Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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    Penn State
Committee of Students, Faculty and
Townspeople To Push Local Men
and Religion Forward Movement.
January 30 to Feb. 4 an Oppor
tune Time for This Event.
What is the Men and Religion
Forwaid Movement ? It is the
genuine, masculine power of North
American Christianity at work’ io
solve the pressing problems of per
sonal and social redemption. It is
scientifically at work to bring men
face to face w'th facts. Its aim is
to release cold storage religion and
get men on the job of social recon
stiuction. It is vital'y interested in
the large industrial problems, in the
problem of the growing boy, the
unprivileged, rhe poverty-stricken,
and the vast economic questions.
A new word, "Social Service,” has
sprung into usage. It is the hand
outstretched to the helpless, that
does not say “poor thing," but
smiles and says, “Let us talk it
over, and rind out what can be
done." It does not mean simply
talking nicely, but doing sbmething:
I. In the Men and Religion For
ward Movement, evangelism and
social service have at length been
successfully joined together so that
neither theologian or sociologist can
never put them asundei. It em
phasizes the social message of the
Gospel, the concrete and definite
11. Next to social service the
message ‘oftfie movement touches'
boys* work as its newest and fresh
est ideal. Practically all churches
as in all homes, boys are thought of
simply as persons to be ruled,
but where there is no other thought
of them, that ruling develops
tyranny and tyranny rebellion.
The Men and Religion Move
ment says that to hold that half
grown boy, you must get along side
of him, on his own level, and un
derstand him, as a fellow creature
of God. “Except you become as
half grown boys, your- half grown
boys shall in no wise enter the King
dom of Heaven, is the Men and
Religion idea.” It wakes men won
derfully. They will never be the
same afterward, not the boys either.
HI. That the Bible is not worn
out —that as ever, as today there
lies in its pages, challenges for study
which the modem man risks at the
expense of his intellectual and spir
itual substance —is another quiet
thought that the Men and Religion
Movement sows deep.
The Men and Religion Movement
is being used in a manner surpass
ing the expectations of its most
ardent friends in producing an
atmosphere that demands the re
construction of the whole theme of
the logic and power of Jesus Christ.
In clubs, hotels, railway trains, com
mercial centers, labor unions,
lodges, fraternities, schools, col
leges, universities, as well as in
churches, brotherhoods, Sunday
Schools, and Y. M. C. A’s, the sub
ject of religion is the natural theme
of discussion. A traveling man
who recently returned from a long
trip through the states remarked that
he had heard it in many places
throughout his travels, but as a
Christian man he had found it
easier than in previous times to talk
to men of all types on this subject.
The movement will be in charge
of a committee of students, faculty,
and townspeople.
Charles L. Huston, a leader in the industrial world, and also one of
America’s foremost Christian laymen, is one of the men who will be here,
with Mrs. Huston, during the Men and Religion Forward Movement.
- “ THE THES-PIANS. - ' -
A Large Company to Make Up
“The Commandant”. Cast and
Chorus Have Not Yet Been
The Thespian production for
the coming season "The Comman
dant” may justly be termed as an
all-State affair. Mr. James Gibbs
’O5 is the author of the play as welti
as many of the musical numbers
other numbers are the work of men
now in college. The play itself, is
undoubtedly the best the club has
ever received; however, without
men to decently act the various
parts, the production will be a
The manuscript calls for a cast of
nine, a quartet, and chorus of six
teen—the largest company ever
carried. This means you; Mr. Stud
ent, whatever your class, have a
better chance than ever before.
Cast trials have been held, but no
part is as yet “sewed up”; in the
chorus and quartet no trials will be
held until after examinations.
, Anyone who has any ability in
this line of work is urgently re
quested to come out —we need you.
In many of the parts —the number
of fellows out is very small, espcial
ly is this true in the parts of “Major
Wallop" and “Mrs. Wallop”. In
reading the show over pay
special attention to above named
characters, and then —give them a
In the girl chorus —it is desired
to have fellows of small stature
and features. Trials will be held
on Friday Jan. 26th and Saturday
Jan. 27th.. No other trials will be
held —so remember the dates —
exact time and place will be posted
later. Copies of the play may be
obtained from Prof. J. H. Frizzell,
230 Pugh St., or E. E. Tanguy,
S. A. E. House.
7:30 p. m. Armory. Varsity
Basketball. Mount Alto vs.
Penn State.
7.00 p. m. Washington County
Oub meeting. Room 119 A,
Engineering Building.
8:00 p. m. Auditorium. Free ll
lustrated Lecture. “The Coast
Republics—Ecuador, Peru and
Bolivia,” by Mr. Wilfred H.
10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh
man Chapel services followed
by Bible Class.
11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel
Service by The Rev. Walter
M. Walker, D. D. Immanuel
Baptist Church, Scranton.
.6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M.
C. A. meeting.
Two Matinee and three evening
performances at the "Pastime”
for the benefit of Track
7:30 p. m. Armury, 1914 vs
1915 in class basketball.
Opening Exercises for Second
Classes for the second semester
will be resumed on Monday, Jan
uary 29, at 11:20 a. m.. Previous
to this at 10 o’clock, opening exer
cises will be held in the Audi
torium. A program has been ar
ranged that will include a number
of addresses in addition to several
selections by the college musical
clubs. It is earnestly desired that
all the students attend in order to
make this custom worth while.
Seniors Defeat Freshmen..
•In a game of basketball in which
the seniors showed excellent form,
they defeated the freshmen by the
score of 29 to 19 last Tuesday
night. i
The Proceeds of Five Performances
to be Given Towards Improv-
meats in Track House.
. Through the courtesy of “Moth
er” Dunn, 'OB and “Babe” Wood,
ex-11, the proceeds from the “Pas
time” for Saturday January 27,
1912 will be turned over for the
purpose of refurnishing the Truck
House. In years gone by the
building in which our athletes live
has been a natural dropping-in
place for the whole stud, nt body.
This fact in addition to the regular
wear and tear on the interior of the
building has reduced, especially the
downsta-rs of the same, to a condi
tion in which an occupant is asham
ed to show a visitor. There is no
fund from which money can be
drawn for this purpose. Dr. Sparks
has offered the Auditorium for Jan
uary 27, but since examinations are
then just over,the preparation neces
sary for a show as a benefit would
be too short, this being the only
open date suitable.
The Track House, besides being
the home of the men who probably
sacrifice more time toward college
activities than any other individuals,
is also the place in which from now
on all visiting teams will be enter
tained. Since representative men
from Yale, Columbia and Penn will
shortly be entertained there, it is
imperative for the good name of
the college that any means by
which money can be secured for
improvements .will, sjro,,
ported by the entire student body.
On the Saturday between semes
ters the money secured from three
I evening performances and two
matinees at the "Pastime” will be
turned over to the committee hav
ing charge of the much needed im
provements. There will I e a spe
cially selected program consisting
of an extra number of reels and the
whole affair will be run on the idea
of a benefit to a very good cause.
The Student Crusade.
At Purdue University there re
cently grthered in convention, rep
resentatives from the leading col
leges and universities of the
country. This body of men, com
ing from American institutions, was
international in character. Men
from all parts of the globe were
present and all lines of national and
racial demarcation were broken
down. They were of different
tongues, but of one mind, and that
was to band themselves together to
fight human wrongs in all spheres
of life, social, economical or politi
cal. Each for the uplift of his
people and all for better humanity.
The international student is the
most potent factor in the advancing
civilization today. He observes life
from all angles and his view is un
founded. The cosmopolitan mis
sionary is never tiring in his efforts
He is the life-blood of the nation
wherever found and thus we have
Young China, Young Russia, Young
Turkey, Young Persia, etc.
The Cosmopolitan Club, which is
found in almost every institution of
higher learning on the globe con
stitutes the smaller unit of what is
now The International Federation of
Students, the aim of which is its
spirit of “move-onward.”
The wrestling team, under its effi
cient management has arranged
some interesting meets for the com.
ing season.
Penn State Had Little Trouble De
feating Pittsburgh Collegians by
the Score of 37 to 17. Many
New Men Seen in Lineup.
, Our varsity basketball team com
posed largely of new men won easi
ly .from the Pittsburgh Collegians
last Friday night on the Armory
floor. When the State team ap
peared it was seen that many new
iren were in rhe lineup, and the
large audience became desirous of
seeing them in action. The serv
ices of Captaion Shore and ex-cap
tain Blythe, who did not appear
in uniform, were not needed in or
der to take the victory.
During the first half, the game
was evenly contested, Penn State
scoring first when Craig caged the
ball after receiving a clean pass
from Hartz. The State team then
kept the lead the rr mainder of the
game although it was hard pressed
at times by the visitors. The home
team had a five point lead at the
end of the first half.
All the men played hard and fast
and to no one player can the credit
of victory be given. Captain
Campbell of the Collegians, played
well for the Pittsburghers especially
at foul shooting as in this role he
seldom failed to annex a point for
his team. The new rules hindered
individual work and compelled
moie efficient team work.
Football Captain-elect Mauthe
was well received when he started
'the' game at 'guafer. He played a
consistent game until he was ruled
out for fouling, Walton 'l5, taking
his place. Acting-Captain Craig
played earnestly, but was replaced
by Wright, who had no trouble in
locating the basket. Wi'son, the
freshman centre, played the full
game and anrexed five goa's. The
other forward position was well
played by Hay, and substitute
Park, two promising freshmen.
The lineup:
Craig (Wright) F Campbell
Hay (Park) F McCandless
Wilson C Eaton
Mauthe (Walton) G DifTenderfer
Hartz G Younkins
Field goals—Craig 2, Hay 2, Wilson 5,
Mauthe.Hartz,Park 3, Wright 4, Camp
bell 2, McCandless 2. Eaton. Fouls—
Craig, Campbell 7. Umpire, Hermann.
Time—Two 20 minute halves. Score at
end of first half—State Penn 17, Pitts
burgh Collegians 11.
Petition for Better R. R. Service.
A number of petitions are being
circulated by the Student. Board
among the students of the college
for their signaturest for the purpose
of acquainting the officials of the
Pennsylvania railroad of the atti
tude which the students are taking
towards the poor facilities at hand
tor reaching the College. With the
aid of the merchants and the towns
people, together with the visitors to
the college, some good may result.
It is hoped that through this means
the company may see fit at some fu
ture date to recognize the needs of
the people and to furnish more direct
services between important places
along the main line. Such a step
would bring State College into bet
ter railway communication with the
outside districts of the State. Al
though immediate results may not
be in sight, the future must be
taken care of. Let every friend'of
the college lend his influence in this
direction for the betterment of
present poor facilities.