State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 07, 1910, Image 2

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ettbliffhitt of, fltursdav of each \tech during the
rolleveyear 1.11 , the studtrlts of
Ittate College fa the int re , t of the Stud , fits, Foe
fltt , Altitrinf tuff h rt. 11,15 of the college
Entered at tlo Postoffirt „Wale Cotkege, l'a ,as
sr cond am, !natter
Editor in Chief
Assistant Editor •
Associate Editors
D. R. MASON, 'll
W. S. KRIEBEL, Jlt., 'l2' "
W. I' LITTLE, 'l2-
B. S. RUSSELL. Jr., 'l3
Business Manager
C. F. PRESTON, 'll
E. A. JAMF.;S, 'l2
111 50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after
sate of subscription
,THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1910
Support the Collegian.
It is indeed a most °deplorable
fact that"the attentibn of. the .stu
dents shdhld again ° , llve ~to be ,re
called to a more 'c'o'mplete under
standing, that it is entirely a matter
of choice Will; theiii whether they
intend to give their college , paper
unfailing support 'Pr' whether they
are will* to stand, idly by an.d see
it.traVel the road to failure, „
During theiia — st Week there have
been altogether too many requests
for the discontinuance ,of subscrip
tions, at least a dozen or over—and
this percentage is extremely high.
The difficulties under which ' the
board labor are 'vastly 'too far reach
ing to enumerate; but each man in.
college can readily appreciate what
weighty problems have to be met and
accurately solved for the practical
welfare and general prosperity of a
weekly in this institution.
. It does not seem plausible that
any man cannot afford $1,25 a year
to share the benefits derived from
keeping in dose touch with the gen
eral affairs and movements of his
'own college. Some small sacrifice
at this point or that, will give you• a
thing, yon absolutely need,. some
thing that is indispensable to, you
and something you will : still
.refer to, when out of college7-The
State Collegian.
Your loyalty to Penn State means
your support of each and every
State custom and undertaking, and
we urge yOu now to give this matter
ample thought and due considera-
So, do not wend any more refusals
to take the paper; we will be dis-
appointed to receive them now and
you will deeply regret your act
later on
At the opening gridiron - contest
last Saturday,, a most noticeable
feature was the spirit of the cheer-
ing. Bigger games are now ap
proaching and our team needs the
support of the students in the
stands. When the cheer leader
calls for a yell, let it be a yell, get up
on your feet and make yourself heard
all over the field It is this, that
carries the spirit of the men in back
of theteam to the field, and more
than once has it aided in signalling
defeat to formidable opponents.
Carnegie Tech is here ,on Satur
day and while this may not be'a
paitictilarly hard game, it will •not
be,a walkover, Now, let % iis louse
otirs`efve's'at the very beginning of
the season and yell for the tearn iri
a way that means something.
A 1c.61 , 0 to -the I 0 I.
attuday, the only notßtablet iedt
me in connemon with yout heel
ing was that. you do• not kc.s•p to
gether Vont spint was good and
beyond "criticism. Ne - Kt Sattuday
and all succeeding ones, watch you
cheer tleade'r — , folli w his lead and
your cheers will be plopelly, Liven
and we will have no fault to Lnd.
ThitV of Pehnsylvanta I*.
We desire to coned the date of
the - annual Pennsyhania day as it
has been generally understood to be
Friday November 19.
Owing to the fact that it is some-
what inconvenient between election
time and Thanksgiving, the day set
aside for the college exercises me
morial to this clay, will be Friday
November 11. Extensive prepara
tions,' ale already, being made to
make this one of the biggest events
of its kind.since the founding of -the
In Reference to Class Colors
The statement as published in the
last issue of this paper relative to
the abolition of class colors is some
what ambiguous in as much as the
color scheme has not ..been entirely
done away with.
The class of 1914 will have class
colors but they will not 15e:,: worn 'in
form of a jersey. 'This .step, al
though a modification of 'ridding
_ .
ourselves :entirely of as objection
able feature, is in the right chiectidn
and apparently it will be only
matter of - time, when the whole
matter will be settled by absolute
abolition in any form whatsoever. '
1110trated Lecture Saturdct, Night
The first free lecture of the, year
under the auspices of the popular
free lecture course will be delivered
by Dr. C. K.:,Edmiands"", On the
China of Dr. Edmunds is
the President. of the Canton Chris
tian college, Canton, China; a col
lege that has a far ' reaching in
fluence in that country. George.
Weidman Groff 'O7 is one of the
Professors in the college. 'Dr. Ed
m'unds is delivering this lecture en
route to China and will surely have
much' Of nterest on that' mighty em
pire which is moving out of the old
life into the'new. Every new student
should put this date down and not
fail to come. All the old men will
be there,
Y. M. C. A. Meetings
The regulai Sunday evening meet
'mg of' the Young Men's Christian
Association will he held in the old
chapel on Oct. 9, at 6.30 p,
, m:" 'All'
are most cordially invited to attend
The two year agricUltural bible
class will be held in the assembly
room of the Agricultural building
on_Sunday morning at 9:30 o'lock '
At ten o'clock Sunday inoin;ng
the freshmen bible class will meet
in the old chapel. All freblimeti
are urged to attend this meeting.
'The Tuesday evening prayer
meeting will take place in the old
chapel on that evening at - 6.30 p.
President Sparks',
Dr. E. E, Spark's will today de
liver an address to the Fume's Na
tional Congress ,at Lincoln Nebia
ka. He will visit en route Putcliie
University a.t .Lafayette, Incl.; Uni
versity, of Illinois at Urbana, 111., and
University of lowa at lowa City.
Presidents Reception. Soon
, President and Mis. Edwin Elle
Sparks will receive the menthe's al.
the Senior class on Friday Oat. 14,
1910, eight to ten p. -- m at the Presi
dents residence on the West camp-
t rlrr , q'r ITr roT,T,WIT, aNi
PROF. fli tiii,',LTS
Volutre-N Eninicd ''The DeAreqop
!pent of Aids' to Li..l;' , f matt (.;
Facto' y'oi , ;an'idtion aii2l adnim
istiation—brilmm theater, Idi E ,
professor of fitdustrlal engineering,
Peemylvania State College. New
Yoi k McGraw-Hill Book company
cloth, 6,1-4 x 9 3-4 inches, ps. 317,
lbo•te , xt illustiations. $3, net'
'this book will be of immediate
and piautical value to ovenvoikecl
superintendents and managers snug
gling to iecluce the cost at piocluc
tion and to meet the demands of
directors who see the greater sue
cess of rival concerns. The book
will be of service, no doubt, in in-'
tel‘esting technically educated ap
pihtibes in the manufacturing in
dustires ,to take up the study of ,
"industrial engineering," so that the
growing demand _ for properly ed, and pained, managers may
be filled, With resultant general 'pt t o.L':
giess in manufacture everywhere ;
A careful reading of this book will
repay any engineer who feels that
the operations of the concern he
may be
,associated with aie tiofirid . l
up in endless "red. tape" the utility
of which is beyond his mental grasp.
He. will .get a view of the need for
routines and formalities, for certain
requisitions, receipts and data sheets'
which, perhaps, now tax his pa
tiened and hamper • his actions.
This book may lead'hirri to a sound',
opinion of whether or not the objec
tionable features should be eliminat
ed, and may' give him a 'real basis
of criticism, oz a.complacent accept
ance of ,the, burden.
, •
- The, scope; of the icleas , is broad, 1
the arrangement is logical and 'the ;
discussions ako often i,uite absorb-1
ing. The cxpies'slon is 'clear and:
vigotous—so '3,:gorous'at raie'inter
yals as to embody .slang, as for
instance, when the author utters this
Cooperation must be honest.;
'There must be no. wishy,\'vashy::
namby-pambyistn. A lot of rah-'
rahing at a company' ball game is no
sign that 'employees don't lauglrub
theit sleeves at inincele patromz- I
The book, staits, with a brief ac
count of the of `,industrial
gineering," by which is meant' the
rationalpplication , of scientific
knowledge 'and of erigineming .and j ,
economic principles to "the eoin
mercial production of any man-!
uta . (!ttned It'sbol,vs, in a few . "
voids the inadeqtiaciy of a man, l
verged merely, in one or two _of
several blanches like
chasing, financial manipulation,
handling labor, mechanical enginecr
-1 Ilg, etc., etc., for contiolling the in
knnal operations of a mantrfars,tur
i,g plant The ' book beyond this,
introduction discirses the vatious
2nclunportart ideas that should pm
domninve in the o.glnization and
operation of a highly efficient pro- ,
clueing plant, '
Civic Club Electlons.
the follcming men have been ,
elected to the Civic club
1911 —Gundel, Rahlet, Clark,
1-Finbmet, "'thou. Thlockmorton
Fulton, Shiednilc, Josopaa, Steidle.
1912 —Fottenbaugh, McConnell,
Chubb, Minic'fi, Wen\ Cr, Adams,
11. S. Voecrs, Swope, Kcgalice,
Tanguy, Dawson, PI own,
Track Finals
A ftoul (tack med. for all sopho
mores and Iteshmen pilot to cutting
down the ' , quad will be held on
11'3c-3N/et field at 1-3 C) p. m. •Satutday.
Only those men who make good
wll be ex wed horn 'drill , and le ;
tamed on the squad '
Every mm Is strongly mged to
come out and tiy for a place on the
1 winter squad
‘Veearry a
full line ()I'
students' Supplies
.i . .!; park Hotel
Williamsport, Pa
Headquarters for all "State'
teams—.. Located oppq.slte
the P. R R. station*---.Free
bus to P&R R R station
Rates $2 50 per day and up
A Pull Line of ',macre' Fancy Articles
The First
Nation' Bank
Capital $100;116(1
0. ,P. SHAW, Harnessmaker t
• •
4 4 J 44 13. MINGLE, Sh9emakep
Allen Stteet
( 5 - , li ...fici,,,
0,1";1 0 i 1 4), r)
r- , osT CARDS
F. P. B.LAIR (St Qo.'
Cm . of PatadiLrhoff Haus.. All 'nail ordets
nroinidly at tr nin.d. to Dun, watch and Jew
elry repalrt no a oaa realty B Alt phones
All Kinds Of choice Meats
Fish In.seusoq
.38 College A veuur.
' lreElaipaiters tor
Choice Ale•,tt of All Kincls,
Frp7l i l strppt. Both phones
Tonsorial Arli,st
VLrur solided I Ir,tclass a (di ruar
S's PO )I_, ROOM
- mut
123 Anew Street
TIN (Eentre,(Eottntli
Jeweler and Optician
1 \ 1
1 . 11.111
1‘11 (; ' 41 I :
il ,111,
l 1.1
HI I 111 , .1h 1.1 \NII AISIA
The _Athletic Store
.Sheasly Gentzel
Dry Goods,.Grocories, Notions
Furniture and. Carpets
lieadqut\rter, for
Nos, 200-2,00 ,College Avenue
7 t(Ne.ksvSkek'
Shoe Skove,
ilead q uaxterb fol , ,
akk .over
V>anister • • ,
Meek 'Mock iMeNt Skvcet.
S rl,luh $1(19,00)
Tile Potter -Noy Hardware Co.
yllfing in Ilattlware
Ilut thp
k 1 t , /
otir NpevlalLy
Sy t ‘kki \r . k‘%:t , , Thotogravher
, al) dc dCr ul SaatThat. SAVO:WS
Apo ,t ) en t for ,
e s aata a 9Ta. : Ao v ikoNws
and ISTAes\,cku,k.,\AA e Records
13oth phones
2.12 F,tl't cisk\s,qe. 'Avenv,
'Stoke C,o\key,
The , first Iraticrnal Bank
State, coll,ege, Pa. '
3/o i rite rest
- On tune deposits, Flyable
Accounts solicited
- Both 'Phones
Shaftler's + -Restaurant
Pies Sandwiches Soups
(4)1111)10i. !hie
Oppo , ,ite hotel