STATE COLLEGIAN r.iblishcd 6n 11 - ,r4dav collet• yes, by 1.4d4 , ') P • r . ?..111 Stab College in el,. the :ay Aiumnt tad 1r ,•• •• - - - Es - Art.-A at thss Postuff,c• -tat. as acc...nd class matter Edit° to Chief C. Macs BIZEI'I INGER, 'I I Assistant Editor H. F. HEMINGWAY, ',l , Associate Editors D. R. MASON, 'll W. S. KRIBBEI„ .18., 'l2 W. P. 1,11T1,E, 'l2 B. S. BUSSELL„Jr., 13 Business Manager C. P. PRESTON, 'll Assistant E. 4. JAMES, SUISSCRIPTION 11. 50 per year or SI 25 if paid within 30 days after late of subscription, THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1910 — WRITE A GOOD Thereare two FOOTBALL SONGS more home foot ball games 'to be played on new Beaver field and it is most fitting that we should have the usual num ber of foot-ball songs to enliven matters on the ''occasion of , these events. You can write a song; why not begin novit ? Select a good popular• air and arrange a catchy song, thus helping in the furtherance of a I successful i football season. Everyone must realize how much we need these songs and they must come from the student body, so get Your wits working and produce something. Send it to Alex Gray 'll, President of the Athletic asso ciation and it will be given , a trial at the next Mass meeting. A GOOD SUGGESTION with 'the diifi- evilly Of repioing space for visitor: at our athletic events, why tpt have cerrAn nortion of the Arandland deserved for their accommodation and have two usbers. stationed there to aid in seating - them: This space could easily be marked out and held in reservation, Until the 'game ik started; then if there are any vacant seats, the students could move it and' occupy them. This' plan seem , not only feasible but appears' to 13( the only practical solution of rid ding ourselves of a very objection able evil. It is at least worth a and'if the student body will ,give support, there will be no fUrtlier difficulty in caring for visi tom during athletic games at State. CONDUCT IN THE State men GRANDSTAND have to be continually reminded o' their duty to the college but ap parently: every day brings fortl somc' objectionable feature in cor nedion'with common etiquette. At last 'Week's football game, the staiids were quite crowded on ac count of the many visitors who were present from nearby places and i was a certainty, that on account o otr limited ,seating capacity, some persons would have to stand up. As the case happened a large .. number of the visitors were ladieF and when they came into the stand looking for seats, - there were none to be obtained. Only by the open denunciation of some seniors in the tipper seats of the grandstand were the men occupying the front seats induced to sacrifice them, We can do better than that. We do not want a repetition cf that, and it therg.ore becomes the daiy of ev'tiry student ':o ioak rtitct the cotnfoit t.,1 . the ,iis:tots. _ . The Sim Clothes You'll be one of the best dressed men about town, when you get into one of these snappy new overcoats we've provided for your Wear this fall. There's always a feeling of confidence in wearing such fine clothes. Confidence in the correctness of their style, their shapeliness, there perfect tailoring and then distinctive good taste appearance. They are clothes, worthy of any company and oc casion. You'll find in this store ore standard of quality and one standard of service; both uill give you the greatest satisfaction SI M THE CLOTHIER • CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN BELLEFONTE STATE DOES NOT Of course it NEED IT is rather deplor- erjoyment. Their infantile pranks able,that State does nothave a greater i are more typical of grammer school variety of college yells, but as this I lads. Not only did these fellows is a matter that falls directly under! maliciously destroy property to the jUrdisdiction of' the students and satsify their foolish desires but by and as the fault is due mainly to their , leaving a car on the track of the own neglect, we can say but little,! Bellefonte Central they endangered against it. However the fact re- the life of every passenger on the early morning train. Had not the mains unrefined that we have some yells tnat are particularly objection- train been stopped in the nick of able from a purely collegiate stand- I I time, the perpretrators of thii trick point and there is no sound reason I might have something to answer for. It is hoped that' the author- In connection why we should not eliminate them et...A ...........L0.......1 1...—.—51... Pk—..3L....