• Thle Toggery Shop ' , 1 , Men's Furnishings N A. G. Spalding & Bra's Athletic Goods v The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing -4. v 1 4.,., 'n 4 • , -toi :•Contioaed from mime ?qt.., . . thlitirstrgerielal prize. His mill tairm*Stume' was worked out in ditatit - detSil. 'the' , seCond 'general p4zeivitent to' litl , r. W. chubb,who it4PetlontitetAin j 'rare 'style the sPorti4 Geritian." ' After much `tt4Sbie;the - jUdgeS finally selected 'fratitalarge number' Of - candidates_ 4i:cos:inner of ' . the tertian ,character liikeir'llVii‘. l C. 'Ai Zimmerman was , A , , pe siioe6ilstul Cindiciate. . It is felt that the two Hallowe'en ba , lls : kiiv fax held t while only partial lys_suecessful,.haye been most enter -tairiinetri ' those 'present. , Next Year Mori of us should try to ,visit , t ' I.,rraccr - y . ' ; , if only for part of the e ; rung. l ,t ., t y,ery. few pleasures can be: owl' d that 'would be more enz !atibia than , a truly successful sqiie , ball. ,-Great credit is due Oils ! 4 year to s , tlie ,inanagernent, for 'ilci,ing iliedY full Oge t itkmaking the v:enlng"a pleasant one. , Engineering. C._ rvey „ Mile s '92, Manager of the iioAce, elevated and tunnel erectile line; of Boston,, lectured to the ,Electrical seniors on Wednes day, Oct. 26. Mr. rifle's topic was "Unsolved Problems of Engineer -1 ing." He showed quite clearly . that the unsolved problems are more numerous and of greater im portance than has ever been the i case before in industrial history. IMr. J. H. Dedrick has been ap pointed instriktbr in milling engt- L neering, to , take charge of that : branch of mechanical engineering at 1 this institution , He has been close ly affiliated - with the milting intci- ests of the country for fully twenty 'five years. During 'this time he has designed, built, and orerated a momber pi the most important and ' largest milling - plants in the United States. Mr. Dedricir hp's . .itter , largely for the Technical P es ; is recognize -I, as one of the le-,;1:np• experts in his profession, He ;s also an ex-President or the Natirmal Technical Sk,clety of rec Lated Yel lers. colleges ;s to hi' rong,ratulat ', ed on being a'lle to obtr,in the ser- C. W. SM 1 T * l-1 ' South Allen Street- the 111ittany UNDER THE, MAMGENIENT OF J'A ill E ', ' Fi, A: 1K E 14.:S THE' HOME .OF 'THE PENN, STATE, FOOTBALL TE,,A;PI THEIR FRIENDIivIdL ALWAYS SPECTAL `sATTE,tITION j. -0 --0.. Y...-1.-- -- --..----- ..,--.--,.. - i-- --...,-. -....- ____ F,',opu t urtein , , Ferns moottrs proN-I,EA.&AI3LE wo'rrnoto givelnvi3l6lgritt ill.(1110 httyillig It 111•11 G. H. HpU,PIITON Rininllne's:firlelt, 1333. 111 c A 111 , 41391 vt out I don't talkl I make signs ' Lettering of trunks and wit cases my spe cialty. Poster, show and display, cards CHAS. A. WOMER, State tollege) ROOM WANTED: Student desires room for care of furnace or j,;.', l' other work Student, P. (.> Box 307 vice of a man of such broad exper ien6e and recognized standing. The foundations are being, pre pared at the rear of the Therrrio , laboratories for the reconstructed foundry. The portion of the annex now lying to the north of the min ing buildings will form the mould ing floor, whrle one half of the present structure at the rear of the Engineering' building will be used as an—L— in which cupolas will be located. By this change a more, adequate floor space will be obtain ed with greater convenience for efficient production. Cranes will he installed ,to transport the molten natal to all parts of the moulding floor. The other end of the build ing will be assigned for office and clas., loom purposes. State Colleac TITE STATI/ COLLMITAN THE, MALI,ORY STUDIO PHOIOGRAPHY BELLEFONTE PENNA C Detch 'm 1' tiflt nI Ai '9,1 HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING CLEANING RE'AIRING I.ock Haven Steam Laundry Unsurpassed Service Prompt Delivery STUDENI AGENTS H. N Keebler ' I I H W Stiner,'l3 F L Gayton 'l3 PHIL, D. FOSTER 'ALL. KINDS OF c 0 A L . low,. ur„,„ STAT 4 CO'-LEO E, PA, , _ .....