The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 41 FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-five courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania ALUMNI LETTER Former President of Press Club Ex plains Situation. Editor Penn State Collegian, Dear Editor: The letter written by Prof. Kinsloe and printed in your columns recalls to me the corres pondence on the same matter that took place in your columns last year. It appears that every year there are many alumni throughout the country that think the newspa per editors are sitting at their desks waiting for news from State College. As an ex-executive of the Penn State Press Club please let me set your minds at rest and tell you the con ditions are far from this. The first reply that we receive from the edi tors is "Why, you are out of our territory." With the exception of the large city papers, none of the papers have a circulation that ever reaches State College and they think that their readers living far from there will not be interested in State news. This, taken from a newspaper standpoint, is only natur al, for surpose you lived in Phila delphia for instance, or Schenecta dy as one of the contributors does, would you care to read news of a town of not more than three thou sand inhabitants in the central part of the state. No, certain'y not, un less you had friends living there. That is the point ! If you can prove to your editor that there are many others besides yourself that ate readers of his paper and have friends and a bond of fellowship in Penn State, that soon will make the editor "sit up and take notice" and try to get news. Let me give you an example:— Three years ago a member of the Press Club tried to get the editor of one of the Harrisburg papers to print news from State College. The editor's first reply was, "'No, you are out of our territory. We have very few subscribers that live near there and besides, we have enough colleges near us to attend to now besides printing news of a college over a hundred miles away !" However, when he was shown that the Harrisburg Club of Penn State had over fifty members whose homes were in Harrisburg and vi cinity and that their friends liked to read news from the college, he finally consented to print news con cerning any of the Harrisburg boys That year the correspondent sup plied him with that kind of news and whenever possible he sent a list of the names of the club members in order to all the more impress their number upon the editor's mind. The following year the local news that was sent was printed and last year he printed some general news as well, besides giving the cor respondent a glad hand every time he entered the office. I think if this method was carried out more extensively, Penn State would be better known throughout the coun try. Our team brought us a rousing good victory at Ithaca. There is every reason why she will even do better in the future games. Let us get busy and get the news. Our team played Villanova last Saturday. Read your p• pers carefully and if there is nothing in them about the game, sit down im mediately and write the editors and ask them why. If there are enough readers do this for each paper, you will soon see the news you wish. Asic the editors also why they do not print general news of the col lege. 'jell them you want to see it in their papers. If they nave no cor respondent from there, the secretary of the Penn State Press Club will be glad to supply him. Most of the members of the Club are furnisbing news to the papers, without any cost to the papers but should they wish a special correspondent the club can recommend him one of these. Do not forget! Do not wait to write until you forget it ! Do it now ! This will mean that your let ter will be one of the many that will arrive at the editor's desk about the same time and he will then surely "take notice." Especially if you are a subscriber of a city paper let them know that you want a daily report of the progress'of the team in its practice and scrimmage. Make your letters as strong as possible and you will find you are getting better results than had you written to the Collegian. The Penn State Press Club can only supply the news, they cannot cannot force the papers to print it. It is you, one of the supporters of the papers, that c; n compel this. Let us get busy Let us raise the Penn State College and its athletic teams to the plr,ce where they belong. Very truly yours, A. B. Zerby, 'll. The Cider Scrap Rules. The second class scrap for this year will be held on Saturday, Nuvember 4, on the crill ground west of the gynmasium. The re gularly scheduled date for the scrap has been postponed on account of the football game at Philadel phia. Both the sophomores and the freshmen will have had more than ample time to rest after the push ball scrap and every man who is physically able, should go intto scrap—scrap hard and clean—every second of the twenty minutes. The following rules will be enforced and it would be well for each partici pant to read and to observe each one closely. Owing to the nature Of the scrap the last rule is especially important. 1. The cider scrap shall be held in the afternoon of the last Satur day of October at a place to be de cided upon by the judges. 2. The freshmen shall furnish a barrel of cider of not less than forty gallons. The same shall be chained or fastened securely in a vertical position on a plat map form if necessary so that the top of the barrel will not be less than 4 1-2 feet, and not more than 5 feet above the ground. 3. The scrap shall be twenty minutes in length. It shall be start ed at a given signal fi om one of the judges. 3. Each class shall, at the sta t be arranged about one-half the cir cumference of the forty foot (radius) circle of which the barrel is the cen ter. 5. The scrap shall close by a given signal from the judges. All men having hands on the top of the barrel shall not move, but all others must promptly withdraw. The number of men having hands on the barrel shall be counted by the judges at the close of the scrap. All hands moved after the signal is PENN STATE) OLLEGIAN given shall be ruled out. The class having the highest total number of men with hands on the barrel shall be declared the winner, to have and to hold the barrel and contents. 6. The three judges shall be the two upper class presidents and a third man chosen by them who shall be a local alumnus or member of the instructing force of the col lege. The judges shall have power to arrange all details not covered by these rules, and their decision shall be final. 7. All non-combatants except the judges shall be kept back a definite distance from the scrap, the distance to be fixed by the judges in accordance with the size of the classes. 8. All athletes in training shall be debarred from taking part in the scrap. 9. All combatants must , wear tennis shoes. Those wearing other kinds will be debarred by the judges. Sunday Band Concert. In spite of the heavy downpour of rain, a large audience assembled in the Auditorium last Sunday night to enjoy the first Cadet Band concert of the College year. Every one present thought it worth a good drenching after they had been corn fortably seated and the band had entered upon its program. Every number on the program, which consisted of a 2 valiety of selections—such that would be sure to please everybody —was rendered splendidly. Each man of the organization played his part well and in such a manner that the corn bined efforts of all produced truly excellent music. A special feature of the concert was the appearance of the entire band in new dress cords which im prove the uniforms greatly. Altogether the Band presented an even better grade of music than that which was anticipated and the results of their long and earnest efforts showed plainly throughout all the selections. It was the type of concert which has made the Cadet Band popular and its con cert events looked forward to with pleasure. Considering the fact that our musicians give us this extreme pleasure so cheaply, we cannot be too extravagant in thanking Mr. Snavely and the members of the band. Resolutions of Condolence Whereas God in his infinite wis dom has seen fit to remove from our midst one of our classmates, Martin Rudolph Joerg, be it re. solved that we, the class of 1914, of The Pennsylvania State College, ex tend our sincere sympathy to his family in their bereavement, And furthermore, be it resolved that this resolution be entered upon the class minutes and be published in the Penn State Collegian, And furthermore, be it resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. Signed,' C. Edward Lyon, Paul P. S/iter, Clarence 1. Gibbs. Committee. The Chapel speaker for Sunday, October 28, will be they Hon. Fred Ikeler, of Bloomsburg. i Everybody down to ]Fenn for the big game. Harry W. Sauers c 7- 1:IF•11 jAal2's_Storgl 130 East College Avenue A lull line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors Pennants and cushion tops—a fine assortment Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.30 worth of work for $l.OO .***g-it*igi***igi.*:• - ig_. -- W-ii , ';' , 22 MI (52‘.. b.V9i WATCH THE BOARDS AT ,et e e ‘i 2 M 1- - 1 -i - t i - 1 - 1 - 1 c. 9 .tb !, ------ -2:=-- e. e 92 FOR OUR DAILY CHANGE OF PROGRAM e e T ' 9I VI HE BEST IX ":MOTIO - PfLOTOGIt;rIPHY" e e VP , q• fir 2 O COME AND BE CONVINCED e e Q continuous Shaul/ Each E v e ning 1661 tibG 1 6E0 gi beginning promptly at 6.30 q).fi q 0 q 0 2 J "The World's Championship Baseball Pictures" . '6,69 and "FOUL PLAY" a novel by Chas Reade, in three reels IjitSl . . eProduced by the Famous Thos A. Edison Co. liti;T fL W.'**6Elgi*g.igis4i***.ii§?P?;iPV. braham . tht COTAtT Barber department the best; none better; service unequal ed, equipment the latest Headquarters for Smokers' SuroVes Sole agency for SvAyes Chocolates and retailer of fine confections S El 0 E; The new fall styles of shoes just in at L. D. EYE'S Smktkl, the ollkekak ' 4 l4p- ' Photogca:p\va and d.ler m Eastman Surpktes em.\\l V‘cskekass mock dowt, 2.12 East Cottecte 3\ venvit State Cok\tge 0. F. ..S. H Pk UV Agent for THE SOLITE SUITCASE Can be kept dean by washing with soap and water. You can stand on it when empty. The best LOW PRICE suitcase made J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker Allen Street J. C. Smith & Son Dealers in General : Hardware Builders' Material Oils, paints, glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spouting Housefurnishing Goods. Etc. Zhe flittanv Inn State College UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES P AIKENS THE HOME OF TH PENN STATE FOOTBALL TEAM THEIR FRIENDS WILL ALWAYS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION 1 don't talk ; I make signs Lettering of trunks and suit cases my Spe cialty. Poster. show and display cards CHAS. A. WOMER, State College H. M. Meyers First : Class : Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE ock Haven Steam Laundry BEST WORK at LOWEST PRICES Your Patronage Solicited STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman 'l4 H. W. Stiner 'l3 Soles sewed or stitched by Champion stitcher. W. C. KLINE South Allen street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers