We Wonder If, after next Saturday, Cornell will consider het finale contests with Penn State of minor importance. How many class banquets will be held in Pittsburg during the foot ball trip. If it is possible to abolish hazing at Penn State entirely. If it not time to elect a baseball manager for the collegiate year of 1911-'l2. What the loyal rooters for Penn thought when the news of our de cisive victory over Gettysburg reached them. How many students we will send to the football games with Penn and Pitt. Entertainment Course Tickets The advance sale of tickets for the Y. M. C. A. entertainment course will begin Monday, October 16. The exact place and time of sale will be posted later. At this time the reserved seats will be dis posed of at $1.50. On Wednesday; follows: Nov. 4, Kaffir Boys; Nov the open sale for $l.OO and $1.25 25, Chapin; Jan. 6. Crane; Feb. 3, seats will commence. I Wilbur Starr Co.; Feb. 17, English The schedule of entertainments Opera Co. Ready to wear, are the most satis fying clothes made. (iMade from the choicest domestic and imported fabrics. 4 3Tailored by hand by expert crafts men they always retain their good looks. (IA style about them seldom equal ed—at any price. cYou'il be pleased with the models and the easy prices for such high grade clothes. cSuits $12.50 to $35. (?Raincoats $lO to $3O. cOvercoats $12.50 to $5O. 4 1Evening Clothes $3O to $45 Laolisj The Sim Clothes SIM THE CLOTHIER BELLEFONTE PENT E "1. " 1 le "ATO. 1T I:\T The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings v A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods .r, THe Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing -,i v A full assortment of College Pennants v ..^. C. W. SMITH South Allen Street The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South (=Men Street Latest creations in neckwear and haberdashery, readymade suits in stock. Orders taken for made to order clothing. MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS TREATMENT "I , R...k(Avuitt.7., '2 Top Pool Billiards Bowling Meek's Pool Room J. • B. MARTIN SOLE. AGEN r FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice Cara.] simuou Charts s McCurdy President I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST STATE COLLEGE James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop: South Frazier street go ...E.E.% 14c_LVI1i.- - t- - 1- I'&111 e Under New Managemeot Students' regular b7ar t d: t w7ek c- s37sl3 llg Stu iD det: ri s' i s r ing g le meals ic . 3 c :c rri Transient 50c All new i t4ipm 6 e:t i---ri IN3 115 Frall-r.-I'Di -1-16 '-\ "7.1 :: 1 1. : :::::C ''s 0 11\ MB& Pr' :F2o \ T r-1 1:RS, Proprietors 116111111•1111111101ifb. - If TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING Established 18'1 PRESSING FENN= GSZEZEM The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Surplus 5125 000 Jas K. Barnhart Cashier Sheffler's—:- Restaurant F. D. WEAVER Opposite Hotel , UNTO=DATE LIVERY Pies Sandwiches Soups Oppottte the Pastime Both Phonts c. . S 17-1 SIICC.CS':.OI" to A I - I tiartswlck Hendquartm s far Wolk-Over" Sg Crawford Banister and noes Pratician A full line of Tennis Shoes Prepare for the Pushball Scrap me Quality Shop An establishment which is noted for its fine quality of letterpress printing ... Es cry order re( cites the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect •ausfadtton The Nittany Printing and Publishing Compaq' 7 State Collage 11.kktany Keak. and ?ovnx Company State CoNtega, Teaa's. DING& BROS. A. GI SPAL are t h c !Largest Manufacturers i n the World of The Spalding Trade-Mark OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT . o. ‘„pl No s .0E PALDINC S-1411;ltr FOR ALL ATHLETIC Si'ORTS AND PASTIMES IS known throughout the rg H e In arterested world ac a IF Y u ul p Athletic Spar I la° Guarantee i ~ h." 1,1 h-' , ' r"PY 'l. • th. : SP thialt• Cat tiorPt. n •.• ,o3noletel. clooodm of o f CtialltY 's-tpovit`r".".4l:,st enc ..5 1 \e‘:; . eloNn R. 9. S'FRETAIL9 E) Ink.e.s NEW YORK 11,.17 Nassau Street 2 , 33 West ;Id Street BUSH HOUSE BELLiwoNTE pi:NNA Hate per day e:: i 0 Mth bat hs3 PM" day -w. L. DAGGETT IZooker's 'De works DYEING AND DRY CLEANING Goods sent on Thursdays of each week MPS. - 1 - koulakne, 1 I 9 South Burrowes Street Your attention is called to HARVEY BR OS. Bakers and Confectioners Full line of Fine Fresh Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors Excellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Building The Meek Drug Store Ray 1). Gilliland, I'. D. Druggist, Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Agency for IWHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES Savk. TAN. V.AsteX. C. A. Blanchard Manager — 4 *-- Penn Avenue and Tenth Street Tkttabacsh, "Pa. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street 1 R. C. PEARCE Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave