Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 05, 1911, Image 1

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Penn State Football Team Wins
Opening Game by Score of 57-0
Varsity Displays Fast Form on
New Beaver Field.
With New Beaver Field in a
slightly muddy condition Saturday
afternoon Penn State began her
football season of 1911 with Geneva
College. On the openire play
Geneva kicked off to Barrett and
the ball was returned to the twenty
five yard line. Hermann made
seven yards around right end, but
Geneva secured the ball on an at
tempted onside kick by State on our
fifty yard line. Engle intercepted
Geneva's first forward pass at the
center of the field. From here end
runs by Berryman and Barrett gain
ed forty-five yards, and Barrett
crossed the line with our first score,
just seve - minutes after the ball was
put in play. On the punt out,after the
touchdown, Hermann failed to heel
the ball. When Geneva kicked ofi
again, Captain Very ran the ball
back twenty-five yards. Barrett
and Berryman sprinted around the
ends for twenty yards, where we
lost the ball by a fumble. Geneva
gained five yards on two attempts
and then kicked to Barrett. In giv
ing interference for Barrett,"Dutch"
Hermann had the misfortune to tear
the muscle of his hip. After
gamely sending Very around the
enc' for a beautiful thirty yard run,
Hermann gave way to Miller.
(..orerl the cetttmrl anal after
a spectacular end run, evading,•by
zig-zagging tactics, the whole
Geneva team. Mauthe kicked the
goal. State scored the third goal in
the first quarter by fast work on
the part of Barrett and Berry
man, aided oy fine interference
given by Mauthe and Very. Mauthe
kicked a neat goal. The score or
the first quarter ended seventeen to I
nothing in favor of Penn State with
the ball on Geneva's forty-eight
yard line.
Barrett raa sixty yards in the sec
ond quarter after two plays, for a
touchdown. Very recovered an on
side kick and after "Shorty" Mil
ler added e'ghteen yards, Engle was
shoved over the line. Mauthe and
Harlow made several brilliant tack
les in this period. Clarke showed his
ability to follow the ball by recover
ing two fumbles made by Geneva.
Geneva made a first down this
period. The second quarter ended
by a score of thirty-five to nothing.
The third and fourth quarters
were the product of brilliant inter
ference on the part of the backs
and ends. Barrett received Gene
va's sixth kickoff and ran the
length of the field for a touchdown'
Mauthe kicked a goal from the field
from the thirty-five yard line.
'Shorty" Miller also scored another
touchdown by fast work around the
end. During the last period Gene
va made a determined stand, and,
for a few minutes, played the team
to a standstill.
Penn State gained much ground
by wide and close end runs by fu'l
and quarter back, aided by
good interference. One fact
noticeable in the game was the
comparative absence of fumbling
considering the earliness of the sea
son. The forward pass needs per
fecting. While Geneva's line did
not prove a test for our own line,
however, at no time did men break
through our line in time to block
kicks or smash plays in the begin-
ning. Captain Very, by his dash
and leadership, showed the ability
of an ideal captain. It would have
taken a detective to discover that
Mauthe had had his ankle broken
last season, inasmuch as the same
reliable end kicked two field goals
out of three tries and six out of
nine goals from touchdown.
Summing up the result of the Ge
neva game it can easily be seen that
the Penn State football eleven for
the season of 1911 will be much
better than was anticipated at first.
Every person is convinced that by
the efficient staff of coaches, in
cluding Head Coach McCleary and
Advisory Coach Hollenback, the
Varsity will be in such shape that
on the 14th of October, Penn State
will give Cornell a hard tussle for
Owing to the fact that King and
Barry were unable to matriculate
with the Registrar before Saturday's
game, they could not be used in the
game. However, since credits have
been forwarded •since , then, these
two men will undoubtable help
make one of the fastest backfields
that Penn State ever had.
Line up of Geneva Game.
Veryl(eapt) R. E. Stauffer
Engle Welling R. T. Martin
Bebout-Lesh. R. G
Ciao' ke-Lamb C.
Vogel-Hansen L. G
Mauthe L. E Maitland
Berrytnan R. H. Nihon
Johnson-Welty L. H
Barret-Sn ith _ B. Stepai t (cap
Hermann-Mil- Q. B. Dodds
ler and Fleming.
Touchdowns—Bai rett 4, Millet 2,
Berryman 2, Engle I.
Field Goals—Mauthe 2
Field Judge—Rodgers.
Head linesman-- Goedeekt
Complimentary Dinner
At the Spruce Creek Rod and
Gun Club on Monday, September
25th, there was given by the mem
bers of the Board of Trustees and
Faculty of The Pennsylvania State
College, a complimentary dinner to
Colonel John A. Woodward, of
Howard, Pa., who for twenty-seven
years has been a trustee of The
Pennsylvania State College.
