PENN STATE VOLUME 8 NUMBER 12 THE BASKETBALL TRIP Penn State Five Wins Two and Loses Two in the East. Extra Period Necessary in Manhattan Game Mauthe and Blythe in Line-up The Penn State quintette made a credible showing on the first trip of the 1911-12 season by defeating New York University 19 to 18, and West Point 30 to 16. The team was downed by Manhattan college 22 to 19 and by St. John's University 25 to 17. All of the four games were played under the new rules which prohibit dribbling with two hands. Our varsity five vanquished its first opponents, New York Univer sity, on December 13 by a single point. Shore played exceptionally well in this game making three field goals in rapid succession during the last few minutes of play, and these followed by Craig's difficult goal ten seconds before the final bell rang, spelled victory for State. The Manhattan game was played last Thursday night on the Irish- American Athletic Astociation floor in New York City. State played well during the first half of the game and at the end of the first twenty minutes of playing the score stood 16 to 13 in favor of the Blue and White. Manhattan took a brace in the second half, holding State al 1:0St to a stand still. With but a half minute to play, a Man hattan player caged the ball which tied the score 18-18. An extra five minute period was played which resulted in two field goals being scored for Manhattan and a foul goal for State. On Friday night Penn State lost to the St. John's University team 25 to 17. State clearly outplayed its opponents in the first half of the game and kept in the lead until the middle of the second half when the "Johns" tied the score. Good shooting by the University boys then won the game for them. The State team arrived at West Point last Saturday morning where it was given the most courteous treatment possible. A spezial lunch was served for the visiting team in the Mess Hall of the Acad emy. In the afternoon the Army was defeated 30 to 16 in its new wonderful gymnasium which has three basketball courts, the middle one being used for the State game. The game was witnessed by many ladies, who with their escorts, many of whom were officiers, weie seen on each side of the court and around the circular track in the balcony. The scores of the four games follow: December 13 at New York City. Penn State 19 New York University 18 Shore P. Crawford Craig F. McLaughlin, J Wilson C. McLaughlin, C Blythe G. Moore Mauthe G. Josephs Field goals—Shore 5, Craig, Wilson, Blythe, J. McLaughlin 4, Josephs, Moore. Foul goals—Shore 3, Moore 5, Josephs. Referee, Quigg. Time— Two 20 minute halves. Score end of first half —New York University 7, State 6. December 14 at New York City. Penn Stare 19 Manhattan 22 Shore F. (Haulehan) Ryan Hay (Craig) P. Saurez Hartz C. Leonard Blithe G. Flynn Mau the G. Laesch Field goals—Shore 2, Hay, Hartz, Mauthe, Suarez, Leonard 3, Laesch 3, Haulehan 2. Foul goals—Shore 9, Laesch 6. Referee Thorpe. Time— Two 20 minute halves. Score end of first half—Manhattan 16, State 13. CALENDAR TUESDAY, DEC. 26 Harrisburg Club Dance, Masonic Hall, Harrisburg. THURSDAY, DEC. 28 Washington County Club Dance, McDonald, Pa. • FRIDAY, DEC. 29 Pittsburgh Club Banquet and Smo ker, Fort Pitt Hotel, Pitts burg. SATURDAY, JAN. 6, 1912 8:00 p. in. Auditorium. Ross Crane in Y. M. C. A. Enter tainment Course. SUNDAY, JAN, 7 10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh man Chapel. 11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel Service by Dr. Joseph S. Wal ton, of George School. 6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Y. M C. A. meeting. TUESDAY, JAN. 9 7:30 p. m. Armory, 1913 vs 1914 in class basketblll. December 15 at New York City. Penn State 17 SI. Johns 25 Shore P. Schinulk Wright (Craig) F. Keenan Wilson C. Tracey (Mallory) Mau the G. GI (wile% Hartz (Blythe) G. Dunhill Field goals—Shore, Mu Ur:. CI nig 2. Schmulk 2, Tracey 8, Giimeev 2, Mallory. Foul goals, Shine 9, Sehmulk 9. Referee, Thorpe. Time Two 90 minute halves. Score end of tint hall St. John's University 9, State 4 December 17 at West Point, New York. Penn State :10 A i trl lli Shore F. Van Vliet cram_ .... ____.___ I;_R el , _t. ( A 1,—, , e, ) Wilson C. Loyd Blythe G. Arnold Mauthe G. McTagg.ird (1lorron) Field goals—Shore 9, Critic-, Wil.on 5, Blythe 3, Roberts, Bop! 3, Morton 2. could goals—Shore, 3; Rohe, tq, Arnold 2, MeTaggard. Ref, rye, Thorpe. Time—Tao 20 minute halves. Score end of first half—State 13, Army 9. Meeting of Educational Association The annual meeting of the Penn sylvania State Educational Asso ciation will be held in Philadelphia during Xmas week, Dec. 26, 27, and 28, 1911. Quite a number of the faculty are planning to attend some of the sessions. Dean Weber will read a paper before the general session on "The Proper Rela, ion between Normal School and Col lege". Dr. Runkle will read a paper before the high school de partment on "What the Pennsyl vania State College is doing for the Training of High School Teach ers." Interesting C. E. Meeting Tuesday evening Mr. H. M. Stof flet, 1912, gave an interesting talk on concrete construction. The basis of the discussion of the even ing was gained through the eight years of experince that the speaker had before coming to Penn State. The talk was illustrated by plans showing concrete construction in progress at Schenectady, New York. At the meeting plans for the or ganization of a "Triangle and Rod" club, as exists in other col leges, were also discussed. Freshman Class Officers Elected. The recent election in the Fresh man class resulted as follows: President, H. F. Moffitt; vice-presi dent, W. S. Parkinson; secretary, C. W. Clemmer; treasurer, J. D. Gold; and soccer manager, A. N. Munhall. STATE COLLEGE, PA., DECEMBER 21, 1911 A WEEK FOR FARMERS I. ecember 27, 1911, to January 3, 1912, the Time When Farmers From All Over the State Assemble for Farmers' Week—lnstructive Program Arranged. On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, farmers from every part of the state and from the surround ing states will gather to attend the annual Farmers' Week conducted by the School of Agriculture and Experiment Station. For the men who work on the farm the year round and who • have no means of learning the scientific principles of their profession, a more profitable week could not be spent. The program for the week includes lec tures and practical demonstrations on phases of agricultural questions which confront the farmer. A more thorough and instructive list of lectures has been seldom seen on one program. In addition to the lectures given by members of the instructional staff of this and other agricultural colleges, men, who have had years of experience in practical agricultural work along different lures, have been secured to give the results of their valuable experi- Dur'ng the week a number of as sociations will meet. The Pennsylvania Plant Breeders' Association will hold its business meeting in the Old Chapel, Mon day, Jan. 1, at 5:15 p. m. The meeting is open to all interested pc:-. - nms. On :n.. 6J, Jan. 1, at 3:30 p. m', in the Old Chapel, there will be a round table discussion up on the subject of "Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement," and it is hoped that everyone will feel free to join in the discussion. The Pennsylvania Experiment Association, an organization com posed of former at.d present stud ents in the Winter Courses, as well as in other courses, in the School of Agriculture, will hold a business meeting for the election of officers and for the discussion of results obtained during the year on Mon day, January 1. at 1:30 p. m., room 103 Agriculture building. Lectures will be held during the entire day and part of the evening. Aside from these, practice in cook ing will be given with each subject offered by the Department of Home Economics. Practice in ap ple packing will be given each day during the week from 8:30 to 11:45 a. m. and from 2:00 to 5:15 p. m. (Agr. Bldg. 209.) Practice in judging corn will be given from Dec. 28 to Jan. 2, both inclusive, from 2:00 to 3:30 p. m. (Attic Agr. Bldg.) Practice in figuring fer tilizer formulas will be given from Dec. 29 to Jan. 3, both inclusive, from 10:15 to 11:45 a. m. (Agr. Bldg. 207). Religious services will be held in the Auditorium Sunday, Dec. 31, at 11:00 a. in. General James A. Beaver will speak. The Religious Forward Movement. The Men and Religions Forward Movement being organized in the colleges and the churches through out the country will be inaugurated at Penn State the • last few days in January and the first week in Feb ruary under the leadership of Henry Wright of Yale. Mr. Wright will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houston, other prominent laymen and alumni of the college. COLLEGIA."' Football Letters Awarded At the'Wednesday morning mass meeting the football men who were awarded the varsity "S" are as fol lows:—Captain Very 'l3, Manager Orr 'l2, Harlow 'l2, Hermann 'l2, Goedecke 'l2, Mauthe 'l3, Engle 'l3, Page 'l3, Hansen 'l3, Wilson 'l3, Miller 'l4, Bebout 'l4, King 'l4, Barry 'l4, Clark 'l4, and Berry man 'l5. The privilege of wearing -the var sity football "S" is granted to any member of the team who has play ed two full quarters in each of the six regularly scheduled games; or two full quarters in either the Penn sylvania and Pittsburgh games; or Who has played two full quarters in both the Pennsylvania and Pitts burgh games. The regularly elect ed manager acting for the season is also awarded the "S." Football Fatalities Lessened At the dose o 4 the 1911 football season, the list of casualties result ing from that game has been more than cut in half as compared to deaths and injuries sustained the previous year. Whether or not this decrease can be attributed entirely to the new rules is not certain, but 't is an assured fact that the fatali ties have been reduced to a mini mum. In football games during 1910, 22 men were killed and 994 men injured; in 1911 the number of deaths totalled only 9 and the in juries 177. Although a sufficient number of serious defects have been found in the present rules to warrant a change, the original ob ject for revising the rules is gradually being attained. Fruit Train Over P. R. R. A fruit train will run from Pitts burgh to Philadelphia in the first week of February over the Pennsyl vania Railroad. The train will be under the supervision of the School of Agriculture. Probably one day will be given each of the main line divisions in order to give as many districts as possible all the benefits that can be derived from this source of instruction in the short time al lotted. The subjects of the lec tures will be orchard planting, orchard fertilization, marketing of apples, and market gardening. Football Squad Entertained On Monday evening at 6:30, Presi dent and Mrs. Sparks entertained the members of the football team at dinner at the residence of the President. All the members of the varsity squad, with the manager and assistant managers attended the affair. After the dinner, a dance was held at which a number of the young ladies of the college and the town were present. The whole was a very enjoyabe and suitable ending to a most successful football season. Woman's Building Annex The house on the east campus, formerly occupied by Dr. J. P. Welsh, will be opened after the holidays for the Woman's Buildings Annex and will be occupied by students taking the Short Course and Home Economics. Miss Marjorie Lyon 'll, will have charge of the building and will be an instructor in Home Economics. Dr. W. R. Crane, Dean of the School of Mines, is attending the winter meeting of the Coal Mining Institute of America, held in Pitts burgh. Dr. Crane will deliver a paper on "Methods of Testing Mine Gases." PRICE FIVE CENTS CAPTAIN J. L. MAUTHE After Three Years of Excellent Work, Mauthe is Honored With Captaincy of 1912 Team. At a recent election, J. Lester Mauthe was elected captain of the Penn State football team of 1912. As captain of the Blue and White team Mauthe will succeed Captain D. W. Very, who led our team this year to where it has never before stood in the eyes of eastern critics. Mauthe prepared at Du Bois high school. Under the coaching of "Bob" Reed, the famous Princeton tackle, M...uthe developed into one of the best fullbacks in the prepara tory schools of Western Pennsyl vania. In 1908 he was selected as all-scholastic fullback of Western Pennsylvania. With a reputation of being a gocd kicker and a consistent back, Mauthe entered Penn State with the class of 1913. His ability of punt ing, fierce tackling and general knowledge of the game quickly se cured for him a place on the back field composed of "The Big Four," McCleary, Vorhis, Mauthe and Hirshman. Mauthe played brilliant football during the whole of the 1909 sea son. Playing in the Penn, Indian and Pittsburgh games of that year, Lester had no difficulty in out-dis tancing every kicker that opposed him, while his work on the offense and defense compared favorably with that of the three other stars that represented one of the best backfields that ever originated in the Nittany Mountains. Last year the 1910 team suffered a series of accidents and misfor-. tunes, the greatest being due to the fact that Mauthe, the only veteran behind the line, had his ankle broken in a practice scrim mage just before the Sterling A. C. game. The loss was not alone of personal ability, but it deprived the team of the best punter in college, hurt the team play of the backfield to a large degree, and then necessi tated the development of play to suit another fullback. The present season has been a great success along football lines for Mauthe. The Philadelphia Ledger says of him :—"Mauthe, the Penn State fullback, is classed as full- Continued on ooze , I, column 1 ,sp i _,
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