—.1 In a great many prepratory schools, the student rooters take exceptionil, delight in "giving 'em the axe" but the average college man is a little more moderate in his encouragement of the athietit teams from the side lines, "Give 'em the axe" did not sound particularly well on Franklin field last Saturday a week ago and it,is distinctly open to question as to whether it was fully appreciat ed by the 'thousands of spectators there. From the general sentiment of the majority of the student body, we had better assume the initiative and give the axe yell back to the prep schools where it can be used to far better advantage than it Can be at State. should ' no t A DISGRACE TO There is not a THE COLLEGE man in the col- lege who does not enjoy real fun and a good old "rough-house" once in a while, but the proceedings of last Monday evening can hardly be considered of this nature. The ruthless destruction of both public and private property as well as the endangerment of life is a criminal offense: - Every man who enters college is given the benefit of the doubt of having at least a few scat tered brains, but the • conduct on Monday night of a number of "rowdies" attending this institution ( we hate to think of them as fellow students) leads every right minded fellow-to doubt the existance of the least - semblance of gray matter in their solid ivory heads. The con- ilition of some of the class rooms on Tuesday morning was such that da,se , could not be held in them. It scemi too bad that college men TTTE ST ITP COLLEYTTVg have to go to such Measures to find ities will follow up the matter any- FellOws, it is high time that the sane men of the college take it upon themselves to eliminate such pro ceedings. These men as well as their actions . are_ disgraceful, and abominable in the' eyes of the ma jority of the students and misde meanors of such a chafacter should be done away with. Then,_and only then, will the newspaper notoriety, which such actions cause, be re duced to a minimum, and the num ber of friends of the college will correspondingly increase. The Cosmopolitan Club. On Monday evening, Oct. 24, the Cosmopolitan club held its first regular meeting. It was conclu sively shown at . this meeting, that Cosmopolitanism is an established fact at State, An interesting pro gram for the ensuing year was agreed uoon. . The foreign students entering col lege were given a welcome reception at the beginning of the year and the purpose of the organization was clearly demonstrated by the friendly spirit arid good fellowship which prevailed throughout the meeting. The organization hopes to be come affiliated with the Corda Fratrei` in the near future, at which ) occasion Mr, Young, a Chinese stuclents'of the U. of P. who is vice president of the Cosmopolitan clubs of 'the eastern colleges, will glve a public talk. I Y. M. C. A. Course Tickets ilf you do not want to miss a i good series of shows, buy your Y. M C A, course ticket now so that you will be assured of a seat for all the performances. 4 We carry a full line of Students' Supplies P; Park Hotel! Williamsport, Pa. • ' Headquarters for all .rSiate' teams•-•.%Located oppOsite the P. R. R. station . •— Th Free. bus to P. & R. R R. station. Rates $2 50' per day and up- , ward D. KAVANAUGH.'Manager GEORGE 11: JACKSON CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESI4 ROASTED' PEANUTS 'A Rail Use el Siekeirs' Filmy Ankles. ALLON ST.. *TATO COLLOOII, PA. The First National Bank BE LLEFONTE Capital $lOO.OOO I. F. HAW; Harnessmaker J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker Allen Street G. 13 .sBripy ' Jewefer and o)3ticia.T2 POST CARDS ' COLLEGE JEWELRY F P. BLAIR & CO ,BELLEFONTE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Cor of Brockerhoff Howe All mail orders promptly attended ta. Fine watch and Jew elry repairing a specialty Both phones J. C. MARKLE , All Kinds of Choice Meats Fish in season 138 College Avenue S. E. KIMPORT. Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones . . CHAS. A. WOIVIER Tonsorial Artist Your patronage aoheted Firstclais work - guar UNDER H )TEL Q's PO .A. ROOM BARBER and SHOP 123 Allen Street Ttie centre (Eountg 23ank Z;elfefonte C. D..CASBEER Sheffler's + Restaurant Jeweler and Optician . All Tandy of rro.bli %v.! k prompt'r done Opposite Hotel ICI 1.3 °viral nod rm. Private °lnto& parlor . Pies Sandwiches ~. , Soup unt,r,Kro tTe N PENNATTANIA , .. The Athletic Store Sheasly & Gentzel Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions " furniture and Carpets Headquirter, for FINE -:- CONFECTIONERY Nos. 200-206 College Avenue "ktratsvitek's Shoe Stort, tradquartei; tut VeAk,einer - - WASS As:ulster 'Kook 1111osk IMen EATeet Surplus, $lOO.OOO, The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everyth mg . in Hardware Distributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line .. ...ASPHALT ROOFINGS our vim:laity BELLEFONTE. PA. 5m AX 'the ?kustovaNAtec awl dealer in tastrata Sromittles Alio agent for etiVaYfibkft. afirchoVitoneS und•Sndoetraot\bla Ruud". Both phones tit East Cc Map l'Attwas State Cottecie The First Notional Bank State College, Pa. Accounts solicited .... H. A. EVEY .-e..._.1., iv 4e r y CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones 3 'interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually