. .„ . .„ ' .':', ''''it i , .?, ' " . / 4. ' - Mt 1 r 1; SS , lk , 1 A:i 4 /.... iP,.. e', 6 4 . „. t. Pi fIY)OS4P A %., !'= , A. i A . o r , , 0, tt f. —1 STA TE #0r)...\,t4...,.,;. v,..\,..„..„,„..„./ , , „.... 4,,?:54._ „,... , , , VOLUME 7 NUMBER 31 LAST WEED'S GAMES, Two More Victai les' Added to the ; List—Rain , Halts Second Caine With St Bonaventure Klepfer Allows But Dour flit:; in Two Games Berme the deluge of examina tions snuck the , tudetit body amid ships this veil:, Cartain nine Capt liedl tllO I..;utot ies last veek while the completion of a thud game was pievented by iam. On Memodal y the redoubtable "Rub -" Klepfci held the St Bona vtntinc unilei his thumb for nine innings tied vc on handily 4 to O. Nine 0f the stickeis ti cm the head ,mtets of the Allegheny fanned the biee6es and they seemed but three nits from "Rube " Eberlein 'and Colson. did out telling %yolk with the stick, and Tuman played .e biilhant game at thiid and Dugan stalled at fast fog the vis itors. On the following day Captain King of St Boriaventure had se cured two runs himself on close plays at the plate and our ru..ners had failed to tally, v, hen rain descended in torrents just as the 'Blue and White team was going to bat. in thr latter half of the fifth inning. Up to that ti.ne. we had secured one more hit than the ,isitois and it is to be regretted that the contest could not have been finished for it gave ever y_ promise of being a well .fought pitcher's battle As it was not enough 'of the contest was played to make it a game. Oti 3.atada) ram agars marred the sport, but tills time the victory was safely ;n our hands and five and one half innings «erc put away before the weather man inter fered. apfer allowed only one hit and struck out Susquehanna hat-wielders with an exceedingly wet ball, for it , was drizzling during the entire strug gle. batters were going well and would h ye piobably run up a substantially larger score than 3 to i it they had been able to complete the contest. It was another clean victory fof Klcpfer, we .have won nine of the last ten games on the dianiond and the big twirler has been on the mound in: at least a part of eight of these tritimphs.l Today Buchnell is met on New Beaver liicicl, on May Cy the Orange and Blue was beaten 7 to 4 at Lew isburg. The scores of last week's. games follow, bota Bubb and Blythe were kept out of ..11 these contests be cause of sickness t4b, s .30 at :01 t, t PENN Sims Warn 11l di I MU r i Ebt ri , Iti I Halt! .3 CaTJI II Itt titeror M mutt c Xtep tr 1 SI P(_N Knurl bug ut Tra%nor 'lnman .3 thlhoolL pc)) It to Ain 1 , 11, Clan r tan) St. 81111, 21 taut, Penn bt,tt, TAlo ~ t hit, ,r, 0 1 lrtt L,t c hit hb, 0011,1 run, 11,, , 1t0t,, f.lact I ft,n , le, Tin Sto- IC)) s 1Vor1,11) its 2Dian, 11, Wilts,- 1),,, i, Wats. I tint to 1 to I) s tt Is I for r" Or!, In to 1.111 t. 11 , 1,1 on tff Dolan) hit otttl ' , IF - t( nit 1., I,lt olor 1).- 10113 nt .1i I mp,t). l Uncht t 1 r10) 'll ,It St ttr St lintlaventurt Penn Stat., B d-terlc, Mcan hit and 13ti4to, Nlint, 'Ahit ney and Manßal Idadd , m. 1,1", (ii booley Sacrifice hit, Carson Stol ii base , •, Yawn:. Carson, (~11111,1r) 2 }: lb,. 011 0,111, Gilluoh y, Lborktl, Struck out 1,1 Min , ell 3, V inel 1: Mccltt key 3 L•rrorl, Craw 2. NI it tch 1, ilmt tf Lidl June 3 al St le Cullene Scisqiit hat ni enn St rt.,. 2 1 1 0 0 x 3 6 1 13 .1 1 Pete!' and Hot er, Klepicr and S' otetii Hit , Kc 11t, W 011,1 an, kberlt u, Iladdo \k , Carson, I,lupfet, Putsrs 13,1 e, on Lt'ls, Kull) Struck out by KleidrrN Iry Pt LI: 2 1 1 mutrt, rtullut Big Day Arianged :for Alumni; Seniors Take Part in Several of the Proceedings. As a day of special interest to visiting alumni, June 13 has been selected, and a very complete program has' been arranged foz the occasion. It is of pazticular impor 'tance, also, that the members of the senior class become acquainted with the pregmm of the. day, since their presence is needed on several occasions. All of us should do our utmost to make the day an inter esting and enjoyable one for out old "grads." Upon arrival, alumni are requested to register at the alumni room in the Library. The proceedings for the day will occur as follows : 9.00 to 10:30—Important alumni business meeting in Old Chapel. ( All members of 1911 class should be in attendance.) 