PENN STATE VOLUME 8 NUMBER 5 THE VILLANOVA GAME Penn State Revenges Last Year's Tie Score—New Men Show Up Well. In one of the roughest games ever played on New Beaver Field Villanova was outclassed by Captain Very's football machine. The game was played on a soft field, yet our men were able to show their superiority over the Main Liners. Mauthe opened the game by kicking to Villanova,who returned the ball ten yards. During this quarter State lacked aggressiveness and was held even by its opponents. Just prior to the ending of the first quarter, Miller, who had been sub stituted for Hermann, brought the three thousand spectators to their feet by making a sensational twenty five yard run. The period ended with the ball on Villanova's 37 yard line. State showed up better in the second quarter but were again held scoreless by their opponents although the ball remained in Vil lanova's territory practically all of the ,ime. The second quarter end ed with the ball in State's posses sion and thirty-two yards from'Vil lanova's goal line. Evidently "Big Bill" and Captain Very injected spirit into the players between the halves as they started off with a whirlwind rush at the beginning of the third quarter and kept the stride through out the remainder of the game. The pigskin was rushed through titn--p i ataneties line 1:o/ big gains and Barry, finding a hole through light tackle, carried the ball over for the first touchdown. Mauthe kick ed the goal. Miller starred in this period by tearing off a thirty yard run in a broken field. Our team now used its full strength and was soon rewarded with another touch down when King placed the ball over the line after a spectacular run. Tobin was substitute d for Barry and the former in five consecutive line plunges carried the ball 37 yards for the third and final touchdown. Mauthe ended the scoring by kick ing goal. Few penalties were imposed dur ing the game which was character ized throughout by rough playing. Line-up. Penn State Villanova Spillane (Hogan) Engle R. T. Curley Goedecke R. G. Kiley (McVean) (Caroll) Clarke (Lamb) C. Gillson Bebout L. G. Gormley (Hansen) Welling L. T. Flanagan Hermann Q. B. Crowe (Miller) Very (Capt) R. E King R. H. B. Peters Mnuthe L. H. B. Forst Barry (Tobin) F. B. Prendergast Summary—Touchdowns, Barry, King, Tobin. Goals from touchdowns, Mauthe 3. Referee—Bush. Umpire— Fleming, U. of P. Field judge—Bow er, F. and M. Head lineman—Mosser, Penn State. Athletic Association Tickets for Faculty There have been quite a number of members of the faculty and corps of instructors requesting rnembeship tickets in the Athletic Association, as provided by the constitution of the A ssociation. These tickets can be- secured at the office of the Graduate Manager, Room 121, Main Building. These will entitle the holder of the tickets to attend all the athletic contests given under the auspices of the Association. Dues are $6 per year. ON TO PHILADELPHIA Everybody Make a Final Effort to Attend the Big Game—At Least Six Hundred Men Should Ac company the Team. The special train secured by Manager Orr for the Penn game will leave the Bellefonte Central station at 11:45 Friday morning. Since last year only four hundred students took the trip, this year when vie have a much better chance of beating Penn on Franklin field, there should be at least six hun dred fellows take advantage of cheering the Blue and White on to victory. The team w.ll stay at the White Marsh Country Club, while headquarters in Philadelphia will be at the Normandie Hotel. Every man in coil( ge is backing the team for all that he is worth, and there can surely be no better Kay to show this spirit tern by surrortit g the team on Fiat klin fields Let Every one make a final effort. The slo gan is "On to Penn." Reception to Foreign Students The Cosmopolitan Club held it annual reception to new mcmbcts Friday eNening Oct. 2Cth. 'This was one of the most f.ucccsstul anti most interestirg affairs in the his tory of the club. Prof. Foster acted as toast mater. New members responded to tot sts and all expressed tht mEe 'ye: as being the happier for tbe existerce of the organization. A novel feature of the occasion uis tl national and folk songs of foreign countries. China, Norway, Turkey, Armenia, Porto Rico, Cuba, Russia and America joy f illy cc rcrx red "notes". To help widen tivz sphere of our institution, the members nol - only in tend to do active work them selves but men of aide reputation will be invited to lecture to the stu dents at large. A helping hand in making these affairs a success will surely be well repaid and deep ly appreciated by the Club. WE WONDER If true Penn State spirit was dis played by the students at all stagts of last Saturday's game. If there will be another bonfire Saturday. If we are not sorely in need of a few rousing good football songs. Why a number of students left Beaver Field while the rest of us were singing our Alma Mater after the game Saturday. If our Cadet Band did not make an excellent appearance on Sunday evening. If, however, the applause of the audience should not b: restricted to occasions other than a Sunday con cert. Alumni Visitors Among recent visitors to the col lege were : C. R. Stahl, '08; B. F. Bart, '10; P. K. Devers, '11; J. H Mosser, ex-'11; A. C. Grazier ex-'ll. The management of the "Pas tiwe" announces the coming of the "World's Championship Baseball" pictures about Nov. 13. This fea ture in moving pictures is one of the. greatest sporting events of the year and should be seen by everyone, No additional charge will be made to see this great sporting film. Wait for it. ) .Z,i : „Of 7 al I '4. ;A i f' we,40% 6 g I ) • . : 1; 41', SP ~ & •; i,', \ J.. L( ; ' 4. ' ~.4 ^ pit 4 %, 44 4." : i' 4 ,*" 4. 4.44.4 4, ' 4 4 \ ' ' '' ;' , ..,..„..... , ' , 4 .4 ' . kiitact4t.' STATE COLLEGE, PA., OCTOBER 26, 1911 HEAD COACH "BULL" McCLEARY 1910 Star Making Splendid Repu tation as Coach—A True Penn State Man of Whom We May Well be Proud. With the class of 1440 there en tered Penn State a fern of the best athletes that have ev.:r worn the Blue and White during an athletic event. Among such men as Vor his, Hermann, Hirshman and other famous backs, there if one man— Edward McCleary, whose ability as an all around athlete is eclipsed by McCleary entered here from Cali fornia Normal. He wss captain of both football and baseball teams 0, that institution for two years, win ning from such colleges as Wash COACH MeCLFARY ington and Jefferson, St. Vincent and West Virginia. As a freshman, McCleary proved to be a star at halfback on our team. It was his trusty foot that kicked a remarkable field goal in the Indian game, State winning four to nott ing. Again this same year in the game with the University of Pittsburg, having only a few minutes to play, McCleary shattered the Pitt line by a series of attacks and finally crossed the goal with the only score of the game. Because of Hirshman's injuries in the season of 1907, "Bull" one was called upon to do much of the heavy work on the offense. Pow erful and aggressive, he was a hu man catapult in line breaking, in which respect he was probably as good as any other back in the game. As a reward for consistent work, McCleary was elected captain of Penn State's football team for 1908. Having a brilliant future be fore him in 1908, McCleary had the misfortune to have his foot broken early in the season. However, al though he could not personally lead his team against Pitt, when the captain hobbled out along the side lines in his crippled condition there came into our team a mighty spirit and Pitt was swept off her feet. _ _i The season of 190 P was of the best that Penn State ihas ever ex perienced in football. Throughout the whole season McCleary was one of the greatest of stars. He could always be depended upon to gain ground. His cool, shady, playing; COLLEGIAN. his frank open honesty and his disposition have done much toward raising the standard of our ath letics. Besides being a great football player, McCleary has the distinc tion of being only the second man to captain two different athletic teams of Penn State. McCleary was captain of the football team in 1908 and baseball leader in 1910. Last winter the appointment of Edward McCleary as Graduate Coach was significant of the fact that at last our directors of athletics appreciated the fact that his four year's work here would qualify him to develop Penn State varsity teams. Since then not only has his ability as a football coach been ad mired by all who came in contact with him, but his strong character and personality have also attract ed every Penn State men. Mc -Cleary as baseball coach last spring turned out a very fast team and his work on our football prospccts for this year has been superb. Popular both among players and students at large as well, he has been one of the main factors in the great success which has attended oui team thus far during the season• Interclass Wrestling The interclass wrestling meet is to take place on Nov. 10 in the Atm ory, and this year the management has decided to charge ten cents ad mission. The meet will De held un der intercollegiate inks, with seven weights, a fall scoring three points, and a decision two. Both teams are training hard. With three men of last years' wrestlers on the mats. the Sopho mores will have a strong team, though Manager Rishcll deplores the lac . of iufficient heavy men. The final trials for the 1914 team will be held on Nov. 6. Many of the Freshman candidat es are new at the game, but the squad is working, and is being well coa-hed, and Manager Gleason is is confident of turning out a win ning team. During the past week, a number of new men have develop ed. Among these the most promis ing are Smith and France, 135 pounds; Bishop and Keller, 115 pounds. The freshmen appear strongest in the light weights. Sergeant Allen Assists Captain Fry. As was brought out in the mili tary inspector's . report in one of our previous issues, a competent militny man was necessary to assist Captain Fry in taking charge of the very large body of cadets, especial ly in the field drills. Mr. Maurice C. Allen, Ordinance Dept. U. S. A., although it has not been in line of his duties, he having taken charge of all clerical matter pertaining to the military department, has this year voluntarily offered to assist the commandant in taking charge of the drills. Nobody could have interpreted the inspector's report to have re ferred to Mr. Allen. Nevertheless we make this statement so as to eliminate all possibility of such an inference. Mr. Allen who has been with us for some time, has been es teemed by everyone, his duties have been most excellently taken care of, and now in addition to his former obligations he has assumed the position of assistant military field instructor. Do not neglect your subscription to the Collegian. Keep in mind that the $1.25 rate is inoperative after October 31. Pay it now I PRICE FIVE CENTS PENN'S GREAT PROGRESS Pennsylvania Showed Good Team Work Against Brown—Failed to Solve Brown's Forward Passes Pennsylvania has played her first big game and lost. This was due to but one cause and that was the inability of the Red and Blue team to solve Brown's forward passes. In every other respect, the Pennsyl vania team was the equal of the fast Brown aggregation. Brown is un doubtedly very strong in the line while their backfield is the equal of any team's in the East. Penn's defeat does not therefore mean that they will prove easy prey for the colleges on their schedule from now on, for if Head Coach Smith can evolve some adequate defernc against forward passes, this Penn sylvania eleven will be a very hard one to defeat. Though outweighed 11 lbs. pq r man in the line, the Quaker for wards mole than held their own so that even such remarkable backs as Sprackling, Crowther and Tenney were repeatedly held for short gains or thrown for losses. With the lire showing such good form, and a backfield of the calibre of Mercer, Marshall, Harrington and Bair, some better football may be ex pected of them. Next Saturday's game is against State and here again they will meet a foe worthy to meet the best in the field. Penn's weakness so far has been in stop , ping the forward pass but this de feet v,-;11 be wc:l:cd cn all v. eck and it will be dangerous for any of Penn's opponents to make this play their main reliance. Jourdet, Penn's veteran end will be in the game Saturday and his presence will help materially especially against State whose ends have been noted for their efficiency for the past four years. It will take a very fine pair of ends to nullify the play that can be expected from Captain Very and his mate. All the rest of the team with the excep tion of Nolan are in good condition so that barring accidents, Penn should be considerably harder to beat on Saturday next than they were last Saturday. There is great interest in the State game here be cause of their defeat of Cornell and an immense crowd is expected. Motive Power Club The first meeting this year of the Motive Power Club will be held in Room 20, Engineering Building, Friday, Oct. 27, at 7p. m. After the matters relating to organization and plans have been taken up, Mr. C. H. Beck, 'O5, St. Louis repre sentative of the Westinghouse Air Brake Co., will speak on the "De -1 elopment of the Air Brake." All students in the Mechanical Engi neering Course, interested in any phase of railroad or locomotive work are invited to the meeting and to join the club. In Other Colleges Hamilton College has resumed cross country running this fall and it is expected that they will in all probability have a strong team in the field. At the University of Ottawa the men outnumber the co-eds by only seventeen The College Library was rep resented at the Keystone State Library meeting at Sargertown, Pa. Dr. Runkle delivered an address be fore the Association, the sessions lasting from October 19 to 21.
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