NN ISTA E ' VOLUME 8 NUMBER 10 VICTORY OVER PITT Penn State Finishes Undefeated Season By a Win From Pitts- burgh.—Mauthe's Field Goal the Only Score of a Remarkable Game. Playing on Forbes Field on which the mud was ankle deep on Thanksgiving day, Penn State closed a brilliant football season, ending with a thr, e to nothing vic tory over the University of Pitts burgh. The twenty thousand spec tators who saw the game composed the largest crowd that ever witnessed a game in Western Pennsylvania. The day was ideal for football .The wind that swept across the Schenley oval was not too cold for the spec tators, and inspired the two teams on to what was one of the closest and most bitteily contested games ever played by teams representing the two institutions. Captain Veiy's illustrious team of warriors won the game and won it because they knew and used bet ter tactics than did Coavh Thomp son's men. To do justice to Pitts burgh it must be said that the line which opposed the Blue and White was magnificient. Wagner, especial ly, was a dangerous man at all times. His good tackling and speed in breaking up plays materially aide I in holding State to three On our team it would be difficult to pick out the individual stars. Capb.in Very inspiied a wonderful spirit into the eleven throughout the 9,tlie,game. I-li. work in the last game equaled that shown in the Penn and Cornell games—that con sistency which has led the valiant leader of the Blue and White to be chosen as a running partner to White of Princeton on several All-Ameri can teams chosen by . eastern critics. Wilson also played well at the other end. The total number of yards gained by Pitt around these two men was eighteen. Hallow played his last game for Penn State on last 'Thursday. Besides playing a strong defensive game, Harlow blocked three kicks on the punters that were looked upon as capable of causing so much trouble to us previous to the game. Engle easily held his own with his heavier opponent. The speed by which the two aggressive tackles got through and stopped plays was wonderful. Bebout, limp ing because of a sprained knee just before the starting whistle sounded, went into the game and with Han sen at the other guard showed that Penn State had a pair of forwards that could not only stop the major ity of plays headed at them, but could break through and hurry plays of the opponents. Clarke showed up in brilliant way against Galvin. In the backfield Penn State out played Pitt. In punts and onside kicks we gained fifty-five yards, while our backs circled the ends for a total of ninety-five yards com pared to seventeen for the Pitts burgh boys. As a kicker from 'Placemert Mauthe was far superior to Lindsey. Lester tried for goals twice and succeeded in sending a beautiful kick between the posts from the thirty-five yard line during the first period. Lindsey tried for three goals but missed all of them. Miller displayed rare judgment in running the team and in handling punts. Sometimes it would seem that this small wonder would be put out of the game when tackled by two and three heavy Pitt men, but, he always got up and started singing off signals that kept his !team on the jump at all times. We owe it to Miller that Penn State's goal was not crossed by Wagner. This play occurred in the latter part of the game. A fcrward pass was tried by State, but Wagner inter cepted it and ian thirty-eight yards, where Miller, by a speedy dash across the field, was just able to hurl himself at the speedy end and throw him out of bounds on State's thirty-eight yard line. King made several gains around the ends and used the straight aim to advantage in warding ott tacklers. As has been said Mauthe kicked a beauti ful goal and succeded in get ting his punts off in such rapid order that not one was blocked. On the other hand Pitt had seven kicks blocked out of a possible nine and one of the two successful punts was placed almost diagonally across the field. Barry formed ou several occasions good interference and he was a tower of strength on the secondai y defense. Barry was replaced by Heimann, the forme' having been bud on a line play in which Mauthe made a short gain. Toward the close of the game, Heimann was placed t t iuu to Mauthe's place, after . 1 chin 11,:c, by three plays caulecl tic ball within ten yards of the goal Ins. Berryman replaced Heimann half. Although the final scol c was three to nothing,the Blue and White almost had two touchdowns m ailditton The first chance came ,n the lust eaitiir. The bill heen arl- vanced to Pitt's foinly'ard Ime on plays by Miller. King and Mauthe. Here with foul yards to go in three tries it seemed almost certain that a touchdown was in me m. How ever the Pitt line and seconcisiy de fence rose in all their strength and, althougL Miller seemed to have crossed the line on ti.e third at tempt, the ball v,as dcelaied lost and Pitt booted to Miller. The other chance came in the last quar ter when Miller got within one foot of the coveted distance, but again the ball was lost on donna and Fitt kicked. The lineup: PENN STATE-3 Pl'll-0. Imi 1. E. W al; net Harlow L. T Few I[an L G. Got (lecke Gellert Clarke C. G.tly 11 Reboot R. G. Simtp Engle-Lamb R. T. Very R. E. Gra% es-Lind , ,e3„ Q. Dowel -Connell:, L. H. .131 own Millet King Bart y-Her mann-13cri: - R. 11. Qualley-Dil man lon Kez nohan Mauthe-Tobin llcrinann Soles Field goal—Maul he. Referee lie anti, Williams. Umpire- MeCart hey, Germantown Academy. Field Judge Cooney, Princeton. TiMe—ls mum te gum ters Dead linesman—Moffitt, Princeton. Linesmen - Gray, Penn State; Dillon, Pitt. Dean W. R. Crane attended the Winter meeting of the West Virgin ia Coal Mining institute, held at Fairmount, W. Va., Dec 4-7, and read a paper on "A Method of Testing for Black Damp." Mr. J. 0. Clark, 'll, is Assist ant Blower at Blast Furnaces of Cal negie Steel company, Ohio Works, Youngstown, Ohio. Mi. H. J. Yeckley 'll, has taken a position with the Tata Iron and Steel company, and has gone to the plant which is located in India. STATE COLLEGE, PA., DECEMBER 7, 1911 MUSICAL CLUB CONCERT' Great Success Is Met By Musical Clubs of Penn State and Pitt in First Annual Concert On Wednesday eveni•ig, Nov. 29th the Penn State Mu: :cal Clubs and the Pittsburg Musical Clubs gave a most successful concert in Soldiers Memorial Hall, Pittsburg. The numbers were all rmdered in a very pleasing style, and the affair was a success not only from the musical aspect but also from the social standpoint. The two most pleasing musical :Lumbers on the program were a solo, by Mr. Cancelierre of the Pitt Glee Club and a Baritone solo by Mr. Gray of the State Glee Club. Mr. Spiegel of State tendered two banjo solos the equal of which has scarcely ever been heard in any conrett in Pitts burg, and Mr. Cratty of the Pitt Mandolin Club cleat ly proved that he is a finished artist on the mandolin. Other solo numbers which were quite as good were thot.e of Mr. Miller o:. State and Mr Kalt of Pitt. Following the concert a dance was held in the Ballroom of the Hotel Schenley, wl , :ch was a distinct college affair. About twelve hunched attended the enjoyable conceit and fully one third of this numbei attended the dance aftervvaicl. "Ihri dance lasted from ten thirty until two a. m., and any man who did not take in this dance certainly missed one of the most enjoyable featuies of the Pitt trip. Ines is the first yes? teat Pitt and Penn State have ever united to give a concert and the intention of the management of both Clubs is to make the affair an annual one. The Thespian Play Last spring a prize of fifty dol lars was offered oy The Thespians for the best play submitted for their use for the coming season. This prize has recently been award ed to James Gibbs, of Harrisburg, an old State man, of the class of I'os. Mr. Gibbs has written a two I act musical comedy, entitled "The Commandant," which is regarded by the committee as by far the best offering produced by The Thes pians in some years. The comedy is laughable. The music, much of .which is orginal, and all of which is adapted by the author, is exceed ingly good, and there is chance for a good bit of teal acting in the play. The characters are thirteen in number, ten male and three female, and there is to be a chorus of six-, teen. Four of the parts are 'char acter' parts, and nearly every part calls for some ability as a singer. The book of the play is now be ing duplicated and by the last of the week copies will be ready for distribution to those who wish to try for parts. All members of the College except freshmen are eligi ble. Thais for the cast will be held Satui day, Dec. 16, at 1:30 p. m. in the Old Chapel. Chorus trials rill be held in January. Copies of the! play, for those who wish to try for the cast, may be obtained from Tanguy, at the S. A. E. house, Trotter, at Phi Delta Theta, Christ, at Phi Sigma Kappa, or Prof. Fliz zell, 230 Pugh street. , Mr. E. Steidle, 'll, has a position in the concentrating Mill of the Socorro Mines, a: Mogollon New Mexico. Li:S W/J/1/ ke PA, STS? Ckr, As'N , az F,GI cOL-' Senior Banquet One hundred Penn State seniors gathered in the Old English Room of the Fort Pitt Hotel, Pittsburgh, at 11 o'clock Friday night to attcnd what proved to be an exceedingly enjoyable and successful banquet. The large "S" foamed table was decorated with mountain laurel. The college orchestra which could be dimly seen through the massive ferns and palms rendered beautiful music during the evening for the bang ueters. Just previous to Toastmaster Dav is' words, "Gentlemen, be seated," the college and class yells were given. The concensus of opinion of the one hundred near-graduates was that the menu was as nearly perfect as pos sible. Hatold E. Davis acted as Toast master and kept the boys in a good humor with his witty introductions and a f tet emai ks. The toasts re sponded to were• "The Brown and White", R. C. Harlow; "Our Fu ture", R. W. Handley; — The Wil low", Jose Osuna; "Thanksgiving", H. M. Schaeffer. The places of speakers Watts and Dennis, who were unable to attend the affair, were admirably filled by On. Eber lein and Kinney, whe spoke on "Fcotball", "Baseball", and "Penn State," respectively. Impromptus were given by Dußarry on "Easy Work" and by Balker on "Pitts burg." After the speeches the men gathered around the piano and en joyed a half hour of singing, ending with "Auld Lang Syne." The Pharsonian Trials. On next FlidaY evening from 7.00 to 9.30 and on Saturday after noon from 1.30 to 4.00 the pre liminary trials for the Pharsonian Minstrels will be conducted in the Old Chapel by Mr. C. M. Couch, who has in years past turned out some of the best shows given by the organization. The object in having Mr. Couch here is to give eryone an equal chance and to discover new talent. Past members of the organization will be com pelled to try for their places to gether with the new men. Theie is always a lot of talent about col lege which never comes out for the I trials of the various organizations and to those fellows the manage ment wishes to emphasize the im portance of their coming out to show the coach what they can do in the way of singing, dancing or specialties. An accompanist is also needed and the "ivory ticklers" will be tiled at either of the above times also. Senior Dance On Saturday night of this week the first Senior Cotillion of the series will take place. It is urged that as many Seniors as possible at tend, so that the success of the le maining dances of the series can be azured. The college orchestra will furnish the latest music including the popular hits heard in Pittsburg recently. Arrangements have been made with the State College Trans portation Co. to convey gills to and horn Bellefonte at a very much re• duced rate. The dance will be held at McAllister hall at 8-15 sharp. The admission fee will be one dollar. All those bringing girls from Bellefonte see Ohleen at once. Seniors all out to make cotilliona success! Mr. J. E. Sullivan 'lO, Is Blower at Blast Furnaces of Carnegie Steel company, Youngstown Ohio. PRICE FIVE CENTS CROSS COUNTRY RUN Entry List for Annual Race Larg Hard Run Expected—Freshen u Have Most Entries The annual interclass cross co n try run will take place next .5. t urday, Dec. 9, at two o'clock, t' e start bring at the college entrai .c, near the Engineering building. The course is about five rr and is the same as that used year. Accurate blue print map uf the course hal,e been posted on the college bulletin boards. Stat twg from the Engineering building t'nc runners will go up the main collert! driveway, turn to the right at tt road in the rear of the campus, aft a short distance on this road, tt• again to the right, coming dir, c.. down to College avenue. Then course extends up the avenue, pt •,. the starting point, to the Phi Sim Kappa House, where it turns tot , • left, and turns again to the 1• it along the road beyond Lytle's fa The runnels again turn on the rt,. entering college, come up Colk avenue, and finish at the start , f; point. This coutse, besides bt i g very convenient to spectators, very good test of a runner's abil y covering all kinds of grout d and LL•- stacles. A large number of men of all classes arc training for the run, aukl it will undoubtedly be very clo• elv contested. The freshmen have ti.c largest number of candidates, i 1 cif team at present numbering al et t thirty-five. If all the men who .1 r in training now enter the race th will be about fifty contestan Theie , thould be mote than this, the allowing of handicaps give every man a fair chance. Men en tering must hand their names to Mr. Lewis today ( Chursday.) A number of prizes for men get ting places in the run have been do nated by enterprising merchants of the torn and are displayed in the show window of the Athletic Store. ItAlexander's Rag Time Band" will be sung by the Dunbar Quartet of bellringers and enteitai lers in the Auditorium Saturday evenirg, December sixteenth. This famous company of entertaineens has been engaged by the Phaisonian Minstrels in order that that oig,,an ization might make up a large financial deficit incurred last year, to enabloit t to start out the coming season with better prospects. The Dunbars have always been very popular with State College audiences and have this year an entirely new program of both classical and popular, vocal and instrumental selections. They were heard for the sixth time last week by a mem ber of the Pharsonians who pro nounces their present program the best yet. Reserved seat tickets will be placed on sale next week at prices low enough to permit everyone to hear the best entertainment here this winter. Basketball The first basketball game of the season will be played on the Armo ry floor on Friday. Albright Co'- lege is the first opponent of Captain Shore's team. What-Ho 1 Next Saturday after noon from two o'clock until five, a doll ex hibit and Candy sale will be held ut the Womans Building for the bene fit of the Y. W. C. A. of the college.
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