10.30 to 11:00—Annual business meeting of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Fraternity in the Auditorium foyer. 11:00 to 12.00—Public welcornt. , to the class of '6l in Auditorium. 2.00 to 2 , 30-7-Trustee Elections— Delegates, in Old Chapel; Alumni in loom 114, Old Main. 3 00—Big Alumni parade, headed by the college band, starts from Old Main. R II P A F I 4 01 1 I 1 I I 1 1 11 0 11 1 1 11 0 11 .3 1 II 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 II 3:30 Baseball game- Alumni vs 'Varsity. The best game es et? - 8 00--The Thespians in Audi torium. =SEM 9:00 Alumni dance 'and recep tion in McAllister hall. Alumni, Ex-Students, Senior Class and Fac ulty aie welcome. Dance, tiee; small charge for refreshments to those who desire them It II l' A E 0 u ,t 0 0 /I (, ~ ,p ,t I , I - 2 0 0 II I II II 0 II " I II 0 I I II 0 0 II I ' I 0 0 2 II II 0 I li 1 I 0 3 .1 1 , 2 0(I (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I P 1 0 I 0 'ols , $ - The following men have been elected to membership to the Paimi Nous Society:- 1912—A. J. Bien, C. W. Duncan, Le Roy Evans, Paul Forsyth, R. C. Harlow and W. S. Kriebel, 1913 F. J. Barrett, P. T. Behan, B. A. Datiagh, , L. F. Engle, J. L. Mauthe, H. E. Shore and Dt W. Very... R 11 E 1 111 II lI 2 2 11 • ti i 3 h.sy of the Penn Stale. Abonnt Qua; (e) (y HIS EXCELLENCY, CIIANG YIN TANG Mini;Apr from China, to the thuted States oanntit- ALUMNI I) %Y Parmi Nous Electious STATE COLLEGE, PA., JUNE 10, EXPERIMENTAL ENGINEERING Investigations Carried On Itythe , Numerous Departments in the School of Engineering—Work on Aeroplane Track Outlined. During the past year there has been started and successfully car ried on a number of investigations along practical and original lines. Nearly all of the experiments that are being conducted arc new and will_be the means of presenting to the engineering professi;4n, a great deal of valuable data covering a number of varied fields. The , work is the beginning of a number of investigations to be carried on by the Experiment Station and is under the direction of the different depart ments concerned. The different departments have started woik along this line, ar.d each aie contributing some feature of" this line of extension. In the Department of Industrial Engineer ing, the investigation of high speed steel and cutting tools, along with efficient shop management, has been started. The equipment for this woik, although small, is of the best and a great deal of work is expected to be done along, this line. The heat treatment of steel, a subject which is commanding a great deal of attention in the indus trial world, is being taken up by the Department of Mechanics, At Conference on Rural COnditions. On July 5,6, and 7 a conference on aural conditions will, be held, at the college. ' Among the speakers are Hon. Giffotd Pinchot and Ex. Sec. James R. Garfield. Many prominent men will be bete, and the conference is expected to be most successful. - , The reviewing officer of the reg iment ,of college cadets this morn ing was Lieutenant Colonel Nicolas de Urcullu, General Staff, Military attache to the Royal Spanish Legation. By c.notesy if the l'enn Stile, AIIIMItI all 7 , h Ph, DEAN HERBERT L. WILLETT: Phi) of the Umvenity of Chicago 01,1, iIAN present a shipment of steel bass flop' , the Bethkhem ,Steel company is on hand and a sutiable furnace is under constriction. The equip ment is expected to be complete by next fall, at which time a number of interesting experiments will be conducted. In the Elect - neat Department the wireless station has been built up until at the present time the station is complete as far as the receiving apparatus is concealed. Communi cate ,n has been successfully canied on between the stations and tem potai y stations set up at difteient points along the mountains. Din ing the coming fall the poles and wires on the ,top . of the building will be raised and the present equi pment enlarged upon. The depat t men then expects to carry on definite experiments with the Penn sylvania Railroad company's station at Harrisburg. Under the direction of the Me chanical Department, there has been designed and constructed, the The Thermal Testing Plant and the so-called "Aicoplane" track. Pei haps the so-called "Areoplanc" track has attracted more attention during the past few weeks than the other lines of wcrk, due to its unique construction. It is not exactly an areoplane track, for in addition to the running of tests ,on lifting planes fbr aeroplanes, experi ments will be conducted to deter mine the effect of resistances on different forms of car and autoino bile fronts," the 'latter being a sub ject that is receiving a great deal of attention in foreign countries and one that is changing in every detail the design of automobile bodies. The track is circular and has'a radius of 100 .feet, making it ap proximately 8.4 turns per mile, so that for -a speed of 45 miles per hour, which is about the maximum speed c:esirekl, the, car will encircle. the track every 9.5 seconds. The car is propelled by a 20 horsepower motor by means of a silent chain drive. It is held against contrifugal force by a cable fastened lo a six inch steel column 30 feet high imbedded in a case of concrete at the centre of the circle. Readings of the resistance an I lift ing effect will be taken by means of automatic electrical recording in sti uments. Regimental Review PRICE FIVE CENTS MAIISONIANSMAKE HIT No; Songs, Specialties, and Jokes Large Commencement Audience The Phaisonians gave their final peifoimancc of the year on Friday night to one of the largest ,Com mencement audiences ever seen in tl)c history of the institution. The show given, by far surpassed any pi evious pcifounance produced by the ()lonization. Mom the rise of the curtain until the closing overture the audience was kept in a spasm of laughter. Mi. Gaut sang "Some of These Days" in , has chaiacteristic style, arid this number was immediately followed by "The Land of Har mony," sung by Mr. Leyden the catchey end. Mr. Wingard sang the beautiful ballad "Dreams of You" in a beautiful manner. This was followed by Mr. 'Ludwick in his great song "That Long Lost Chord," Mr. 'Guthrie gave the audi ence a great treat in his interpreta- 7 tion of Bert Williams' famous song "In De Evenin " He repeated his' success of the former performance in the manner in which he portrayed this famous comedian's style. Mr. Armstrong, the well-known baritone ' was encored time and time again for his beautiful rendition of "We'll Build a Bungalow." Mr. Nelson, undoubtedly made the hit of the evening when he 'sang "..fhe Place For Me Am Home." He was assisted by , Mr.' Neidig whO played the part - of the lion. The evening's first part cicised with one of the greatest mirth provoking scenes ever produced on a local stage It was entitled "Gee! But Its Great To Meet a Friend From Your Home Town." In the olio, Mr. Spangler and Mr, Nelson produced the side-splitting ' farce entitled "Black Magic." From start to finish it was a round of hila,•ious situations. The "College Inn" the farct: comedy which closed the show was similar to the "Blue Goose Inn" of the previous performance, except that it had all the,. weak places; if any, strength, cried. New songs were introduced, new characters were neatly fitted in and if was one continous round of funny happenings, and clever Work by finished comedians, The show was under the (Election of C. N. Couch of Pittsbmg and it gives due credit to his work, COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. Class of 1911 to Hold Graduating Services on Wednesday. On Wednesday, June 14-, at ten o'clock, the 1911 Commencement' exeicises will take plac'. in the Auditorium. The events will begin with the Academic procession,' which will form at the Library, and march to the fiont seats in the Auditorium, the faculty taking their places on the stage. Rev. Dr. Gill, Chaplain of the College, will pm nounce the Invocation. The class of 1911 is particularly tottunate in securing as their Com mencement orator His Excellency, Chan Yin Tang-, Chinese minister to the United States. For the first time since coming to the United States, the Minister will speak on the Chinese question, his subject being "Amer ica's Part in the Reju nevation of China." The Senior Valedictory, will be deliveted this year by Willard Ray mond Rhoads. Continued on part. 4, culuilin 1