STA'I'E COLLEGIAN ' cA,L,oh.ti g vublioied , .0 I iltw Li 11 ot r,ch .0-rk mil lig the I Chlll.l oAlf s.ear bt ti tudt .t P. I IVIIIIrt LW( C 11.,t ui Itu tit n i It tt t II .4 I Wl} AN/11,111,nd I r MIS of till E.r.terctl th. Postal., , St,ele e ,is ICCUII 4 I CI I ; 114 i It T Editor in'ehlef • • C.'l‘,lacC BIZEITINGER, 'll Assistant Editor R. F. HEMINGWAY, 'll Associate Editors D. R. MASON, 'll W. S. KRIEBEL. JR., 'l2 , W. P LIT'T'LE, 'l2 B. S. RUSSELL It • Business Manager C. F. PRESTON, 'II Assistants E. A. JAMES, 'l2 11. S. COCKLIN, 'l2 TIIEO LENCHNER. 'l2 SUI3SCRIP I lON, 01 50 per year or '3I 25 if paid within 30 days after I de of aulpieription THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 The Class The class hat custom Hats , has reached a point when it is advisable to have it thoroughly sifted out, and ascer tain whether it is really Lot the best interests of the college to continue it. The most recent, grievance, has been the selection by the sopho more class bearing the Penn State symbol "S" - which is denied to all who have not carried it. by, compe tition in athletics. It is the custom in the majority 'of the larger insti- tutions to permit the wearing of numerals on class hats by those whO have won them in class con tests, but in but few cases is the college letter worn by any but those who have won it. Whether the ''S" used is the par ticular form of varsity letter, it is the symbol of the institution and the varsity men are, belittled when it,is'opAn to' the, Auden blTdy. — ' A good solution of this problem is to adopt a , unifoirn upperclass hat of Penn State blue, and allow the class athletics to have white numerals on it. Other suggestions May be similarly good, but the main point is that the matter needs immediate attention and should be Giscussed until, a fitting agreement has been made. Musical Clubs Tomorrow night in the Auditorium- the combined musical clubs will hold their first concert and it is to be hoped that' the attendance will be sufficiently large to compensate for the untiring efforts of the organi-, zations Some time ago, the stu dent body pledged staunch support to the movement and it will be necessary to entii ely fill the Audi- Concert torium to cleiay the expenses un der which the clubs have been placed The concert will be complete in Every detail, th.-... program having been especially arranged to meet with local approval, and it will un doubtedly please the most exacting. It you weie one of those who voted in mass meeting to attend this function, do not fail to fulfill your piomise and iotaney to the Auditorium tomorrow night to heal one of the best entettainments eve' planned at Penn State Groff The importance at "Dad- this Continence he ieceiNed the de ray dy" Groff Day is miah mee of L. L D horn the University emphasized this yea! by the fact of Edinbugh. Genetal Beavei with Mt. Cochran will that the Chinese Ambassadoi to the achhess group meetings dining United States e, to I.)e the Com- the day and speak at the Y. M C. A meeting in the Auditonum at an open meeting in the C\ ening at 6,30. mencement m atm. and will. of c out se, be io ea tly Intel ested „ ,k,C,cl, ”, Litt: . i1,,c,.i0t the be A ' , ,i-1 \ l« , ‘ tliwll t‘ r (an lender (..,InnJ at tins moment 15 to observe Glatt' Day with tictuten dolls enthusiasm and with huge success tile Auditor um should be over- , full and, as this is pecultally for "State" men, let every man he on hand pttoptly, So 'as to sec ure a A Medical College to Which Phila- delphians Point With Pride The city of Philadelphia has long , been famous for its medical colleges and high among these institutions is the Medico-Chirtug,ical College. 'This college has had a wonderful growth, "probably without a parallel 1 in the history of medical schools." Today it offers unusual opportuni ties fOr' students to prepare them- ' 1 selves in Medicine, Pharmacy, Dent istry , and Pharmaceutic Chemistry. The , college is most advantage-I ously located. It is Centrally situ- j ated and near a large manufacturing district, where the hospital cases are extensive and varied in character, ! and afford , unsurpassed clinical fa- cilities: The clinical amphitheatre; is the largest and finest in the world. The hospital is well equipped and modern in eve' y respect. There are fourteen labo atones so arranged that abundant individual work is assured each student. In each of the foul departments degrees are granted at the .end of carefully graded courses Every student has the advantage of practi cal instruction, free quizzes, limited ward classes, modern seminaar meth ods and clinical conferences ' 1 The faculty consists of a staff of , instfuctors of ' pronounced ability and reputation for the most modern methods. . 1 The dean of each department will , fuitlish‘ information to anyone de siring it. Groff Lay Exercises Flags' from every country will help us next Sunday to center our thought upon vast empires of the East whose problems are so interest-' ing and complex that they are loudly calling to the world for solution. When one cent a , day will keep a starving Chinaman in food and we realize that one million Chinamen Will die this year from staavation we gain some idea of the value of our, work in China. We' endeavor thro ugh our representative, Mr. Groff, to enrich the worn aut soil of China !' and make it fertile, thus preventing , the famines which entail sad havoc untold misery and endless deaths We cannot remain indifferent when countless numbers go to bed 1 mighty hungry and starving. The agricultural missionary can help to solve this problem. Not one man, but a school of agriculture is need (as the University of the' Penn sylvania is supporting. the medical I school ) to , cam , on this hurriane I woik. Surely we shall unloose all pieutclice and previous misconcep tions and to a man suppOrt so worthy, needy, and comphrenssve a woik A committee of students will have charge of the exercises of 'I the clay. General Beaver at Sunday Chapel. The old reliable and ever welcome General Beaver will be at chapel on' Sunday morning This is the first, time that he will speak to the stud ents since his !cut n from they World's Missionary Conference at' Edlnblagh. While in attendance at THE STAI'I rOLLTIGTAIq I 1 \ ' c )1 1 ' FI.- 4 V . N, g .. / ''‘..--- t:(Z- - ' ,. ‘ I , to tty the I hgh Standard Laundry you are missing the opportunity to get excellent lain_ dry work done at moderate prices. If ,you want to be convinced, ask somebody. F Ilewel •) N Boger ST,III*,I,IT AGI!N J L McCreary I Get in the habit of asking us for a your job bid on work `c We will 'surprise you in quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte, Pa. Both Telephone,. J. C. Smith & Son SucLesors t., 11 17 Meek Ilarth%ale Co General : Hardware Builders' Material' Oils, paints, glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spoutirig" Fine assortment of Sporting Goods A.''DEAL . SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT' WAFER, VAPOR AND VAC;U,UM HEATING State C'llege Pennsylvania James M. Williams General , Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop, South Frazier street the (i.critre llounty 2.miefonte Sheffler's -:- Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups I . r! . TI C) 1, I\ii I , ' STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES: FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST STATE COLLEGE S. E. K IMPORT I leathiu irters for Choice Meats of MI Kinds Frazier Street Both phones , J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meats Fish in season 138 College Avenue w. F:14:7.1 , 0. I:71 01 )tiC 4 1R12 POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY F P BLAIR & CO BELLEFONTE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Cor of Brockerhoff House All M3ll orders promptly atten led to Fin_ watch and Jew elry repairtnit a specialty Both Minces CHAS. A. WOMER Tonsorial Artist Your patron,to...olictted I iracllSC nnk guar ant UNDER HOTEL The Ralston New spti , ng styles of 'shoes just in at L. ID. - "E--VIE'S Higji 'Standard Laundry Philipsburg, Pennsylvania „ . We carry a full line of Students' Supplies , .., The Athletic Store - Bellefonte. Central . Railroad F. H. THOMAS, General Manager No I NO , I 3 II 111 j 11 111 ; I 1101 900 1 It II li l t , I a in Mil 1 101 7 14 1 t 001 11 121 IN nt 12 211 II 111 I 11 101 7 11,1 io m 101 Hlil. o 111 11h1, 10, 117 10 2I 6 'l7l '2 I'2 I I, 11 , 41 171 It 12 1 211 11,1 2 1,1 10 11 6,",n' ' 1 1 1 , Ti 15 1 10 IS' Ton ,l , 2 10; 1 7 12 , 1,20 , 11 101 7.27,1 to no 1 I 1 7 271 11 on , 7 11 , 10 L , 7,11 1' 1 to in I o ol)took, ev, rpt tinnda% Conine; lino— INN 1111 1'0n0041,11111,1 R R • ' . T ---- he ' Park , Hotel e Williamsport, Pa. Headquarters for all "State' teams , -.--,Located opposite the P. R R. station Free bus to P. & R. R. R. station. Rates $2.50 per day and up ward C. C. MISH. Manager S Tik kkla the "PhotoqapkteT Both phones an i dealer In EaBtMaNCZrav9k‘eS Also agent for e s eAnmbia acavhaphoTtes and, Sn&estrattWetecoris 2\ 2 East eaktiri Rtnnuis Skate CoW,go' GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS. TOBACCO AND - FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smelters' Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST.. STATE OOLLEOII. •A. The First National Bank Capital $lOO,OOO 0. F. SHAW, Harnessmttker J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker STUDENT AGENTS T W Piollet J W Miler:1110a Pst BELLEFONTE, VA Dee 26 HMO Ls :SEW YORK Sji In Pill I. % DELPHI k Al Li HAMItigTICTRO t r Lv PI I TSlttilto Al I=l IA TY RON E ' %1 irtd.r k'AISPOIt 1' 1.% LOCK II \v}:\, A 1.% % colxvi lAA; , \MUMS . s'l EVE\S P Ilk FILLMORE flu %RIX M N MILES \I NICUMRINE LA ST kTE 'COLLEGE STIWIILES III.IIQ\ISINIll1' • PINE GRON'E MII.I S BE LLEFONTE Suiplus $lOO.OOO Allen Street Patronize the Co 'So \"I \" 1 I fr 1 I) In I p In 1 .1 111 I Il 181 1I)111 7I 6,2,11 7 501 110 251 5 171 'I l 55 101 5,121 n 111 I 11 11(11 2 52i 1 1 III) 151 2 151 in 111 , ' I) in 12. 111 2 55,111;,5 I a in I i 110,1(il ..2 op ql5 I H 501 12 10l fi On H poi 12 II) '5 51) H ;17 1 .5 I - I I H ill 5 I' H 'III 1 1 I') H 281 12 'lBl 5 Il N '2 II 1 ) 8) 821)) 12 101 ,) Bn7) ') I 107 18,110' )11:8) .1 80 7 r d II 11l p i 8 I ) 0 7 I.)! i 7 .rd1) , 171) . I . I, p In 1:Ii.,1 vi ii '1 um. Sheasly & Gentzel Dry Goods, GrocorieS, Notions . __—.........:____ Furniture and Carpets Headquarter, for FINE -:- CONFECTIONERY Nos. 200-400, College• Avenue Vrctsvakek.' s Shoe Stor e • Headquarters for 11JEA-Over CTEVZOSOTeI SAC ES llaulatex Meek liStonk 3Mtu Stved The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything in EiattlN% at e . . MAI Ibutor, tot the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH'CO'S complete line ASPHALT ,ROOFINGS . • our ,po•lalty BELLEFONTE. PA. egian's Advertisers—