President Sparks was toastmaster
and toasts were responded to by Gen.
Beaver, Mr. Chester J. Tyson, Dr.
Armsby, Deans Jackson and Hunt
and the honored guest.
The trustees present were General
Beaver, Judge Orvb, Messrs. Bay
ard, Lowry, Mitchell, McCormick,
and White. The faculty members
were President Sparks and Messrs.
Agee, Armsby, Brenneman, Barby,
Braman, Crane, Cochel, Ft ear,
Fries, Gardner, Given, Goodling,
Hunt, Jackson, Mairs, McDowell,
Pond, Shaw, Torrence, Thomas,
Van Norman, Watts, Walker, S. E.
Weber, Whitmore, Colonel Rey
nolds, of Bellefonte, and Mr. C. J.
ryson, of Floridale.
For forty years Colonel Wood-
I ward has, taken a deep interest in
the college, having in this period
missed but two commencements
He was elected a member of the
Board of Trustees in 1884. In 1891
he was appointed a member of the
Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, and in the same year
was appointed chairman of the Ad
visory Committee of the Experi
ment Station. In these capacities
he served continuously until June
30th, 1911. His intense devotion,
his good judgment, and wide
knowledge of men and affairs corn
bine to make him an important
factor in the development of the
college in the last quarter century.
Faculty of the Agricultural Depart-
Losses:—Professor J. A. Fergu
son has accepted a po.ition as pro
fessor of forestry at the University
of Missouri.
Mr. J. Be i Hill has - )een granted
a leave of absence fer a year for
study at the University of Chicago.
Mr. A. A. Borland left for the
University of V ermo! t where he
will become a pi olessor of dairy
M. J. W. Whit• while on leave of
absence for a ycar, will study at the
University of Illinois at Urbana,
Professor J. P. Pillsb .2y leaves to
accept a position as professor of
horticulture in the North Carolina
college of Agriculture and Mechan
ic Arts.
Professor R. S. Ma. kintosh will
take a position in a h:gth school at
Caledonia, Minnesota.
Doctor Maigaict B. MacDonald
is spending het six mor the leave of
absence in Germany.
Mr. J. M. McKee ha become the
farm manager for MI Bassett at
Summit, N. J. '
Additions: J. F. Alms, B. S.,
Massachusetts Agiicultural College,
( Ass't in Botany 1.
Fr.nk App, B. S., The Pennsyl
vania State College, ( A is't In Agron
Berry, The Uni
versity of Minnesota, Instructor in
R. R. Chaffee, A. B , M. F.,
Clark University. Also Haivaid,
(Instructor in Folesuy ).
J. F. Clevenger, B. Sc., M. A.,
Ohio State University, ( Substitute
in Botany.
J. W. Duckett, B. S., Maiyland
Agricultural Colicge, ( Sub. Agr.
Chemistry 1.
H. H. Rayner, D. V. M , lowa
State college, ( Assistant in Sanita
tion and Hygiene }.
H. F. Hershey, B. S., The Penn
syvlvania State college, tAssistant
in Experimental Pon,o,ogy
R. V. I.V.litchell,Coinell University
Assistant in Poultry
W. W. Reitz, B. S„ The Pennsyl
vania State college. I flas't in
Agronomy ).
A. B. Werby, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, ) Ass't 'n
Agr. Chern. )
W. R. White, B. S., The Pennsyl
vania State college, ( Instuctor in
Agricultural Education ).
J. R. Winston, B. S., The Vir
ginia Polytechnic Institute, (Ass't
in Botany ).
C. A. Smith, B. S., Massachusetts
Agricultural college, (Substitute in
Agricultural Chemistiy ).
Liberal Arts Play
The School of Liberal Arts is
planning to give a play during the
winter, and a ce,mmittce, under the
directiot of Mr. Dye, is aheady at
work upon the i_rojcct. A classical
play will probably be selected,
The committee is discussing the
advisabilty of givirg a fairly short
play during the winter. and then, if
it is successful, presenting a more
extensive play at Commencement
A Few La Vies Left
For those who did not secure a
1912 La Vie, a few are still on sale
for $2.00 at 333 McAllister Hall.
Do not fail to Have this \ aluable
book in your collection.' '
Gettysburg on Saturday
Gettysburg College will be played
on New Beaver Field next Satur
day. Since Gettysburg held Penn
Lc) a 5-3 score last Saturday, the
game of this wt ek will be one of the
most important early season games
played. A summary of football
scores between Gettysburg and
Penn State is as follows:
Year Penn State Gettysburg
1900 44
1902 39
1905 18
1606 0
New Course in Highway Engi-
The success that attended the
Good Roads Train sent out last
spring from the college under the
direction of the School of Engi
neering has led to the formation of
a new course in Highway Engineer
ing. This course differs from the
Civil Engineering course beginning
with the se and semester of the juni
or year, and continuing through the
senior year. Highway design, and
tests of highway materials are tak
en in place of railroad engineering
For the tests of highway materials
adequate apparatus is being in
stalled, and the numerous new test
ing machines are all of the most re
cent and approved designs.
