Penn State VOLUME 8 NUMBER 13 MEN AND RELIGION FORWARD MOVEMENT Prominent Laymen Are Coming to Assist in .Movement—This Cam- paigu Attracting World Wide At- tention. , A Nation wide campaign has been started in New York and is backed by 97 of the world’s fore most financiers, headed by J. P. Morgan. Large employers of labor are interested in the movement. Financed by business men of national prominence whose combin ed wealth runs into the thousands of millions and who will conduct it as they would a private business affair, a new religious crusade is spreading through the United States and Canada. So far reaching and important will it be that its sponsers declare nothing like it is recorded in the previous history of the human race since the Reformation, and its promoters proclaim it will surpass in its effect the crusades of history. The force to carry on this Cam paign is divided into teams and each team is to the movement what a faculty is to a college. The teams are made up of experts. They are evangelists, Bible teachers, mission ary leaders, social service lecturers, off-hand speakers to men in the shops and streets. They go to different cities and Uni versities and hold institutes far a week. One of the members of the com mittee ot Ninety-seven, Mr. Charles L. Huston, of Coatesville, Pennsyl vania, and Mrs. Huston will be in the tram that visits State College from January 30th to February 4th. Associated with them will be Henry Wright, of Yale, E. C. Mercer, of the University of Virginia, Geneial Beaver, H. Walton Mitchell, and a number of prominent alumni. Y. M. C. A. ENTERTAINMENT Ross Crane, Entertainer, at the Au ditorium Last Saturday. Last Saturday evening -a fair sized audience was entertained in the Auditorium by “Ross Crane and his company,—canvases, crayons, modeling board, clay, and the piano.” Mr. Crane spoke on “Looking Human Nature in the Face,” all the whjte illustrating his 'talk by hastily maae, but wonderful pictures and clay models of various types of human nature. Many of the crayon drawings were very amusing cai toons, but these' were with other pictures which, though apparently hastily and Carelessly drawn, were beautiful specimens of art. From clay, mixed and recklessly thrown on a modeling board, the features of well known characters quickly appeared and as quickly were changed to others of entirely different appearance, Mr. Crane meanwhile giving one of the most witty and amusing talks which has ever been heard in State Col lege. - The musical impersonations were exceedingly funny, while the more serious side of the program’s musical portion, the poetic reading, was very impressive. The whole was a remarkable "one-man” enteitainment, and fairly captivated the audience by its humor and variety. The _ juniors defeated the sopho mores in a close game of basketball .last Tuesday night by the score of 36 to 31. E. C. Mercer, the best known college man in the United States, who is to be here with the Men and Religion For ward Movement Team, January 30th to February 4th. CALENDAR. FRIDAY, JAN. 12 7:00 p. m. Old Chapel, Liberal Arts Society. 7:00 p. m. Deutscher Verein. Election of officers. 7:30 p. m. Armory. Varsity Basketball. Pittsburgh Col legians vs. Penn State. 7:30 p. m. Cosmopolitan Club. 226 Main Bilding. 8:15 p. m. Stag Dance. McAllis ter Hall. SATUIIDAY, JAN. 13 8:00 p. m. Auditorium. The Hon. Giffoid Pinchot. Illus- trated lecture on “Alaska.” 8:00 p. m. McAllister Hall. Se nior Cotillion. SUNDAY, JAN. 14 10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh man Chapel services followed by Bible Class. 11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel Service by The Rev. Benjamin S. Sanderson, All Hallows’ Church, Wyncote, Pa. 6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M. C. A. meeting. MONDAY, JAN. 15 7:00 p. m. Old Chapel. Debating Trials. TURSDAY, JAN. 1G 6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. Armory, 1912 vs. 1915 in class basketball. Engineering Notes. After mature deliberation it has been decided to replace the present form of field book used by survey ing parties with loose leaf note books. Numerous samples were submitted to the Civil Engineering department by prominent stationers, but none fulfilled the requirements of the committee appointed by Professor Walker. A book was finally designed which seems to meet all conditions. It is of con venient size, and easily fits the coat pocket, while, at the same time the cover readily accomodates the standard sxB inch loose leaves. The binding is heavy canvas which, it is expected, will be cheaper and more durable than leather. The new books will not be required un til the fall of 1912, but they may be used next semester by any students who may wish to do so: Professor Wood and the section of senior mechanicals taking the railway option made two trips last Friday and Saturday between State College and Bellefonte on the dynamometer car. The car was at tached to the regular train on the Bellefonte Central Railroad. The runs were made to familiarize the students with the apparatus. STATE COLLEGE, PA., JANUARY 11, 1912 Elective Courses in English Litera- The Department of English offers the following courses in English Literature and Rh toric to students who have completed the work in freshman rhetoric. All of the courses offered open the way for the students of the college to broaden their mental horizons, and to secure for themselves the enjoy ment that an appreciation of good literature affords. Eng. Lit. 4. Anglo Saxon, Profes sor Esp inshade, 4 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 8. Early English Lit erature. Professor Dye, 4 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 12. The Victorian Era, Professor F.L. Pattee, 4 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 20. The English Es say, Professor Frizzell, 3 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 22. Erowrirg and Ten nyson, Piofessor Crockett, 2 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 30. The Literature of the Bible, Mr. Jones, 2 hrs. a week. Eng. Lit. 32. The Modern Drama, Frofessor Dye, 3 hrs. a week. Rhet. 12. The Short Story, its Method and Development, Mr. Breimeier. 2 hrs. a week. Rhet. 14. Journalistic Writing. Professor Dye, 2 hrs. a week. Most of the courses mentioned above are described in the cunent catalogue. For infoimation con cerning the others, students may apply to the instructor who offers the course. These who wish to elect any of the courts offeied hand their names to the instructor in charge as soon as possible, for, in some cases, the giving of the •course will depend on the number of applicants. Gifford Pinchot Coming. In the last three years Gifford Pinchot, the former Chief Forester of the United States has been one of the most-talked-of men in the country. Frcm the time of the Pinchot-Ballinger controversy until the present time he has held a prominent place in the public eye. The student body of the Pennsyl vania State College is particularly fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing this man, for probably no one man in the country knows more about forestry and consf rva tion than does Mr. Pinchot, and without a doubt, no man is nearer to the ear of Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the United States than he. Mr. Pinchot will lecture in the Auditorium on Saturday evening, January 13, at eight o’clock. The department of Electrical Engineering has received from the Westinghouse Electrical and Manu facturing company equipment for a new high tension laboratory. . This will consist of a 60 kilovolt ampere single phase oil cooled transformer, a regulator, by means of which the secondaiy voltage of the transform er may be varied at will from zero to 150,000 volts; a marble switch board, on which will be mounted the necessary instruments and switching devices. This laboratory will be located in the new building to be erected this fall f or the School of Engineering. The equipment will be used for experimental work in connection with - high-'tension transmission, insulation testing, lightning arresters, and the phenom ena accompanying the generation and transmission of electrical energy at extremely high voltages. Collegians? FRUIT, STOCK AND DAIRY SHOW Duquesne Garden, Pittsburgh to be Scene of College and State Agri cultural Exhibits. On Jan. 15-20, at Duquesne Gar den, Pittsburgh, the Pennsylvania Fruit, Stock and Dairy Shew will be 1 eld. At the same time the annual tontentions of the Pennsyl vania Dairy Union, the Live Stock Breeders’ Association, at d the State Hoiticultural Asrociction of Pennsylvania will convene. The object of the fair is to bring the farm, dairy and animal products be fore the people of the state and in that way to boost the Common wealth agriculturally. A large number of featuies in the way of exhibitions have been arranged for. Western Pennsylvania Day will be observed at the Fair on Friday Jan. 19, and at that time a discussion of our peculiar problems by men from the Agr.cultural Department of this college and by soil experts of the United States Department of Agriculture will take place. Dean Hunt will have charge of the West ern Pennsylvania Day program. Livestock and other exhibits from this college will be put on show. The Keystone State Fair Asso ciation Ahich is looking after the details of the show is incorporated under the laws of the and it expects to eventually establish an annua! Slate Fair. T. D. Harman Jr. a graduate of the class of 1911 is the present manager. Cosmopolitan MeeLing. Friday evening at 7:30 the Cos mopolitan club will hold a meeting in Room 226 Main Building. Elias Srednick, who repiesented the chapter at the fifth annual conven tion of Cosmopolitan Clubs at Pur due University, will have somethng of interest to say regarding this “Miniature Hague Conference.” Members as well as non members should not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with this wcrld-wide student movement for the promo tion of international friendship. Be thcie, and you will have no cause to regret. What is Wrong With Debating ? On March 2, less than two months from now Penn State meets Franklin and Maishall in Inter collegiate debating. At the last trials, held before Christmas, there were seven candidates to fill eight positions. In the last eight years Penn State has won four champion ships. Are there not eight or more men among us who have loyalty enough to uphold that reputation ? Last trial Monday at 7 p. m. in Old Chapel. See bulletin board in Main for question. Writings by Prof. Diemer. In the annual number of "Iron Age,” Professor Diemer has an illustrated paper describing the or ganization and systems of the Lodge and Shipley Machine and Tool Co. of Cincinnati, O. This company’s advanced manufacturing methods, its premium, and pension systems are discussed at some length. In the same issue Piofessor Diemer has written an editorial on the efficiency movement during 1911. Basketball Friday Night. To-morrow night at 7:30 o’clock in the Armory, Penn State will meet the Pittsburgh Collegians, a ream composed of former college stars. State defeated the Col legians last year 19 to 14. PRICE FIVE CENTS NATIONAL ATH LETIC CONFERENCE A Change in Football Rules Sug- gested- The Abolition of Profes- sionalism Recommended. Direct or Golden and Gra u~.te Ms n- ager Smith Repreieu el Penn State at Meeting. The National Collegiate Athletic Association compo ed of practical ly til the colleges in the East, South and middle West met during the holidays in New York City to consider all matters pertaining to collegiate athletic life. "Pop” Gol den and Ray Smith were State’s representatives at the meeting. The important matters taken up were the proposed changes in the football rules, the promotion of soc cer football and the question of professionalism. The concensus of opinion among the one hundred and fifty delegates was that the present football rules are a very great improvement over the old lules. The suggested changes are the reducing of the ten yard gain for first down to a seven yard gain; the reducing of the restrictions on the on-side kick to place a premium cn the ai curacy of kicking and the abolishing of t! e twenty-yard zone as so many un usual and unimportant penalties occur in this zone which tend to make the game slow and uninter esting. All the delegates agre d that the rules musl be simplified and made clear, that the rules be so regulated that the open game be ceitain and that the chances of fatalities be minimized. Dr. J. A. Babbitt of Haverford College spoke highly of the game of soccer football, pointing out its many advantages and asking that it be promoted and en ouraged. A committee with Dr. Babbitt as chaiiman w s appointed to promote and regulate the soccer football game. The college lepreser.tatives tx piessed their desire of clearing the association £ rcm professionalism, of not paying players, and the restrict ing of summer baseball as far as possible. A lengthy discussion proved that the conditions in the different parts of the country and in the different institutions \ aried so widely that it would be impossible to make any ruling that would meet the conditions of all the colleges, or that all the institutions in the Asso ciation could honestly subscribe to. The delegates, however, were asked to pledge themselves to eliminate as fast as practicable, professionalism in college athletics and to minimize the summer base ball playing until it could be abol ished. Thespian Trials, The final trials for parts in the cast and chorus of the Penn State Thespians will be held this Friday and Saturday, the time and place of the trials to be posted on the bulle tin boards. This year according to the new luling, members of all the classes will be eligible to take part in both the cast and chorus. Cop ies of the show may be obtained either fiom Prof. J. H. Frizzell, 230 Pugh street, or E. E. Tanguy at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon House. Senior Cotillion, Saturday night at eight o’clock the second senior cotillion of thesea son will be held in McAllister Hall.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers