The Togftry Shop , ' Men'S Furnishings-et A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletk ' Goods .4. The Heidcap' and Tailormade Clothing v -; 123111M1 SWIM '); "; . , , EINZIA ~VI .T~ I i 7.(Nti , ; 3 r L. '4. T i . ' , , , !Tr.'P :,:',. i., , 0 :.., j u r 1 `•I,, .r r r 71i7vpr. o=l!=n =?MEM t M. F t.' 'A: COURSE 7 , Se Face Nat Artiste ill Appeffr. 4 116 • mpany • ese " , • TIM Entertainment Nov. 5 t r ' ir S" , One,.week ; from , ' next ' ~, SatuOTO, imming we' will have the opporr loOtir Of, attending the first number, , igethe•`enteriitinrrient ' cofse arrani. aiikbY the YoUng Mews thriltiaa iilikaoelation. , '' The, , Dudley Suck piny, which '' is composed of Itlhrtists; will present the initial Illimbeo, , "A ' Musical Review," Illdelliiiia,tains; Grand Opera selec.- alkali, twitted numbers. special songs iltaasturne,, ladies' quartets, duets 400, t'rio's' including baritone and • ,hern Melodies with , banjo and,. 1r accompaniment. `. Edward K. Macrum, the 1111121401 i director and• baritone solo:- faikat ' 'had - , a • thorough musical fariag, `cH,e was a piano ,puj)ili for ajirof rat lalikeari of ,Mme. Schi ller; 'Dr. Sint* tuid ;,Mr. Walter Hail t ''''' ligrnstraars on the organ, i t VW.' Macrum now occupies the" paiition of organist in a prominent nit XVeiiiii' churdh. His • vocal 'Ring has been under the leatg ' wYork teachers and he possesses pa r rich powerful voice. ,t, The Dudley Buck company alas japaized as a musical attraction in litarch, 1909, and has made over lame hundred appearances in New York and vicinity. Success was as from the beginning, because it artists were selected by tthe #taci askaaagement with the sole object in irite' r of securing ~ voices, which 4rould give the best results in con- Irrted and part-song numbers, and et the same time were artists ver iektile enough in their accomplish ments to permit of a greatly varied Program. i All the members have nad ex imaaive opera or concert expi-r:e.nce, several of the young ladies fomerlv appearing with the College Singing Irk whoin many of us ,had the assure of hearing last yeas. C. W. SMITH South , Align , Street • .A prominent feature of the prd gram is, - the grand opera selections specially arranged for this corn- Buck, Jr. There are some well rendered sacred numbers and also old familiar "heakt songs" given in the true spirit. Several numbers,, have been Specially' written for this company. Mr. Edward"ic llilacrum takes part with the young ,yvomen itr ~some effective numbers from- both:grind' and light opera. • ,' To the' fellows ' who -have been here for a year or- more,' it, is not necesssary to say anything too -1 • cerning the high standard of enter tainments which are found in the Y., M, C. A. course. But ,to tlibse 'fellows 'who'have not yet had the opportunity of attending any of the numbers, we would suggest that they obtain their tickets at once. The advance sale of' tickets will 'continue' until six o'clock next Wed nesday :evening. These tickets are sold for $2.00 and may be obtained at any time at 273 Main. On Wed nesday night from 6 to 8 o'clock at the Business office the regular sale of tickets will take place. The ien-1 eral admission tickets for the course are $1.25; for reserved seats $1.75. The course will include five num ! bers: The Dudley Buck company which appears on Saturday evening, Nov., . 1 Montaville Flowers in "Interpret' tations from Dickens," on Nov. 26. The Dunbar company, Male Quar; tet and Bell Ringers, on Dec. 3, 1 Maud Ballington Booth, the "Lit tle Mother" of the Prisons, on Jan. , 13. Miss Katharine RidgewXy, aS7 sisted by Miss Evangeline Bridge, pianist, on Jan. 28. The last official registration at the University of Pennsylvania, made on Oct. 12, showed a total of s,2Uri students. The figures for lat year at this time were, 4,924, The College World TIM STATIn COLVETITAN T , Ahich makes a total gain -fpr, this year of 285. The final registration figures,for last year were 5,033 Therefore the present enrollment of the University is greater by 176 stu dents than the total figures last year. The total enrollment for the freshman class so far is 1,255. Practically all departments of the University show an increase. • . The Bncknell "Orange and Blue" is already beginning to boom the State game.'_ They are expecting to send up a , large delegation of rooters. ' Syracuse students had a monster celebration for Mr. Roosevelt when he appeared in Syracuse ,last Tues- day.,, - • 1 4 Fall Crew practice has begun at yiliStbritin.._ ~.„... _ i The University pf Nebraska foot-; ball team averages 171 pounds. !Where and Whom Other Collegeti Play on Saturday. State vs. Villanova, ar'State )ege.. Penn vs. Indians, at Philhdelphig , Princeton vs. - Dartmouth, at Nev,i, York. , , 6onnell vs. Williams, :at Ithaca. 'Harvard vs.'West 'Point, at West Point. 'Navy vs. Western Reserve, at Annapolis. 'q Yale vs. Colgate at New Haven. Lafayette vs. Bucknell at Easton. INC & BROS. A. G. SPA are the 'Largest Manufacturers, i n the World of Spalding Trade-Mark , I nu. EQUIPMENT •QR ALL • ATHLETIC SPOTS AND PASTIMES. Is knprn throughout the . . port you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalogue It'a a oloprAplete enclyclopedm of of WHAT'S NE W IN SPORT and is seta free on request ui Guarantee of Quality - A4; i vTt • 42.Ai0 otet: h b - K9 Fa INROS St„ 4hlUmteWhUL J. C. S . jth A Son ',ldtecerors to H D Meek Hardware Co , ' General 1 : , 4 Hardware Build re Material • , - , , ~ ,Ails, paint r k glass, dement an stoves _ Roofing, and spouting , Fine assortment of Sporting Goods Sotes sewed of stitched by Champion stitcher W. C. KLINE South Allen street State College Steam Laundry Undennew maTkpenient ,MILLER i eg. GENSI,EI4 will do your work promptly and guarantee .Satiafaction ' BOTH PHONES WFST BEAVER,AVENUE BUSH HOUSE BELLEPONTE HENNA Rate per day> 56 With bath 13 per day -W. L. DAGGI'I"r N4c We keep the quality up ' . because the quality keeps us up Try McAllister grub and be convinced Extras at cost The:College Ilan will find that this ,shop has many little surprises in the way of smart clothes and haberdashery, Orders sent through the mail will be filled with , , —.,exacting care ,and, promptness. Your carfare is always paid when your purchase amounts to $lO , • Montgomery & Co. • Bellefonte sixemovisamatedeminasim :-.:. 0 . :Style Quality iPrke' : , An throe thlogs'mOst os- ~ ‘*. I • sontlat lo the *election of - , t, , your plated stotioniry , .._ gliOur printing has a commaniir J ing style—one of its own—and .', 1 it satisfies the most exacting 0 customer Our prices, too, are just g right—end that's an hi:portant item,)(- ~ ki Photographic Supplies 'I \.l • Sole agents for the Ammo company's produpts The . Nittany• Printing and Publishing Company s• State College Blue Goose sr& interested -, • , •, ' :.7,',.',,',.„, The Meek Brig, Store ,Itity D. Gilliland, P. D. Manager , Drugsi Sundries • • Stationery StitdentiO.SupPlie. Prescriptions Compounded Z'OTk r ?At '-"kttittok . ' C, A. idaitehard s - • - Manager- - ÷ ' Penn Avenue and Tentk Street , 'PAtslraepkt, Vs. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries ,Sporting Goods East College avenue . Phones , Y AND' CLASS BANQUETS A SPECIALTY r .0 The N 'ivi', „rt, ' foottmoote morsels teiltratlty , the most .exacting "it:A.TM on 'dui .e nevus Students' regular board per week l i b 3 :HARVEY. BR 0 Si . Bakers and 'Confectioners Full line of towney, Apollo and Fullei-Greene Chocolates always on hand Ice Cream In Seasonable Flavors ? ' , Excellent service at OUR NEW FOUNTAIN Milani ; Inn _Building 5 - . "13. - 'Meek Co. VakkiaT6. V aTIoT M-~loy CA.gays au& 33bac.tos lit.otet Volttanq ltttect Street J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 112 E. College Ave F. D. WEAVER UP-TO-DATE . ' LIVERY 4. B. 1111AFItIN SiEALSHI PT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice State College Supply Co. General Merchandise Agents for Spalding 'Athletto'Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes Crawford Shoe Repair Co. L m e a t In your old shoes like new. Sho!s collected and delivered Student agents Roop 'll, Blouch 'l3 331 McA Hall Hall W. T DUNN 'OB W H WOOD ex 11