•••••.-- - . . y The.: Pennsylvania •.. State : College EIWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph It • I, I D . PRESIDENT E s t a blished and imaintained In, the joint action of the United State , . GoNernment and the Corm - nom\ Pali hof ' l'enns‘l‘ anlii igiFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Enginet,iing, Libotal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science', oil (Ting thirty-two courses of four years eticli--- Also «iin'i.o , l in limn(' Econonnc.,, Industrial Alt and Phv , dcal Eilu 'ciitton TUITION FREE to both sexes, incident,il elan gos moderate , First semester hewn', muddle of Septembei, second semester the first of February, Summer Session for Teacher,' about the third Monday in June of each \ edi hor catalogue, bulletins, announcement , „ etc., with t , ., , , ii I THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsyltania •. vi/hat PrcifesSicm are You Choosing If it as either' MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY of CIIEMIS'IRY, do not fail to learn the advant age % of The /111-dic-cr-Chirt_iirgic - al College of Philritlelpht,L It I. In Ow 19ti „Ills 1, h. , Lend and , illl I. 1 11111 111 111 1 111, 101 I tlla 11100 In 1111 50 11,5,01aa 11 a l 5 / 1 01 15.. 11 all 10111 id 11111110 II 1-5 IP , Si II II11,111111.: , ‘l, 11 1511111115 111111 115 11 11111111115511 1,11110111110 1% 1111..1 lllO II 111 110-1111 1011 111 lia t ssll 111th II Xllllllllllll5 sirs s Aunt 11. 105555 05% w 5511 II 1 , 1 11 11 1 tilt 111 110 501 11111% 1-1 51551 It 11 1 . flum d aa i .10 51 1111111 \15515511 11 111. lus tills'. 1111 II ails aII nth] 11,...11 I'l,l Ild T o n ing I. 5, , 551111.,th and Ilionintulth put t h 11 Sp'' In! I +Wu 0, au Pet , ifintl In.lnu 11111 and I, 111 , mod In nln Ihns 111 nl Clltth n 1 I'olllololn I. lint \1.1,1111 LI `, will le (1. lI 11. :55511151 ill (ale, 111 10111110111 Allllllll 111155 , PI 111 ill It 111111 ri own,: la I,llsn rim llt llt \t ills 11 1111, 10 11115 1 , 01111 or the )11111111111 si uI ,slll4 II POI 1111 11111 I It al I 0 1111100111 50110111 1115 4,rllvint s ont I. 1 101 mit 10?..im a , tis - 0101 , 0 1 . 110' .01 , tuft, o ff,. %s ills 11111 1111101 11011111 Making n 1111,11 01.1011 Seventeenth and Chen y Sties-to, Plulltlelphin, Pn TENNIS __ • . , Prospects Look Bright and a Good ' Team is Expeqedto Represent the College this Spring- 7 A Seled-) 1 ule Being Arranged. Considerable interest is being shown among 'the followers of the tennis game over the prospects' for the coming ,spiing. With' such a large number of , men playing tennis on the various courts around the college—a 'number taken last spring estimated it to be 375 men—there is no reason why Penn State should not be represented by a tennis team which would uphold the honor of our Alma Mater as well as any of out various athletic teams. To show his appreciation of the game "Mr. I.Z. D. Gilliland, manager of the' Meek drug store has given 8 beautiful medals, 4 of gold and 4 of silver, to be contested for in dif ferent tournaments to be held dur ing the coming spring. ,Medals will be given for open college singles, inter depaitment singles, and inter fraternity singles. No man winning a medal in one tournament mill be eligible to play in another and it is thought that this plan will enable every player in college to have a fair.chance for a medal since the best players in college will then• be eliminated from certain of the tour naments.. In addition to these medals, a doubles tournaments will be held for the championship of the college, the winners to be awarded the beautiful Stevenson trophy which is kept,in the trophy room in the Library. A tennii schedule, is at present, be ing arranged , and for the first time in a number'of y,ars Penn State is to be represented in matches against our rival colleges. It is the intention of , the more prominent players in college teams to bring a number of good college teams to our own courts and give the followers of tennis a chance to see good tennis played. Cornell too, practically agreed to play at State sometime during May, while Swarth more and the Navy are endeavoring to secure matches with our teams at Swarthmore and Anr apolis. Seveial of the smaller colleges in the western part of the State have also The Thespians will give their first I performance of "The Climatologers" in two acts in the Auditorium, April , the seventh. The men have been practicing taithfully foi the, past several weeks, under the ,direction of Mr. C. L. Downing After their