PAGE EIGHT over next Sunday. He will Speak at ter -o'clock Sunday morning and alsb at the regular association meet , - ing at 6.30, He will speak to groups in the dorms" and at the different - houses. Sign up early if you want to meet this popular Yale man. • _Thespians at Work. Durirg the past the week, this year's tarOcus "Gay Soubrette" company, have renewed their , re -14 hearsats in view of the f ct that the final performance at co encement . is near at hand. The cast and chorus l are unchanged but the ex hibition in June'v6ill be far superior ,to that given here in the initial pro duction. Mr C. L. Downitip, he - Thespian coach, wi:l return in the ,early part of commencement week to personally conduct the final re hearsal and the-play will have prac tically attained a degree of perfec tion by that time. A Correction. ilie Colt l egian wishes to rectify an error which appeared in its issue of N two weeks, previouS, regarding the hack contests with the I6dians. They have never defeated State on her own field and but twice at Carlisle, once - by the extremely nar row margin of 13 5 points. We hope that this error may not have inconvenienced any of: our many readers. Chas. D. Flickinger, 'O6, is em ployed as engineer and draftsman by the M. H. Treadwell Co., Chica go, 111. ,At present he is . engaged in superintending the erection of a casting plant together with the! accompanying sewer and rail road tracks for the Federal Furnace Co. at their, plant in South Chicago. His address is 3157 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. On May 5, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Oberfell. Mr. Oberfell is an 'O6 chemist, now em ployed in the England-Walton Chemical Laboiatory at Harrison burg, Va., while Mrs. Oberfell was formerly Miss Florence V. Brown, at one time private secretary to Dr. Atherton. U=ZI i g* 6: • • • , * ril):1 qji '1 1 ) . b• ' l''.l: . il qil 1 ~-, i • 1 ' ~~:a f" • • (COLLEGIAN ...*:.*. *. A s Usual "We will have, a fin samples of n)ade to clothing for ,pring . Our 'prl ces will be t ; th first cla lIIMME 1 aid see our samples ted,on Nvh t you shou your nion le t MEE , J '- nd 1 S ty cba for the asking ggerß Opposite the postbf !I I 1 bite Iched