Baseball Practice
On Saturday afternoon fm on one
to three o'clock there will he base
ball practice on New 13eaver Field.
Although the work will be mainly I
for new candidates, Captain Eber-i
mrumiThms6 - cvislits air — ismd - inemi — to
present in uniform. This fall prat
[ice is very important as it will en- I
able the captain and coaches to try
out all the new men, and thus make!
the womlc of eliminating candidates!
in February much easier.
Owing to the very crowded con
dition of the Armory at the first
spring practices, it is very difficult
to give every man a chance, and the
best thing for new men to do theme
force, is to get into the fall practice
tom all that they are worth.
'Kew Equipment for School of Mines.
Some of the important new equip
ment placed in the School of Mines
recently is as follows.
A large air compressor, direct
connected with motor, and mounted
on car, such that the compressor
could be used in mines, has been
installed, and will furnish air for
limning drills and other pneumatic
A complete equipment of safety
lamps, two types of lighting ma
chines for safety lamps, and a safe
ty. lamp cleaning machine have
been received from the Ackroyd
and Best company.
A large Oil fire d Muffle Furnace,
and an Oil filed Malting furnace
have been set up in the furnace
oom for the use of the department
of Metallurgical Engineering.
These were built by the Rockwell
Furnace company and will be used
fcr work in the preparation and heat
treatment of iron and steel, and for
othet metallurgical experiments.
Track Trials
On Saturday, October 14, a track
meet will be held on the Beaver
track, for all excepting "S" men.
It is the desire of the track man
ager that all men in college, whether
of last year's squad, of the number
already picked from 1915, or of
men who have not run before, but
desire to do so. should come out
on Satuiday.
In Other Colleges
"University Missourian," an up
to-date city newspaper is the daily
production of the students and fac
ulty of the college of Journalism, at
the University of Missouri. It is
issued in connection with a practi
cal course in newspaper work which
is given by real newspaper men. Both
local and telegraphic news are in
cluded, and the whole field from
college actiN ities to Paris fashions,
from police news to social events is
0 I covered.
The students of Miami University
have voted to adopt the honor sys
tem by a very positive majority.
The adoption was at issue for sev
ei al months.
Ground is being broken for the
new horticultural building of the
Oregon Agricultural College, which
will contain elaborate facilities for
horticultural work.
The annual struggle for all-around
athletic supremacy between the two
English Universities, Oxford and
Cambridge, resulted in twelve victor
ies for Oxford and eleven for Cam
The Yale-Harvard combination
of track athletes was defeated by
the Oxford-Cambridge team in Lon
don last July. Each nation had
won two meets of sin ilar character
aid this was in the nature of a rub
ber contest. No records were
The Glee Club of Dartmouth is
taking a five weeks' trip through the
New England States.
3nie ili92---Lire-13M-v-e-rsity-of--cah
cago has granted 5,895 degees.
Pennsylvania is raising $lOO,OOO
for a new Deutsches Haus for Ger
man activities.
Faculty Dinner
The annual Faculty dinner to
welcome new members of the.facul
ty will be held at the College Com
mons on Friday evening at 7.30.
The meeting will afford excellent
opportunities for the new members
of the "faculty family" to meet the
president and the older members.
Dr. Sparks will be the presiding
officer. Prof. A. H. Espenshade
will welcome the initiates, and E
R. Smith will respond on the behalf
of the novitiates. Immediately fol
lowing the dinner, the Cotillion Club
will hold its first assembly. On the
general committee in charge of the
evening's affairs are W. A. Cochel,
Mrs. C. D. Fehr, S. K. Hostetter.
Gift of Uehliug Pyrometer
The department of Metallurgical
Engineering has just receiN ed,
through the generosity of the Beth
lehem Steel company, a gift of a
complete double Uehling Pyrometer
outfit, such as is used in measuring
and recording the blast tempera
ture, and downcomer gas tempera
ture, at blast furnaces. The outfit
includes the pyrometers proper, and
two recorders, one a Stinebart I.:-
corder and the other a Uehling re
Push Ball Scrap Saturday
It was deemed advisable by the
Student Council to hold the push
ball contest on the third Saturday
after the opening of college instead
of the second Saturday. This was
done so that the freshmen may have
more time in which to get acquaint
ed one with the other and so that
they may be able to recognize men
of their own class when in the scrap.
The contest will take place about
1:15 on Old Beaver Field.