- Ittitteal, PA. , 'IM., 'AAA ' ' and VOCCIeT eVICAVIII\ s#,stte Col#ege, 'Penxia A. 0, SPALDING& BROS. are the iLarEfest Manufacturers i n the World of Th*c. , • : I Spalding ' Ti ade-Mark, OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT gp.v oINQ ' 41/112 k• SPALDI 44:0 0 ` • oge • , • , ,„; ;FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PA§TIMES ' ' Isiktiovht Gr throughout The IF YOU.aie interested in Athletic Sport sou Should have a cot y of the Spalding Catalogue It's tomplete enchclopedia of of WRAPS NEW IN SPORT and is sent free on qquest , world as a' - ' air Guarantee of, Chi aliw • §l%; 12\0pkbro • J. C. Smith & Son IaSUS E. ) 13R035 t, 5t., Vhll,tatAphla Succesors to H. D. Meek Hardware Co General ' : Hardware Builders' Material Oils, pints, , glass, cement • 6 , Sand stoves Roofing and spouting Fine assortment of Sporting Goods Soles sewed or stitched by .champioh, stitcher W. C. KLINE South Allen street Mate College Steam Laundry S Under new management MILLER 86 GENSLER will do"your work promptly , and guarantee satisfaction BOTH PHONES WEST BEAVER AVENUE BUSH HOUSE I3ELLI;PONTEI PE:\ NA Kate oat clay ita' .O W Illi bath 59 Der deo -W. 1 4 DA GC• 14; I'4' IVIL.--A.1.11.14 , -z,t- r-- , We keep the, quality up • because the quality keeps us up TAA - SOCIEI Y- AND CLASS BANQUE i S A SPECIAL n Try McAllister grub and be convinced Exit as at cost PRESSING A S Kilt 'l2 travaBEsVPPA - IVSDEMEMBE!BC) M Style Quality Price , rd v. ' Aro three things most es )/ 2 senile! 'in the selection of i.d it l'd your printed stationery , , c i l 111 t has a command- 'V 0 illi O nu g rsity'rlien—tinonge of its own—and N it satisfies the most exacting 0 customer Our prices, too, are Just i y / 0 right--and that's an important item 42 V, Photographic Supplies . m k 9 m til Sole agents for the Ansco Company's products 0 ' , i 0 The Nittany Printing and tyi til v Publisk Com p an y c.ing v 3 to m , Stifle Coll.fge Li -4--, ? 112,- j. ..I?:n;S:342.2eO2:O2MBESIOGZESE4' ' Brut Goose The Meet Drug Store Ray D. 'Gilliland,' P. D. Manager Drugs, Sundries , Stationery Students' Supplies Prescriptions compounded I Zak ?At V.,o'tek Penn Avenue and Tenth Street i:. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY ' 'Dry Goods ,Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue "Ik—faNkt on the Campus The College l'ialq Now on exhibition at our store a vei); Ipirx an ' handsome showing of overcoats and iainc oats for fall and winter models including the vety popular Presto collat coat. Prices $lO up to $3O. All expenses paid when purchases are macic Montgomery & Co. Toothsome morsels to gratify the most exacting C. A Blanchard Manager Vl.Vtalrosib., 13a. Phones Students' regal] boat d \\k:2l: "') conta;mng ten distinctive Bellefonte HARVEY. Bakers and Confectionels Frill line , if Lowney, Apollo r1;•d Fuller-Glom Choulatds r,),v Ice Ui earn in S , tsar - lA*2 Ffrivot , mAklll vrr,u, t OUR NI. W Nittril IN! BoildrJ,,lti, IMP M .- 4.,;,•••"*..." b. l'xil.,..efeAs. Co. T . '.kkia.r& VaT \.oT CA.ars Itotel 13uAt.1.11..g 3\lA.ra ',Ara% ..1. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclasii : Tailoring High Graci,- (3elit,-_., Ftunktuil,g. 112 E College Ave nrvtcmra•am..z.o.VV.n..... F. D. WEAVER UP>TO , I)ATF. LIVERY J. B. MARTIN SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CI IC)ILE. FRUIT South Allen Street, opt.o.ote tht t't,,toffice Stqie (..:() . 11c Supply Co. General Ittleichandise, Agents for sdalduig Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes Crawford Shoe repair N. ,'e',lues your old shne, like new Ldiiit. , , colle did and deltver«l Siiniciii di;ent Hoop 'll, 111 ouch 'l3 331 NtleA It ii c)- H z. - - . -1 I t--, W . 1 01 N,I n , W 1-1 WOOD c, '1