Penn Stateollegian eublished on Thursday of each reek donne the cotton year by the students of I lie I'd lest Ivann. State College in the interest of the Students, ally. Alumni and Friends of the collei e. hatered at the Postoffiee. State Cunt re. l'a ...s •ecund etas. matter Editor in Chief W. S. KRIEBEL. JR., 'l2 Assistant Editor W. P. LITTLE, 'l2 Associate Editors G. A. BARKER, 'l2 R. M. EVANS, 'l3 M. k. KRIIIMEL, 'l3 J. I). HOGARTII, 14 F. C. DOSE, 14 Business Manager E. A. JAMES, '1 Assistants H. S. COCKLIN, 'l2 THEO. LENCHNER, 'l2 SUBSCRIPTION. St. 50 per year or $I 25 if paid within 30 diu s after Sate of subscription. THURSDAY, DEC. 21. 1911 The Cal- Owing to the increasing endar. interest which has been manifested in regard to the reinstatement of a calendar in our columns, we have decided to reserve space for it in the future is sues. The attempt has been made at various times, during the fall to print a calendar, but owing to the nature of the material, it cannot go to print until the latest possible time. Thus, it happens that if there is an excess of material, the calendar is omitted. For future issues, a definite space will be re served so that the calendar will ap pear in preference to any material which comes in at a late bon'. To insure the success of the work, and to make the schedule of events as complete as possible, we ask the co-operation of all organizations in co1 1 eb?. 'rho--vsr?oc. r,al- s o - cieties, musical clubs, and a•l other organizations should notify us of meetings which are to take place within the week, so that the calen dar appearing on Thursday may contain all the events occurring be fore the next Thursday. Leave all notices in the Faculty Exchange in the Business Office at or before the Tuesday noon prior to the issue in which they are to appear. Business At a meeting of the Managers "Collegian Board" Elected. held recently, two men from the class of 1913 were elected assistant business managers. To the two new members, M. M. Grubbs and B. R. Henderson, we extend our congratulations, and at the same time our hearty wishes fox successful and pleasant work on the business staff of the Penn State Collegian. - Wireless The class of 1912 recently voted to present the college with a two hundred foot' wireless tower, and a new antenna for the station. The contract for the erection of the tower has been let and the work is to be completed by February 1, 1912. Excavation for the founda tion of the tower is already finished. The two hundred foot steel tower will be used to support the umbrella antenna having six radial wires des cending to points two hundred feet from the foot of the tower. Judging from the splendid results lbtained from the present temporary antenna it is belies ed that when the new wireless station is completed that messages will be packed up from stations several thousand miles dis- tant, possibly from those stations along the Atlantic Coast and o i the Gloat Lal.cs. the new towel will be placed back of the Electlinl Engh eeling building anti the wet of etc( tutu: and installing the new appata;u•t will be in charge of the Elcaucal Engi neering department. Soccer Football For the first time in• its history. 'The Pennsylvania State College sent loith a football team, which in- stead of carrying faith an oval pig skin from one end of the field to another, precipitates a round one there by means of the fool alone. In other words - our College Soccer Team went on a trip The schedule is as follows :1 Tuesday, Dec. 19, Haverfoi d Col lege, at Haverfotd, Wednesday, Dec. 1 20, West Town School, at West Town; Thursday, Dec. 21, University of Pennsylrania, at Philadelphia. The following men will probably play : McGiegor '.12, Meisner , 13, w a t _ : =plosion and mine fne which took son 'l5, Valcntour 'l3, Worthington Place on December 8, 1911, at 'l3, Wair 'l4, Stewart 'l3, SaNtly !In iceville, Tenn., where about 100 'l4, Manager, Vuoner 'l5, Vei y 'l3,lrien are reported killed and five 'robin 'l5, Captain, Cure 15, Al_ men have been iescued alive. lison 'l3, Mut - lban 'l5, Dn'Ttru- i Mr. Ryan is stationed at the pie 'l5. Pleld Headquarters of the U. S. The team has been working hard, j Ilmeau of Mines, Pittsbuigh. When and both Captain Tobin and Man- tle seriousness of the disaster was age! Sal y feel conf,dept that the :aired, he ;n company with Mr. J. tiip will be a successful '\ V. P,3111. Chief of rescue work, Great inteics i,a been manifeq..,:_uthea to Brice% iile in one of the ed in this new ry cit Mr ,White; a:1 lee Besel,c Car;. He has been trustee of the colic ge, has gone so p..tit.cly cr:, rred in the work dur far as to promise his support, and r g the ent re past calendar week, thus, to a Itur- , ,c extent, poimitted r rid will contrnue until a detailed the Learn to take its first tarp. t-xamine.tion it, made of the entire Fellows--come out for th.s sty,- 1= tine in an eftoit to determine the eel team—there is always loomlcause of the disaster. for a good man. Gis e your sup- E. B Sutton was appointed pelt to a project which has been i Foreman or the U. S. Bureau of met successfully in es :,r; › , lane I lines Rescue Station at Knoxville, stitution. Help this team to be enn , on October 20, 1911. He victoi ions Ike all of our teen s. A ! 'as among the fast of the Bureau tap will probably be taken son - re ,t ) reach the mice. Prior to his ap time pc , -1 e'c . • f r ointment ,hi.c was working in_BuQ r lee, ion:. a grand and glorious future to out new football team. . Interclass Basketball On Tuesday evening, December 12, the Se ,ims and the Juniors en gaged in their fast basketball game of the season which lesulted in a well earned victory for the latter 130th teams seemed on a pal. team work and in goal sheotinl:, consequently a very intei eqing game resulted. The. Sen;ois m mzsf ed to secure a lead which tt cy held at the end of tht• [list' half whfcl ended with the scale 17-15 in their favor. 