PAGE TPN 1 'bounces a word, or seeks assistance frOM a fellow student shall be deemed guilty of an off Aide play, and !his side shall be penalized at least five yards. "Substitute for Kicking GoalL After a touchdown has been made the team making it shall be credited with five points and the Captain of the team shall translate 500 words ofje'aesar's CoMmentaries. If he so without ,an error his tes given an additional point, theme as if a goal were kicked. If h fails the ball goes to the op post g-team on the twenty-five yard line. ' Visit the Mool l l of Mines. NeitlMonday evening, the Min ing buiidinewill be tnrown open to visitors and ail interested in the work otthe School !of Mines, are inVited to inspect the museums and Laboratories belonging to the school. ! The Geological; museum probably be open for the first time. which marks a disnct ad vince in the facilities for geological work. ,The Mining niuseurrt is con ceded to be the finest of itt kind in the United States, having models flat are not duplicated in any other museum. The Collections of glass sands - and sand products just in stalled add to its completness. The- building will be open, for visitors between the hours of 7 and 10, on the evening of Monday, May W. S. Lorati 'O6 is Foreman on ock construction at the Gatun locks • I\4c.Alliie !We:keep the 'quality up - because the quality keeps us up W§OCIETY AND C ,cAllister grub and be conyiuc STALE MMEI i Head Choice Ale: i . I Er4z.ier SFreel I IC4Ile, Gedeial for .021. Agent ouglas an _ ' *HAS. ' l At., ONIER Tonsoral Aitl§t Your pa i Lonage ritcsass r itrk guar, teed I.II4DER 14 TEL 1 1 • .-lENIFY id FllsilE T,T4 CLEANING 1 RPAI P arc' Dry Goads, N rtes a d Qv' Hotel Block 0. F. ISH4' , J. B. MI G f Alien , , Cra*ford S fine loe repair! collect d 1 Stnde l Roop 1 11. rt slioes tlhagtptt 1913 X.Ot NQ tras BEIM , PORT s for I f All Kinds Both phones .ppiily ~o . handise • Athletic G ods lk Over S oes r.-Rt L (:)f? r - PRE.ISING G thers Shoe:s_Grqce- •If 6.u. Posttivil• leiive Yit ;kn fo ci r red I giaa Inws I ' reg . lar ()Dad 1 I SPECIAL"! at, (Fos I 'da l talk; I make signs !Ica' tr nks and suit eases my spe esal Foster s oa , and L 1161.4.0 cards CHAS A., WOMER, State College . E. Slim.: v eel' aria[ Op tie iaTZ POST CARDS •LLEOE JEWELRY '1 . CUSTARD II PAPERI, ROOM MOULDINGI ~ R jklD PAPERING COLLEGE'S IN. iVA I - I:.Tvti T.; Ott, V.tat. I ? 6'CM Comvans ttaile Calci t e, 'Penn's - - ATE , 141 and HOUSE 11:Lt.i.:rbN : rE PE,NNA I . t )11tii bat It t. 13 per day r (lay tz2 5 Iv. r,. D A GG 1 , 21"1` - P. 7 AGMAN Stric i tly : Fi stclass : Tailoring Prssing, C eaning. Repairing 112 E. College Ave B AIR & CO. BE LEFONTE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Cor m ;DE Brockerho f House All mail orders pro ,t t ltly attende to Fans watch and le :dryv. pairtng asp ctaltY B .th phones 1 per Nki 1-ek $3 im.. IW. T. DI NN 'OB , H. WOOD ex 'll