State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 20, 1910, Image 3

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,:' PentisyEvania. : State 4: e Cialle(P
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'JIVE GREAT t;C110(11,S --Aci tcbcit'it 0, Elooneetine,., lolict . al Artq, Alnung,, and Nattn al Seitlnco, otlt »ro:
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Teat hots al)out (he thud AlOnda, , ill JIIIIC Oty11(11 ‘em - For catalogue, bullet nth, announcetnentq, etc., whit e , -.
TIIE REGISTRAR, -State College, Petilisyk.tnia
Edwaid W Bush '92 is chief
vngineei at the Saybrook and Lyme
Connecticut Rive' Bildge Commis
sion with headquatters at Saybiook,
N. A Mackintosh, 'lO who has
been woikmg at Ridgway for the
Elk Tanning company, is confined
in the hospital at Oil City with an
attack of typoid level His ad
chess is 2SI Washington Avenue,
Oil City, Pa.
D ,G:'Nl'arkle, State 'O9 who since
graduation has been employed inane
of the Research laboratories of the
Westinghouse Electric and Mann
factwing' company at Pittsburg, has
taken the position of assistant in.
El&tiical engineering at this col
Ira C. Minick 'O5, who, until le
cently has been connected with the
Boston Elevated Railroad company,
spent several days at State College
this week.,
J. H. Haitison 'lO, of Clainegie,
and Miss Arline Pabst of Wilkes-
Barre were quietly married on Aug.
25 at the home of the bride. After
a short ,honeymoon the young
couple returned to their new home
at 1246 Resaca street, North Side,
P. B. Jacobs, 'lO, is - working as
Chemist for -the ljavis Coal and
Coke - comyany and is located' at
Thomas, West Virginia.
P.; J. Coul.son- E 4 -wit-h — the
Brook yn Nat:ona!s and ,Burde tree;
08 with the New York Americans,
are both making strong reputations
for themselves in the major league
base-ball world.
J. H M. Andrew, '9B, was
recently appointed Sup't, of Lines
and CableS Dep't, of the Philadel- , 1
phia Rapid Transit Co.
J. M. Angle, 'lO, is employed in
the and S llept of the 'Pennsyl
vania Steel Co. at Steelton. Nis
address is Box 366, Steelton.
F. K. F,i ewste,, 'O7, has left Scran-
ton, and, has acce.ped the position
of student Y Ni. C. A. secretaiy at
Purdue Univeisity, at West Lafay.
ette, Indiana.
I. T. Yainell, 'lO, is,in rhe'employ
of the United States Forestry ser
vice and is loeafed at Cowles, New
New Cemert Walks
During the rat two weeks a
force of the collcge employees hay
been engaged in laying a cement
walk from the 11,ngineedng, building
to the Lihim v, This was a much
needed improvement and one which
adds wondeirully to the good ap-
pearance of the campus.
Dutinr4 the surnmei a cement
walirwas als-) Put down from the
13otan:cal bw!chng to the Chemistly
A Very Pleasant Evening
The reception tendered to the
mcmbeis of the Senioi class and to
the new members of the Faculty last
hiday evening by President and
Nits hdwin Et le Sparks was largely
attended and a very pleasant even
ing was enjoyed by all.
Hairy H Wetzel of Tamaqua,
Pennsylvania a member of the
Fieshman c lasv„ Has been' notified
that he has Bleu awaiclecl a Royal
Atcanurp Scholai ship of the value
of $250. 'Hie Council chose the
Pennsylvania State College as the
Place WI locating the scholarship.
State 141. en Again to the Fiont.
The August number of the "Pro
ceedings of the American Society
of Civil Engineers" contains an
illustiatecl paper of about 150 pages
on the new "Washington Passenger
Terminal Station," at the city of
Washington, by Wm F Stiouse
'B7, who was the engineer in charge
of this work for the Baltimore &
Ohio railroad 13esides the hand
some terminal building, the woik
involved the re-arranging of all
passenger backs entering Washing
ton, the construction of new. tracks,
platiouns, and a' very large amount
of otl - et Nc, 01'1C
In the same issue of the ';Pio
ceedingq" is a similar paper on the
"Long Island Approaches to the
East River Tunnels," of the Penn
sylvania railroad, by Mr. Geo C.
Clack, '92, who .I,as in chaige of
this construction 'foi the Pennsyl
vania railroad. "
Both of these State men have
been eminently successful in engi
neering %yolk and their papeit are
valuable contributions to the,
veering literatuie of the day.
Both men are members , of the
American Society of Civil Engi
neers, and it 'is noted'that Mr. Clark
has lately' received the nomination
for office of director, to represent
district 1 ( New York City), of this
society. - A nomination id equiv
alent to an election, as but one ticket
is placed in the field.
• The opening meetings; of the
Deutscher yerein ' i have s been most
successful, in'regarrfto both attend
ance and enthusiasm. At the meet
ing of last Wednesday evening the
principal feature was the talk given
lin German by Mr. Starke: Aftera
most fitting introductory speech
Ifiom Professor Fehr, Mr. Starke
gave a Most interesting account of
I his experiences in embarking for
this country, and Ins impressions of
the voyage. It is the dare and in
tentions of the merapii. that Mr
Starke give similar talks at future
meetings of the organization.
A very, prominent feature of the
work of the,. Veiein - the - annual
Getman play—has , been pushed
rapidly this year, The play cliiect
ois, Miss Simmons and Mr. I3oueke,
with Mr. Scheib as an assistant,
have selected a cast to produce the
play .."Dei Neffe als - Onkel," by
Schjller. The production is a three
act comedy, written for sixteen
chaiacteis, and it presents many
amusing and exciting passages
Where and Whom Other Colleges
Play on Saturday.
Penn State vs Penn at Franklin
Field, Phila
Comell vs Vermont at Ithaca,
N. Y.
Haivarcl vs 13iown at Cambridge,
Navy vs V. P I. at Annapolis,
Bracknell vs West Vuginia at
Morgantown, W. Va,
Yale vs. Vanderbilt at New Ha-
yen, Conn
Princeton vs Carlisle at Prince
ton, N. J.
Several Fraternities Entertain.
The Phi Sigma Kappa, Theta
Psi and Sigma Nu ftateliuties gave
dances in theii respective chapter
houses last Fiiday evening. A
very enjoyable evening was spent
by all who attended.
rlTilr, FT \Tr, CM,LI 7 II TA
~ ,
Of 'Sthellectady,' New York Plaght
The following clippings fiom le
cent issues of the Schenectady
Gazette will be of especial interest
to the Alumni
Ida Louise Wagner, daughtei of
Mi. and Mrs Andrew J Wagner,
was united in marriage to Geoige
Abram Eldei at the home of the
bride's parents, 315 Seward place,
at noon Oct. 12, Rev. W. IC. Foster
of Jenkintown, Pa., an uncle the
biidegi oom, 'officiating.
Mr. Elder is employed in the
switchboard dcpaitment of the'6.en-ri
"eral Electric company. He is a
graduate of Pennsylvania State col
lege and a member of the Sigma'
Alpha Epsilon 'fraternity.
Following the ceremony the
couple departed upon a wedding
Journey and after„ Jan. 1 will be
home to their fiiends at 121 Union
Cards announcing the marriage of
Ella May Humphrey, of this city,
to 'Carl William Markham, of Pot
,terbroOk, Pa., are just out. ,
The young . couple were married
at Jersey City on the seventh of last
June and had intended to keep it
secret until a later date. Mr. Mark
ham's recent appointment to 7 a gov
ernment position in Panama, how
ever, makes it necessary to annouce
the mattiage,novi.''
Mrs. Markham is the daughter of I
William B. Humphrey, of Schenec
tady: " She will reside With her lis
ter, L. C. Jandreau, stop 3
Albany road, until she joins her
husband in Panama. J.Vh. Mark
ham, who was a student at the
PennsylVania State college and a
member of Sigma Nu Fraternity,
has been with the General Electric_
company during the past year.
' eisv-----
A host of friends unite in wish
ing the young couple a prosperous
In all, five of the State. Alumni
of Schenectady have been married
recently,the two whose names appeal
above, J. F. 'Trifle, 'O4, an account
,61 .whose wedding recently appeared
in the Collegian, E. H. Beckert,,'o3,
who married a Schenectady girl on
Sept. 10, and Flank Hershey, 'O6
who was married in Harrisburg on
Oct. 12. Harty M. Jacobs, 'O6
writes that thew ale great oppor
tunities in Schenectady.
The Collegian heartily congtatu,
lates .Very one of the five and
wisher; each a , most happy and
prosperous wedded life.
The Wife of 'Hon. J. A Wood
•• , ward.
Mrs. J. A. Woodward, wife of
Hon. J. A. Woodward, who for
many yeais has been a bustee of
the Pennsylvania State College,
passed away at her home at How
aid last Friday.
The funeral sei vices weie held at
10 30 Monday morning and wcie at
tended by President Spaiks, Deans
Jackson, Pond, and Agee, Di. Aims
by, and Prof. Watts. X.
Special Rate Expires.
' Pay your subscription to the Col
legian this week. The $1 25 late
expires on Oct. 31, after which the
subscription . price will be $1 50.
Mail a check to the business man
ager or see any member of the
hoard go it now
Their Troth.
lari-v• t.,
- _
I,3o•Eagt College Avenue
A full hue of men's furnishings
Custom made clothing by. the
Royal tailors Pennants and
cushion' lops a line assortment
Cleaning and pressing
. ,• .
, High Standard Laundry
1 2 1-11LIPSBURG
W. E, Heibel, student Agent
314 Main
Ilittanli 3tm
State Cone9e
''''''Mcieir i
:o Iv 9,
t Rates '1.2 per day
_ J P Alkens, Proprletor
Fountain FNwris'
%NlT:toted to give mtalmraction, 111% violgale
lwroi I. btrylug it limn
ii,oriviii" Brick, 133 N 111(;/1111ster Faret.t
The Sirn Clothes r r „'
Ready to wear and
'Made to order
Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats
Fashion's Newest Offerings
[ock Haven Steam Landry
Unsurpassed Service,
Prompt Dell Very
, t
-I N ' Keebler 'II
H W. Stinel 'l3 F. L. Gayton 'l3
L . e
B C. Deletion 'l2 Student „Agent
H "N q V ,G,RIMIT - 4
1 04114 SON mivkii'iijoijit
; Lettgirinz,Of trunk. 4ttid ruitmiti6
, Crottyihnw "Tat,
L )1f t 7
CHAS, A., WOMNR,„State
'W.ttaX%2)" ' SiNit,.. 7 4. 4 24, ',
, i ,
OM 'I3 79VOZt "ComPax% . , , -,
" ~ , ft ,1
RUS.SL.EI , R ,, s. ~
Under new management, . ,
Boarding $3.00 per Week
Rocco cor, ben t
~, i
224 !aka College 4ii,erqie; 7