first performance here at College, al trip has been scheduled to include Mercerskrg Club Banquet. Harrisburg, Lancaster, and other The annual banquet of the Mer- / well known cities in this section of cersbing Academy Club was held the state and then the final 'per- Saturday evening at the Blue Goose. formance dui ing Commencement The Club was very fortunate in week. , h .ving as its guests Dr. William I The cast and chorus have been Mann Irvine, Headmaster of Mer- selected as follows -- cersburg Academy, Dr. George E. Cast—Bob Janney, a college stu- Vincent, President of the University dent, H. P. Ai msti ong,ll, Ephaniah of Minnesota, and our own President, Hibbs, a bashful Itieshman, H. T. Dr... Edwin H Sparks. H. Bubb, Gheen 'l2, Loud Aichie ylontgom -1911, acted as toastmaster and ery, one of the nobility, E E. called upon the honor guests in Tanguy, 'l2,"Sancly" Mac Doogal, agreed to play a Penn Slate team and in all probability a team will make a trip which will include Al legheny. Grove City, Geneva and Westminster. town for short talks. Di. Irvine spoke of thc,' rise of the Academy. I . the great sucess of Mercelsburg boys all departments of life and' the future of the Academy. He expressed, great satisfaction that not only were they prominent in ath letics( being represented on all the larger college varsity teams )but also in religious work. He told of a gen- eral movement passing over the, Academy for the leading of purer lives and of the very great impresL sion the Penn State delegation had i f made throughout 'the school. He . I closed his talk by expressing .in behalf of himself and the Academy; their heartfelt thanks for the interest the Y. M. C. A. of Penn State showed in the boys of the Academy. Dr, Vincent was the next speaker. He told of the favorable impression he had received of Penn State, of, our wonderful opportunities here, and of the influence of clear athletics IHe disci iminatecl " between the words "sportsman" and "sport" and made an appeal to all of the fellows to live up to the requirements of the former in all their actions and to use their influence in stamping out those of the latter class. Dr. Sparks told of the remarkable records of the college in the mid year examinations and expressed , his satisfaction that nothing had occured here this year to give the so-called "yellow journal" a chance to spread broadcast, things that injure the college in the eyes of the tax-payers. isle spoke of our de pendency upon the state for aid and the necessity of straightforward actions of the student body in order to get suitable applopliations. By expressing his satisfaction of the cooperative work of the students he inferred that no action of the stu i dent body this yea,. should blackball us in the eyes of the legislatuie. T. W. Piollet 1911, spoke of the history and prospects of, the club. After singing the Mereersburg "Al ma Mater" and giving the old loco motive yell the enjoyable evening was brought to a close Final Thespian Cast and Chorus. 'rrrr QT I'TT' enT T,F(II A '%7 a Scotch Chantteur, A: Gray, 'll, Dr. Knowlittle, Prof, of Cli. matology, J, A. Hassler, 'll, Mis. Endliss Payne, Wealthy Widow, F- E. Ludwick, '11; Lillie Luttle, of Ma Tuttle's boarding house, R G Guthare„ll; Mary Knowlittle, Di's daughter, H. L Daugherty, '11; Dora Manni g, Mrs. Payne's niece, A. P. Gray 3rd. 'l2 Chorus—Girls, C M Breitinger, '11; L. C Barton, '11; E F. James, 'l3, C. E. Cronemeyer, 'l3, E. F. Glock, 'l2, D. P. Trotter, 'l3; P. G. Salom, 'l3. . Men; E. C. Turner, '11; K. S. Stevenson, 'll, W.R.' Murphy, 'l3, B. A. Darragh,''l3; D• W Lloyd, '11; J. M. Snyder; 'll, A. M. Hoover, 'l3. A Probable Visit From Capt. Hay' Capt. W. H. Hay, formerly the Commandant of Cadets at Penn State, has been detailed by the War Department to inspect the cavalry of the Pennsylvania National Guard, His trip ,of inspection will extend from March'2o to 27 and if his duties will permit, he hopes to be able to pay us a short visit and renew his old acquaintances at Penn State. As a result of the law recently passed by' Congress providing for an increase in the commissioned personnel of the United States Amy, ne has received a promotion to the rank of Major Every man who knew Capt. Hay while his duties were with us 'w,ll rejoice in his promotion and, will in deed be glad of having another op portunity of extending the right hand of fellowship to the man from whom all alike received , a 'square deal." Resolutions of Condolence • Whereas God in his infinite wis dom has seen fit to call from our beloved classmate, Earl H. Metzger, his father; be it resolved, that we the class of 1911 while bowing .to the Divine Will do hereby express our profound sorrow, and be.it , Resolved; that we extend to out classmate, and his family our sincere sympathy in this their great bereavement, and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these [ resolutions be sent• tp the family, that a copy be placed upon the minutes, and that a ecSpy be I inserted in the State Collegian. ' Signed . Lloyd H. Rogers, Fred E McEntire, William K. Scott. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, God in his infinite wis dom has seen fit to take from otil beloved friend and classmate, Ralph S, Taylor, his father, Be it resolved, that we, the two year class in Agriculture of the Pennsylvania State College, extend to him and the bereaved family our deepest sympathy in this the hour of sorrow; and Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be placed in the State Collegian. Ralph T. Crowell, William Field en, D. 0. Dagen. R. B. Meredith 'lO, who is with the Pennsylvania Railroad company at Altoona, visited college a few days last week. ' Goy W. Jacobs, Mech 1910, has been sent an erection work for the York Manufacturing company to Indianapolis, Ind. I tarry \V. Sduers av '2l '')iol•C't•- I 130 East College Avenue A lull line or men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the ► Royal tailors Pennants and - cushion tops- a fine assortment' Cleaning and pressing, The Charles H. Elliott Company The largest college engraving house in the world ' w COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS CLASS DAY PROGRAMS AND CLASS PINS 'DanrePrograms' ,g; Fraternity and and Invitations Class Inserts, Mucus for Annuals Leather' Dance it Fraternity Cases and and Class Covers Stationery Wedding Invitations and Calling Cards Works-17th St and Lehigh Ave , Philad'a State College Representive, James Millholland c'Z's PODL ROOM and BER SHOP 123 Allen Street Shooting Gallery The new Snyder and Holmes y, corner Fi azier and Calder, ()frets you a pleasant diversion in the shooting line At regular intervals during the winter we will give as izes for imuksmanship, both chickens and turkeys We invite your interest " Come in and look us over Cox Sons and Vining 262 Fourth Avenue, New York, N Y. f— , • • • .GOWNS , , , ,?, ~i ;, and ' CAPS ~,., Silk Faculty f ly.X•- 7. 4.-* Gowns and Hoods I , ark Lowest prices Best workmanship An excellent stock of outfits for rental F. C.; McENTIRE, agent H. A. EVEY 46.__Ldivery CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones I ' st, rC' p . ..s. ' Cbe Vlittany inn UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES P AIgENS THE HOME OF THE PENN STATE FOO-TBALL TEAM THEIR FRIEThjg WILT,. ALWAYS R'ECEI”.: SPECIAL ATTENTIO N Special Notice to Students! All students who deliver and call for their laundry will, by PAYING CASH. RECEIVE 25% DISCOUNT State College Steam Laundry MILLER & GENSLER I don't talk ; I make, signs ~ Lettering of trunks and suit milli my ape , eta*. Poster, show and display cards CHAS. A. WOMER, State College C•. D. CASEBEER • • Jeweler and Optician klodv or 'repair work prompt , y done Eyes examined free Private optical parlor 5 TIHILLICWINTE MINNSYLVANIA H. W. Meyers First : Class : Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery i 106 PAST 'COLLEGE AVENUE The First National Bank . State College, Pa. 3. g interest on time deposits, payable , semi-annually Accounts solicited , Soles sewed or stitched by Champion stitcher. W. C. KLINE South Allen street e rri - I n dex TRAY COVER AND t OCA The Individual Card System F XTRA 'BOO AN AUTOMATIC MEMORY! All you please without fear of consequences if you have the Memindex habit It is easy to acquire bccause the Mernindex is simple and practical and fits into the everyday needs of the busy man. The fresh dated card before you each day is a great help toward doing things systematically. Just be low it are cards for two or more weeks; a card op piste fpr things to keep in sight until done. on index for memoranda to be retained and extra cards for special subjects — the whole in the thick ne of an ordinary memo-book YOU CAN REMEMBER At the right time things that require attention,a% that time. rho Memandex will remind you if you hare the habit lIEIDEAL CONSTAT REMINDER Ith you KCeps all you N r iottings indexed *here you can find them at any time Drop a card or ace Eli 13 Heisler, Carneigie Library State College YOU CAN teORGET