l' 10E SIX far "Bull"' MCCleary's nine has won ten games, tied two and lost three, a splendid re i hord. Date Sc ire I ' Place April 2 State 20 Carneille Tech I 'Beaver Field April 4 Siam: O. U .4 41 /err:vont 0 Beater Field April S Sutte 4 U of Te.rtront 4 Beaver Fiel April S State 12 Bell'int /I,cad 4 Beaver 1.1011 April 13 \atate F Lehigh , ' Silt Bethle9 April I;..t.i.te 0 Villanw,a' _. Vilianova April 1 i i late 3 Fordham New' York April Ii Stile, 5 Brown , 7 Pro‘idence April:9 Strr - Te - • 5 Cornell ' I Ithaca --_l!lay 4 State 1. Princeton 1 3 ' Princeton rio -t, St de! 10. D:ckit.son ! Sr Hi. eaer liield lil - 7 ^State 4 lia‘r ! ! 1 Arinapuli . i4lk., 4 2 Slate 9, Seton Hall; 2 S grang+ 1444.14:13 Stilt 6. A.b.%ht i 6 Myers•oAn lilli*ki. State. 2. Bur...well ! 1 Lewisbarg Blythe, the Next Basketball Leader. Frank H. Blythe '2, was unani mously• elected captain of next _i , i:de's basketball fiv6 l at a meeting e... clef e basketball "S" men-last Sat ur , rjht In his i . reshman year afro lour varsity games had' been plUy cl. - Spi" broke into basket- ball at guard andv.4orked in the Wioming Seminary, i);ucknell, Alle gheny, F. and M.. Pittsburg Col legian,' SWarthmoro, (two). Amy an d• Manhattan contests .irr clever style Last wir.ter he was bead over heels in etery varsity strugele on the basketball floor although on several occasions he wps nearly in capacitated with injuries. A quick thttiker ' and a cool, speedy player Blythe well deserves the honor of succeeding to the captsitcy . !vacated by ,"Dutch" Hermann 'lO, whose five completed a very successful season last win Tr. 'The neW captain is also a sturdy baseball player, having been 4 mem ber of our nines last spring ad again this'season. Although ligh, he is wiry and agaressixe and . ' is of the type of 4Dllege athl te i who brings - tenown to his alma m ter. From - 3 present i‘dications the registrar, Prof. Espenlshade, expects - 3.1 freshman class of over 500 next year. Applications are coming daily for certificates to be—filled' in by the priticipals -of the various pre: paratory schools throUghout the state. ' Established ,'1832 1 STA,‘,k\N kl(ke 13 an i dealer in j EWA Also agkt for eokumbka and ha. trot 2.12. ,East Cake iState C 431,) fEI Cox So MEM Can • I I ad too all deg l I e t outfits GEORGE college re 206 ,MCAT vg, f ,' „;%;,P) • tor' 5f rne shoet W. C. Kline, • • and childrrnts 1 •ir Ictive To wear clothes distil blessing with which alll been favored, but lit is 9 1 indeed quiet easy, to — ga Unction by wearing distini We would be greatly p you over our ready to which is pronounced by c to be the best on the ma ii 'I The (Park Hotel , 'Williamsport, Pa. 1 1 Headquarters for all -State' tears s's--%Located opposite thelP. R. Ft. stationCmFree buti to P. & R. R. R. station. Ra es $2.50 per day and up- okolgaTikm as BwrAles .0110T1t5 , I Me! Records ~111,111 g Ynrk All own 1 mi - es Ex el or rintx OGILVIE! lesentatiye *or Hill 'i,wombn' • lien sttee 1 tiVely, is a e 1 n 1 have nct et possible, I dress dis- //,‘" I ive styles i 1 , to $3O & Co. ' Bellefonte KAONAUGH, Manager . C. lids MARKLE 4 Choice Meats i h in season 1 , OL RO ii M and , BA 123 • IR BER SHOP lle Street 01 t ' 1 PO tlsei ontr in The e- who adver ts Collegian Both phones