Coming—Coming Coming Balmer's Boy Choir of Aftica will be with us on Sattuclay evening, Nov. 4. This enteitainment is the first one to be presented of the Y. M. C. A. series, and it is one not to be missed. The choir has made ic peated appearances before the late King Edward, and befote many of the nobility of England. Mr. Bal mer has had peat success abroad with his novel company, and his numerous appearances throughout the United States have been greeted with enthusiasm. Now is the time—get your ticket at once. Freshmen sit up and take notice, phone or call at the Y. M. C. A. office and buy your tickets as your predecessors have done. The general admission for five entertain ments is $1.50, for a single enter tainment 50 and 35 cents. The plans and specifications of the new Engineering Building have been completed, and bids aie being received I"'"iiirre Jil l!! !Ili f,, '//Plirilii'vl,..,, ;/// 4 -114 A 'O, fi 1 i 11/ Overcoats— As shown by the Sim Store for this sea- son —ready to wear are the highest achieve- merit of good tailoring—and correct style On the street—for motoring—for dress we've the one proper and becoming coat for you in the exact style, quality and price you desire to pay Our showing of overcoats is most complete Coats in many different weights, lengths, models—we can surely please you.—At $lO to sso—for cloth coats—Fur lined $75 to $2OO Plenty of new styles in suits too, $l5 tos3s. SIM THE CLOTHIER ' t 1-141 !fir'l o i 1, 1 , 1 i l li l 11 I , 1 __ 4; Copyright Hart Schur➢m BELLEFONTE Y • PENN 7-STATE'rCOLLEGIAN The Toggery Sh op Men's Furnishings . .4 . A., G. Spalding •Sk. , Bro's Athletic Goods .4 . The Heidcap and Tailopilade Clothing .r, .4. A full assortment of College Pennants ..; •c . . .4. .4. C. W. SMITH - South Allen Street The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Allen Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, rPadymade suits in stock Orders taken for made to order clothirg. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT Pool Bi!lards Bowling Meek's Pool Room J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice CLEANING RE.AIRING Capital $lOO,OOO Charles McCurdy President I. 0. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY _GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best 'Service - Your patronage solicited-- ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work_ Shop; South Frazier street Sheffler's .:- Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups I ' Stud lAll net TLC. lt(mswiti., ?To? I TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES HENRY GRIMM FINE .TAILORING Established 18.11 I=lM The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Surplus $125,000 Jas K. Barnhart Cashier . c.-Ns.l_ 1 1 - 1. I_l_ State College IDiriirig R.c•corn Under New Mapagemeot nts' regular board a week $3.10 Students' single meals 35c. Transient 50c Gfasse..s a .Spe..ciafEZ equipment, • A. L. BASCOMB & BROTHERS, Proprietors • - . C. .. 1- . F4 - ' .T_ .."' I - I E. FR_ Successor to A. H. Flartswick Headquarters for Walk-Over s 4 Crawford Hoes Banister and - Pratician' • A full line of Tennis Shoes Prepare for the Pushball Scrap Your attentt an Is called to The Quality Shop ' HARVEY BROS, ilk., Bakers and Confectioners An eAntillilonent Ishi.h it • now! for its line quality of Full line of !cue-prom printing •.• Entry File Fresh Chocolates order re eives the pets nal al:clown of the monsci r thus always on hand insur ng perfsct saiisfsoliun • Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors Excellent service at The Nillany Printing and OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Publishing Company IF State Coll age Nittany Inn Building lattany Zigink.,ACeat and ?onnx Company SN:at.e. C.Alclac,, Tenn'a A. G. SPALDING & BROS. are the !Largest Manufacturers in the World of The Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES is known throughout the IF YOU are Interested In Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue. It's a complete enclyclopedm of of WIIAI 'S NE W IN SPORT and is sent free on request world as a Guarantee of Quality R. 9. s'?3tMbN9 E) 'ZIZ,OS • NEW YORK 1 6-12 Nassau Street 29.33 West 42d Street BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE BENNA late per day $240 Wall bath $3 per day -W. L. DAGGETT Zooter's 'Dye Vovks DYEING AND DRY CLEANING Goods sent on Thursdays ofeach week "MTS. "IkCAVD.M.YRIL 119 South Burrowes Street , F-. D. WEAVER UNTO.DATE LIVERY • Opposite the Post me, „ Both Phones .... The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. D Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Agency for WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES . fort TU.k. 'Kota. 1 C. A. Blanchard Manager + Penn Avenue and Tenth Street Tkttablzackh, Va. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street R..C. PEARCE Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave