Penn Statecgllegian Published on Thursday of each seek during the college year by the students of 1 ne Pennsylvania Stele College in the Interest of the Students. Fac oily. Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice. State College, Pa . at seeJnd class matter Editor In Chief W. S. KRIEBEL, JR., 'l2 Assistant Editor W. P. LITTLE, 'l2 Associate Editors G. A. BARKER, 'l2 R. M. EVANS, 'l3 M. 4.. KRIMMEL, 'l3 J. D. HOGARTH, 14 F. C. DOSE, 14 Business Manager E. A. JAMES, 'l2 Assistants H. S. COCKLIN, 'l2 THEO. LENCHNER, 'l2 SUBSCRIPTION. I. 50 per year or $I 25 If rand within 30 days after /ate of subserlptlon. THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1911 Pennsylvania On the day which corresponds in oth er institutions to Founder's Day, The Pennsylvania State Ciloege recognizes and cele brates "Pennsylvania Day." It serves as a mark of recognition and of gratitude, not to one man, nor to a group of men, but to those who have made possible the present institution—the citizens of Pennsyl vania. As one of our honored guests, there will be with us tomor row the Governor of the state, and it is a stroke of particularly good fortune that we are honored by the presence of the leader of the com monwealth. The day has become one second only to Commencement Day as a time of reunion for our Alumni, and this year has proved no exception to the rule. A large number of "old grads", including a liberal percentage of the trustees of the col lege, are on hand to be entertained, and, in turn, to help entertain our other visitors. We extend to all of our guests, both alumni and other friends, a full and true welcome, and we hope that they will join with the college in feeling the final spirit and significance of the occa sion, and in carrying it to a bril liant conclusion. Navy As a particular con- Returns cession to the men of the college and as a means of aiding in the en- tertainment of our guests, the col- lege authorities have consented to the use of the Auditorium for the hearing of the returns of the Navy- Penn State football game on Sat urday afternoon. In making use of this generous offer it rests with the student body to see that the privilege is not abused. Let us re member tt e nature of the building, I and the courtesy due our guests. The applause and yelling, where they do not conflict with the work of the men at the telephone, are entirely in place, but it is our duty to see that the building itself receives no harmful treatment. We need no specific rulings for the affair; merely an appeal to the old spirit, men, and all will be well. Varsity Basketball H. E. - Shore, 'l3, has been elect ed captain of the basketball team. All condidates are requested to re port in the Armory on Monday afternoon, November 20. THE NEW CONSTITUTION Minor Sports Association Adopts Constitution and By Laws. ARTICLE I. Name and Departments. Section 1. This Association shall be known as "The Pennsylvania State College Minor Sports Asso ciation" and shall be divided into two departments : Wrestling and Tennis. Sec. 2. Any other sport not now governed by the Student Council or the various Classes, shall be made a department of this Association, by a majority vote of three-fourths of the Minor Sports Council. ARTICLE II Membership. Section 1. This Association shall consist of active and associate mem bers. See. 2. All regularly matricu lated male students of the College are active members. Sec. 3. Associate members shall consist of all former members of this Association and all Alumni who are members of the Faculty or corps of instructors. Sec. 4. Both active and associate members shall attend meetings and have equal rights to the floor, but voting shall be confined to active members. ARTICLE 111 Officers. Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Graduate Manager, a Minor Sports Athletic Director, and a Minor Sports Council. Sec. 2. The President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer of The Pennsylvania State College Athletic Association shall hold the respective offices of this Associa tion. Sec. 3. The Graduate Manager of The Pennsylvania State College Athletic Association shall hold the same office in this Association. Sec. 4. The Minor Sports Ath letic Director shall be the Physical Director of the College or his as sistant. The appointment shall be made by the Physical Director of the College. Sec. 5. The Minor Sports Coun cil shall consist of two Faculty members, the Physical Director of the College, the Assistant Physical Director, the Graduate Manager of Athletics, the Manager of the Wrestling Team and the Man..ger of the Tennis Team. The two Fac ulty members are to be chosen each September by the balance of the council. This council will elect its chairman. ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to expound the constitu tion and by-laws, to enforce a due observance du reof, to decide upon all questions of order, to call meet ings, to appoint officers and com mittees not otherwise provided for and to fill temporary vacancies. Sec. 2. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of that officer. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep, in books pro vided for that purpose, full and complete minutes of the proceed ings of the Association and a com plete and correct list of the various names and sports of the Associa tion together with dates and names of the players. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, who shall be a resi dent member of the Alumni or of the instruction force of the College, to receive all moneys, to pay out money for the accounts of the three departments on written orders of the Graduate Manager and to keep PENN STATE COLLEGIAN 'it' 1- - 1. .IE-1 ig-la S t a 1-1. d. a 1 -- ci 1... EA-Li ri cl - r- y Tha Studer-It's Laundry ijWe make an honest efiort to give you the best to be had in our line. 4/Our laundry is modern in all departments. 41]We cater to those who desire high grade work at hon est prices. JYou will appreciate the snappy appearance of our work. E. E. Shore 'l3 1E T. Asplundh 'l2 J. L McCreary 'l2 ~, STUDENT AGENTS STUDENT AGENTS 1 13 . . M. Herman 'l2 L. A. Davis 'l2 ) 'l'. W. Harris 'l3 C. R. - DMus' '3oAsoftaN. -13alku 112 Sas\ Catcse 'lva Hair Cutting a Specialty Moles and Warts Removed Stephens' POOL B ROOM an ' 66l lEr BARBER SHOP 123 Allen Street a full and correct account of all money received and expended. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Minor Sports Athletic Director to directly supervise all sports of this Association and look after the physical welfare of all Minor Sports Teams. Sec. 6. The Graduate Manager shall be the financial agent of the Association. He shall make all contracts and schedules and be di rectly responsible for all business transacted under the Association. Sec. 7. The Minor. Sports Coun cil shall be the governing body of the Association. Their actions are subjec • to the approval of the Fac ulty Advisory Committee. ARTICLE V. Wrestling Department Section 1. The officers of the Wrestling Department shall• be a Captain, a Manager and three as sistant Managers. Sec. 2. On the second Saturday after the last regularly scheduled contest, the Minor Sports Council shall, by ballot, choose the Manager for the following year, from the three assistants. Sec. 3. The Wrestling Depart ment, i. e. the members of the wrestling squad, tcgether with the tetirirg manager and the Manager elect, shall after the election stated in Section 2 of this article, on the same day, elect three assistant man agers from the Sophomore Class. No less than six shall be nomi nated. Sec. 4. The Wrestling Squad shall be determined by the Cap tain and the Minor Sports Athletic Director. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Student Manager under the direct supervision of the Graduate Man ager to attend to all business mat ters incident to this department. He shall keep a record of all meets, contestants, and time of bouts, on a special blank furnished him by the Secretary. This blank shall be properly filled out and signed by the Manager and handed to the Secretary immediately after each game to be filed away for future reference. Sec. 6. If shall be the duty of the three assistant managers under the direction of the Graduate Man ager to render all necessary aid to the other officers of this depart ment, to take charge of all trophies belonging to the department, and to preserve order in the gymnasium. Sec. 7. The Captain for the fol lowing season shall be elected by the members of the season's team entitled to wear the "S. W. T." In case there is an even number en titled to vote, the President of the Minor Sports Association must cast a vote on the first ballot. Sec. 8. The Captain shall have absolute direction of his team on the floor during a meet. He sh all have the decisive vote in the selec tion of his team and shall act in conjunction with the Minor Sports Athletic Director and the Coach, should there be one, in all matters We carry a full line of Students' Supplies Bellefonte Central Railroad F. H. THOMAS. General Manager JO. No. 10v90 m 0 0 4 :13 11 38 a RI. 866 310 7 58 3.001 11.42 p M 12 251 it m I 11 101 p 111 It! 10 t 2 00 2 07 fly .10' 6.15 6:18 64 6 16 fi , 0 6 55 7 00 7.121 7.85 With Pelimiyhanta R. R The First National Bank State College, Pa. 30, interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited Have you tried "Buffalo" Smoking Tobacco ? For Pipe or Cigarette GEORGE B. JACKSON ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE. PA. J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats GEEff=l Both phones 138 College Avenue G. B. ..Sacte.z Je.vve..fe.r am-dOptioieco. POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY CHAS. A. WOMER Tonsorial Artist Your patronage splinted Firstelass work guar BEMMII S. E. KIMPORT Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones Patronize the Co The Athletic Store BELLEFONTE, PA Dec. 28. 1010 , Lv NEW YORK Ar Lv PHILADELPHIA Ar Lv. HARRISBURG Ar .Lv PITTSBURG Ar. Lv ALTOONA Ar Lv WILLIAMSPORT Ar L LOCK HAVEN Ar Lv RELLEFONTEI Ar .. COM:MLLE ... MORRIS S rEVENS HUNTERS PARK . ... FILLMORE ... 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