CALENDAR Tilt t4 l 9.\\ , I 1,9 9 4:20 p. m Olt. Chapel, lecture by Piof Pattee, on 13ytoit. 700 p. m. Airpoly Varsity basketball, Gettshiiig vs Penn State. SATVRDM , Fl,ll I I 1.30 p. m. Audit°num Photo graph of Penn State Press Club. 200 p. m. Armory Baseball practice 7:00 p. m. Armory. Varsity ,Wrestling Meet. Lehigh vs. Penn State 8.30 p. m. Ladies Cottage. House Dance. SUNDAY FED 12 11;00 a. m. Auditorium. Ad dresses by Dr. W. J. Schieffein, of New York City and Dr. W H. Sheppard, of Staunton, Va. 2:15 p. m. 'Old Chapel. Ad- dresses to senior class by Dr and Mrs. Schieffelin. , 3:00 p. m. Auditorium. Address by Dr. W. H. Sheppard. 4:00 p. m. Foyer Auditorium Episcopal service. TUESDAY, FEB. 14. 7:00 p.. ,m. Forestry Building. Meeting of Forestry Society: Smoker to 1910 . Football team, given by Dr. Ray Gilli land, proprietor of Drug Store, at his home on J'ugh street. WEDNESDAY, PM 15. 8:00 p. m. Banquet tendered Dr. Baker by the senior and junk r Foresters. Nittany Inn. Why is an Olive ? The story with a string to it. A Letter From 6 Pastime". Editor State Collegian: In last weeks , issue of your paper we note you have eau pressed the so caned "Sentiment of Student Bony„ in regard to our new amusement en terprise, erected at no little expense, and primirily, as a "Pastime" place of amusement. We also note that the sentiment seems to be that we are charging, an exorbitant price as an admission fee. May we ask, through the lines of your paper, ' that each fellow please consider: The so call ed, "Out-of-the-way place" in which we are located; the great difference in our popiilation to draw from, as compared with the majority of our neighboring towns and cites which support an r musement of this kind; „ the „difference in the cost of transportation of our different necessities; the time that we are able to run each day (being able to run at night on'y, with the exception of two matinees each week); and lastly the cornPara tively small seating capacity of our hall. As, we have been obliged to enter the amusement field in State College as a sort of an experiment (nothing of the kind ever having had a permenant foundation here, it is only through the co-operation of the Student Body, as well as' of the people at large, that in e may at some time in the near future be able to produce a similar amusement at one half our present admission. We hope to see in the near future, as e have thus far, the appreciation of all, in order that we-may, pos sibly by next September, be able to produce a good show at "The Pas time" for a nickel. We feel that, uncle' the present conditions, each and eveiy one in our little cOmmunity may , come when he can, en.,oy himrelf for an hour,and consider his ten rents well spent. Since' ely; "I he Management Have au ()lye. EvelyLocly is in Lieutenants Clay and Ft i cic the class of 1909 ate in the coast artillery at Fortress and are doing excellent work The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods •s' The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing Ni '4' "The Pastime" South Allen Street Life Motion Pictures Illustrated Songs THREE BIG SHOWS each evening, beginning at 7:15 8:15 9:15 Matinees every Tuesday and Saturday at 3'30 LadieS and children especially invited Singing by Gray and Wingerd Music by Arnschler and Snavely ADMISSION TEN CENTS Children under 10 years of age, half price Rifle Club Notice. The new indoor rifle-range in the Armory annex is ready for use. All students interested in riflt shoot ing who wish to compete for posi ticns on the rifle team will leave their names in room 414 Main as early as possible so that the sched ul.: for practice can be made up at once. The intercollegiate match tl is year will take place at an early date which makes it necessary to select the team at once. R D. Quickel Wins Promotom. Professor Ralph Detwiler Quickel, who has been connected with the mining depart.r.ent of the University of Kentucky, at Lexington, for the past three years, has just been appointed fuel engineer for the Queen and Crescent Railroad Com pany, connecting , Cincinnati. with New Orleans. Professor Quickel is a Harrisburg boy, and an 'OS gradu ate of State ,College. Mr. Withers' Lecture The illustrated lecture given last Saturday night in the Auditorium was well attended and very interest ing His subject, ' Tiee Doctor ing," was a novel one and one which is becoming more and moie studied and practiced each clay, especially in the cities of ow country, where the preservation of shade tiees is causing peat concern. Mess Club Picture A picture of the members of the' Penn State Piess Club will be taken ; next Saturday 1 30 at the Aud- ' itmium. All membeis, especially : the county representatives, ale urged to be present on th s occasion. , Why is an Olive 2 The stoi y with a qiing to it. Smoker to Football Men MI Ray Gilliland, proprietoi of the Meek Thug stoic, will give a smokes to the members of 'the 1910 Botball team' . next Tuesday evening at hu, home on Pugh St Di Wm Jay Schieftelm will give adchess at the evening mayet set ice 01 the Episcopal chinch in the toyer of ' the Arditomim Sun clay attemoon at lout o'clock,, All ate welcome. THE ST ‘ TP: COLLEGIAN C. W. SMITH South Allen Street 7HE MALLORY STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY BEI i LEFONTE PENNA 13 C Detclion 'l2 Student A; eta PHIL D. FOSTER ALL KINDS OF C 0 A L STATE COLLEGE, PA ILIADny T.Adak, and VOMT Company A. G. SPALDING & BROS. .The Spalding Trade-Mark knonn throto;hout the we dti a Guarantee of Quality 'A 9. 1...ffikT.M511:9 InkOS 1210 Chestmt bt., Thlkatiaphia J. C. Smith & Son Succe .rs t I) Mc , k 11..m.bnare Co General : Hardware Oils, paints, glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spouting Fine assoltment of Spoiting Goods HENRY GRIMM , FINE TAILORING - :LEANING BUSH HOUSE it, Li., ~NTI, PKNNA IttliV P! "a‘ '''' 0 VVltil hall, ••i pol (lay VVe keep the quality' up ha7aue.. 111, quahty' keep us up dt lowest prices State eakege,, Team's!, are t . h e iLargegt Manufacturers i n the World of OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT:, FOR ALL ATI I LT TIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES IF YOU are interested in Atino ft. Sport lon should hay,..t copy of the. Sp'skimp Cala!urn°, It's comple to enclyclopedia of of V/ fiA I'S NJ!. W IN STOR ancl is nt fi ce or/ r. quest Builders' Material PRESSING RE "AIRING w I. 1) \(;(,1,;1"r-- 7,' , 'SOCIL I Y AND CLASS BANQUE I S A SPECIAL I.Y•/Nc'3 ijcAllister grub and be convinced Exti as at cost via. die . now having and will continue to have for thc' next three weeks a large re ' duCtion sale on Men's Winter Suits and Over coats The following reductions are being ,made' ' Montgomery & Co. traMBEMEMO2O2MBOBSEIi3 MEI Style Quality Price lil 10 L 5 1 Are three things Most es sential in the selection of ijq tO ' tlyour printed stationery W tO gri Our printing has a command- 1 1 ; l j ,;(3 - A in g style—one of its own--and to tV It satisfies the most exacting tSI r 0 customer Our 'prices, too, are just , V I w right—and that's an important item Photographic Supplies tc, N tn w tV Sole agents for the Ansco 0 odi CoTpany's products 0 The Nitta) , Printing and 'RI Publishing Company w State Coll ,-, g e tyl o >70M8EV21,M1102:13.12E0M80U2k,2, Blue Goose Toothsome moisels to gratify . the most exacting The Meek Drug Store Ray D. Gilliland, P. 1) • Manager Drugs, Sundries Stationery Students' Supplies Prescriptions compounded Zov. "Pkt:‘, V.oka, C A. Blanchat d Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street Tk.k.,..6l;yuTrA, i-... L. GRAHAM ik COMPANY Dry Goods Gi c,cr'ries Sporting Goods F,a , ,tHoge avenue I i r - 1 c)- 1 'R..qht OA the Campus Studenk' hoard per week $ 3 $3O suits and overcoats for $22 25 suits and overcoats for 18 22 and 20 suits and overcoats 16 18 suits and overcoats for 13 15 suits and overcoats for 11 Bellefonte HARVEY BROS,' Bakers and Confectioners Pull line of • Lowney, Apollo and Fuller-Greene Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors k..xcellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Nittany Inn Buildirg 'S. 13. la.siek Co. 13kkkiaT&PaTG. 1 14omVviva 31AXel Cigars an& Ijobaccos r 'ota laoAtkakuil 3t1V.% Sttatt J. A Strictly : Fi High Grade Gents Furnishings U P=TO.D ATE LIVERY J. B. MARTIN SEALSFIIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffiee State College Supply Co. Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes I Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groce ries and Queensware Hotel Block W. College Ave Plionc , , AGMAN stclass : Tailoring College Ave F. D. WEAVER General Merchandise R . C . PEAF,CE W T DUNIV O3 W H yv c) Dex 'll