1913 came out somewhat stronger in the second period ~net nosed out victors by three points• scoic Last Saturday evening in a \ eiy freely contest in which the. Diesh men won their fiv.t victory in basketball, the Ju.hois were de feated for the fast time this season by the close score of 27-21. The teams were So evenly match ed that the icsult of the game was never certain. '1 he Freshmen, much improved since their lust con test, kept a slight lead until in the lattei pait of the second pusiod 1913 by excellent passing and shooting tied the sem e. After that eoch team alternated in leading by one point until thump . the last min ute of play, 1915 slot tin ee goals in rapid succession and won the gait e. Centre County Club Dance The members of the Centre Coun ty Club will hold an informal dance on Thursday, Dec. 28, at the Bush Atcacle. All Penn State students and members of the fa( ulty who arc in, 01 about, Bellefonte at the time ate invited to attend. Sunday Chapel Speaker Dr. Joseph S. Walton, of Geoige School, will be the speaker on Sun day, January 7. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN 'A, t z- - - - 311 - 1 a Ea.. cl L. &t. ra qw, make an honest efiort to give you the best to be had in our line. illiOur laundry is modern in all departments. qWe tater to those who desire high grade work at hon est prices. JYou will appreciate the snappy appearance of our work. • FI. E, Shorc 'l3 J 1. M4„Creary 'l2 c • STUDENT AGENTS L A Davis 'l2 1 C. a. '3onsofta.k ?Eakin. 111 Easl. Co \\.est Ilea lair Cutting a Specialty Moles and Warts Removed Stephe fl s" POOL ROOM and BAP BER SHOP 12:1 Allen Street Alumni Prominent in Rescue Work 'qr. J. T. Ryan. 'O3, and E. B. Sut- tan, 'lO, are playing a very import- Lilt part in the rescue work at the EnAineering News ' Th- , road scraper, and log drag htve been iii use during the past tvo vLcel.; improN ing the roads nong,h ti college grounds. As t to col (talon of the roads did not 'mato, it !he steam roller was not cscd. The loads that were scraped and ch;:a!,rml Tics( nt a much better - )pcarance than they did before , t e mnent. Piofe,soi Diernei has been asked by the La Salle Extension Untver s.ty Chi , ago to prepare their in stinction papers for a conespond ence cent;.c. ;n factory organization adrn nv,trat:ou. 1911,spent Pennsyl vania D-Iy at the college. He is v.ith the Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing company at East I ittsbuigh. 'AI C Weinbach, 1911, resigned iris positior with the Westinghouse Elect teal company, and has ac cepted a position with the Westing house Magiiinc company. Ail Star Pennsylvania Eleven Pcnn State leads in the numoei of men selected foi the first team of stars [lam colleges in the state. The selection was made by D L. Reeves, a miting Editor of the Philadelpeii Ledge!. Mauthe, Mill er, limy, Very and Hallow are placed on the team. In making the choice the University of Pennsyl vania, Indians, Pitt and W. and J. are eliminated. ' tss:sfstant F - Admit Managers Elected. At the elections in the Athletic Associatlou had December 18 for three assistant football managers, out of t4ght men nominated, the following three were . elected: —N. Mel. Fleming, L. P. Lindsay, and Wrn. F.. trekin. Tlhs s , ttiaein t ' s 'Laundry We carry a full line of Students' Supplies )Bellefonte Central Railroad F H. THOMAS, General Manager .1 1 ,11 S 00 a 10 7 1 3 )o EIS REIN 79m t ffillljo is .'2 02 10 20; I. 51 it IU 6 : 8 ( I I • it) BEM= a2O 11 10 a In 1 SII Itil re1111431,111i1l The First National Bank State College, Pa. 3 j r ‘ i t-ite r-st on time deposits, payable semi-annually AccOunts solicited Have you tiicd "Buffalo" Smoking Tobacco ? For Pipe or Cigarette GEORGE B. JACKSON ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA. J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats II=1!1!1 138 College Aventte G E. -Si3neY J_ANi-c.een• anirf op,riciar2 POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY CHAS. A. WOMER Tonsorial Artist Your patronage sollettd Firstclass work guar ant • UNDER HOTEL S. E. KIMPORT Headquarters for •! Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones Patronize the Col ( E. T. Asnlundh 'l2 STUDENT AGENTS -; B. M. Herman 'l2 I T. W. Harris 'l3 The Athletic Store BELLEFONTE, PA Dec 26 1910 ix NEW YORK Ar . I.v riiu.lDßldlli.l Ar H \ RICISBURG Ar PIPPSBURG Ar. I=l IZESEMEEMI 1, LOCK if VE\ A . Is BELLI:1 , 0 \ TEt .lr COI P. VILLE ... AloUltis • • P . I thi.Vol:l; . BM 'MY . . . \‘' IDDLES , . Ar Kitnritncr: . STATE COLLEGE . ST , Z WILES ... II I.OOIIS I )0N F. rEs:E uno vi: MILLS Sheasly & Gentzel Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions Furniture and Carpets Yteture sratttaq a Specialty Headquarter, for FINE -:- CONFECTIONERY Nos. 200-206 College Avenue The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything in Ilardware Dist, ibinors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete Ilne ASPHALT ROOFINGS our mpeclalty BELLEFONTE. PA. Both phones H. A. ,EVEY 4,._ L, i , v ,- r y CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones _ A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania egian's Advertisers No I No pmj p 9 181 10 15 23 750 2 25 515 ?.10 5 52 1133111 E 1915 2 55 10:101 2.101 1 8 501 /2 501 8 101 19:10 1 Rai l ....