I mechanical engineering; Ralph Hunt, Manhattan, Kan., assistant in agricultural chemistry; Miss Marg aret E. Lawsing, instr ictor in Indus trial Art, from the Scnool of Indus trial A't and Applied Science; Clarion L. Hollobaugh, of Tyrone, Pa., superintendent and campus; Sergeant M. C. Alien was advanced in rank from assistant, to instructor in military science, Mr. D. K. Peet's title was changed by adding the words, instructor in ac counting. The following additional business was transacted: —Res gnrticr.s v.eie received aid accepted from Dr. H. P. Baker, Professor H. R. Fulton, Miss Emma A. McFeely, Messrs. H. M. Glazier, W. H. Maclntyie; and J. W. Duckett. The resigna tion of W. N. Golden was referred to a committee. A reduction in the damage fee to two dollars was made beginning September, 1912, to continue until the average damage exceeds that amount. The field lying to the west of the fraternity houses was ordered to be added to the campus as soon as the bams can be removed. A vote of thanks was extended to the Class of 1912 for its donation of a wireless telegraphy receiving office. The c ollowing changes of fees in the course in forestry were author ized: For 4, $l. For 2, from $2 to $3. For 7, (Summer School) from $5 to $lO. News Item. The five McAllister Scholarships awarded each year in The Pennsyl va- ia Slate College to the five counties showing the highest ratio of students to the population of the county have been assigned to the following counties:—Cameron, Cen tre, Dauphin, Mifflin and Wyoming The scholarships arp valid for the Freshman year and give a rebate of room rent and incidental fee to the value of $B5. The > County Super intendent and High School Prin cipals in each county will make the appointments by competitive ex amination before June Ist. Collegian. Mining News. Dr. E. S. Moore, of the Depart ment of Geology was recently hon ored by election as a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Professor W. M. Weigel of the Depaitmentof Mining Engineering is the author of a series of articles on Mine Ventilation now being pub lished in the Coal Age. During the past few weeks the fol lowing additions have been made to the equipment of the Mine Tunnel. A three instrument mine tele phone equipment has been installed. The equipment consists of an oak cased instrument for surface in stallation, and two underground instruments. One of these is a Mine-A-Phone furnished by the Strombeig-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co., and the other is a Western- Electric Mine Telephone furnished by the Western-Electric Co. These mine telephones are en closed in steel cases, made abso lutely waterproof, and practically fireproof. They are being installed in all modem up-to-date mines and are proving themselves invaluable both in times of regular operation of the mine, and in cases of acci dent. Another addition to the tunell equipment is a set of two steel mine timbers furnished by the Cai negie Steel Co. These have been put in place and illustrate the use ot the; e timbers in mining work. Owing to the giowing«scrrcity cf wood suitable for mine timbering, these shel mine timbers are coming rapidly into us<\ luterclass Basketball Now since the examinations are over, it is the duty of eveiy fel'ow who still has a slight trace of class spirit left within him to give some much needed support to the basket ball league which has furnished mere interesting games than any other interclass league pievicus to it. The present standing of the league together with the scores of the games played thus rar should be sufficient evidence to prove that some very exciting contests are bound to result and i' will be well vverth the time to witness the stiug gles for championship. However the It ague needs support thiough the sale of season tickets if the remaining twelve games are to be played. Get your tickets. The standing of the league follows: Won Lost Percentage 1913 2 1 .666 1914 2 1 .666 1912 1 2 .333 1910 1 2 .333 Dr. Sparks to Deliver Addresses. President Sparks will give ad dresses at Bucknell University on February 2; at Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, on February 9; at Wilkes Barre on February .12 on the occasion of the dedication of the High School; and at Miss Cowles’ School for Girls, Hollidaysburg, on February 16. He also speaks to the East Libeity Y. M. C. A. on February 17 and 18. President Sparks Given Leave of Absence At the meeting of the Board of Trustees held in Hairisburg last week, Presiaent Sparks was given a leave of absence until Commence ment. He will, sail with his family on Februaiy 21 for Alexandria, Egypt. The Pastime will be closed from 6:30 to 7:30 in the evenings on ac count of the meetings this week in the Auditorium. PRICE FIVE CENTS SUMMER BASE BALL QUESTION. Missouri Valley Conference Adopts Rules Similar to Those in Use at Our College. Director Golden Favors Faculty* Committees to Regulate Individual Cases in Dif- ferent Colleges. The Missouri Valley Conference which had attempted to carry out clean baseball as outlined by the National Collegiate Athletic Con ference found on investigation that by far the larger percentage of the men in the Valley Conference were playing summer baseball even though the amateur ruling in this matter had been supplemented by strict faculty rules. The entire con ference unanimously felt that if they could not control the situation they would make rules that could in a measure, at least be enforced, but deferred the decision until aftei the National Collegiate Athletic Asso ciation Conference, hoping to have some light thrown on the subject at the New York meeting. After the N. C. A. A. meeting, this Missouri Valley Conference adopted a set of summer baseball rules very similar to those in vogue at Penn State. Director Golden of the Pennsyl vania State College, upon being asked by the Yale News to voice his sentiment on the baseball ques tion writes; “Many erd varied arethewajs by which students derive financial support mroup/out c. reer end recen e the stneticnaid encouragement of the coilige ai thorities. Feme without special talents cr acccrrplishmenls aie do ing janitor wcik, actirg as table waiters, itinning agencies, etc. “Others have the ability to tutor, some have musical talent which helps them through, and still others win scholarships ir. piepaiatciy schools or colleges because o scholastic excellence. However, when it comes to using one’s athletic ability as a means of gaining the desired and much needed education there arises a great sentimental ‘howl’ of ’professionalism’. Who ever heard of a man being barred from the college debating team for winning a scholarship or receiv ing money as a tutor? Nor was there ever a man refused admission to a musical organization because he had accepted mcney for musi cal services rendered. “Would it not be bett< r to allow college men to play summer base ball under Faculty restrictions than to put a piemium on dishonesty ? "Let a committee, who are in close touch with the sport, be chosen trom the Faculty as an advisory board, to say where and with whom the men may play, and help them through the Director, or the Ci mmittee if you do not have a director, to secure positions with desiiablc teams. “A rule that cannot be enforced is worse than no rule at all and that is practically the condition in our amateur athletic life today. Not that our present laws have not been helpful—we all realize the gre/ t good they have accomplished, at the same time we know that they out partially control the situation. “To my mind the only practical way to biing about the much need ed reforms in our an.ateiir athletic life is to start a campaign of clean Cuittu.iu.-il on u u*(‘ -1. column 1