TWEL ZAZ4 V.. . MAO& '.B.T an Compan y spcettsuityt's Nt.ta&kitarteTs Guns and ammunition 'hunt ing goats, vests, belts and leg gins, canteens, knapsacks and camp kits, hunting knives and axes; pocket cutlery, ATI our goods guaranteed. Meek 13kealit 31% strut he Meek Ditr Store 0 Ray D. Qillilan , P. D. Manage ugs, Sundries , Stationery , ' -1 . . , Students' Supplies , • • -Prescriptions compounded' F ull Weight! 1 , 4211 Measure I s. Countull I I F • A triple of reasons why you should buy your I 'DRY-;GOODS GPOCE PIES AND NOTIONS • from L.. D. FlrE Bellefonte Trust Com Capitalll2s,ooo . Spangler. Pr es . John P. Ii • Ma. in; leas" I tched. Ant. Treas. a d Sec. ' INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS TIKE STATE 'COLLEGIAN t y i ki R t;)ti I 4 hinge e selection mo most te sof R. 1 ted stationery 5 5 tg has a command- ki Me of its own—and , bl the most texacting 0 prices, too,'are just ti 's an important Item in stock the til ki hatisn-Hurl iting paper 0 y Printing and ES Company w 0 Coll .ge 1 ezeSEMEMEMZEI Style Qiiality Price Are three sential in your pri a Our print 1 9 ing styl it saddle customer 0 right--and th We car famous but sv The Man Publishing Stat 11 . 911E;,;( c. B;11 . .0S., oners Fine Bre a d, Rolls and:. '- ¶ake 1 1 Stacy, loved y and Falter- rune Chocolates 1 , Ice Cream In, eisonable Flavors ~--, :; GIVE S A CALL :: Frio are tight , 01 . Nittany inn 'Building , The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.. Everythiagja Hardware Distributors far the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S comAlete tine ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specitilty BELLEFONT PA. El L. GRAHAM ~ COMPANY ' Dry Goods' Groceries -. Sporting Good's ,1 East Colleg• avenue , Phones A:, • le A••f; H. Kni Billiard -Parlor an libwiing,Alley Cigars and *ldaCi HOTEL BUIL Sheasly & Gen I Dry GoodS l , Groceries, N Furnnure and ta Headquarter, for CONFECTI6NE Nos. 200-206 College Av • "ktairkswWit's atoe Store Headquarters fur aVit . o3 , ose CITADIOto. 13aulistev - 'Kt*. ' •I\Wsu M GEORGE , B. 1 JACK CIGARS. TOBACCO A FRESH ROASTECFPEA A Full Use el Smelters' Fasq Miklos, ALLIS ST.. STAT. 001.14