PlC;r: ETGITT Chemists' Trip The upperclassmen of the Chem- istry school completed their western ( trij just before Easter. Ali the men report a most agreeable and in striactive excursion The \\ or which was'in"charve of Professor B. Chutehill and Mr. F man, beg i an in Buffalo on,Maich I() Visits were made to the tollowit,g establishments: the Larkaw;aiina. Steel Co; fhb Schoellkopf lanrerv, The Buffalo Pottery Co the American home of the reproduced WilloW ware, Pratt and Lambert, the Buffalo Smeltirlg VVor ks, Ihe DerlOping and Funding Co the 'the International Acheson Glaplwc 1 Co.; The Niagara Lead 'Co., the Upper and lower Power liou•es; The Cliff Paper Co , The Nia,?.ara , Coated -Paper Co ; William A Rogers, 'Limited, the siy erware house; and the Shredded Wheat ,Co These are all in Buffalo and Niaga ra Fails. At Frvliclin the party inspected , the Eclipke Lubricating 'Oil Jot ks on March 21. Then, in Plttbuig, the soap factory of W & H Watk er, the Pittsburg Provision and 'Pack ing CO , and the D 0 CunnitiJicruri _Glas-Co., were visited 1. tips wet made to The Pennlyivania Co., and The McKee Jear: e' te, lass Co at 'Jeannette, file Amer ican Sheet and , 'lln Plate Col at Monesson; the Penns,, Wania Glue Co. and the Heidenkamp Mirror Co., at Springdale; , Ihe Pe!in. sylvania Smelling Co , at Carnegirl 4nd the National Lead and Oil Co 'he Crulcible Steel ( o, of America: and Heinz's Pickle fa,tory,.at Pltis4• burg. • , The trip closed amid good cheer and good felluwship at the banquet givenlby Dr. Pond inl Pittsbuig on March 25. In addition to tl4 re gular 'members of the.- excuzsion there were present President Spark-, MessrMessrs. H. W. Mitchell, J 11 s. Quigley and E. .5. I.3l.)yaid, of the. =EMI ces, jAh , )i icann 13oalci V mpo en j ,cs.tided btgu,l WEE %e' 'i ' ,1 ,, t V S In o N , el Slt thq SC stnoil ( last li t 111 c lo ',eci 111 a a l I) el, IT \ tl LoAtt,, ei k )al. Cj or on i, f 11 - )r , , we cilia I St, ?}ILI I ba Sixth l 3 iw fr) t -)c) (11 Isoi;e-d fur, I hli \+, strikes t 'INF , EWE for eliill husk It i ;lid 1 ft I'l ‘4, sti u( k viit Inl l a, 1 ,111, o'ici ti, ESE tie', to watch Inj d ,r E is rci IA On SM.. essakw In thej true, II! Ir, I.IJII ry . flu 11 , 11111,; Well 1 cu i ruu V c timo gait} wl barn ti AUC It \\ "-1 . , It finish si, 4e, 1 Mr at (1 ~~~~1 ~' ~~ ~~ 14 ni , PI 1 ' t i , i MEE the s le%* or IliOv It:It; if. I: )Nt't n the Ider 1611 niple Mai tfile to, ri• i land s. rbv Vei 181 ) i h( 1).1 ) I Al. pit 111 0t.',1 .c, tilt 1.,- 111 1 141 1)U le ti lia ck pui u t. , , •Ld he PrN.N. 3' A o kAhi, izl I'm till 111 • I 1 1 1 ONT- c, 6 tils '%,tl cahed 1111 t H tdd tr rti 4 H ses _n hi r NI Lt 7, t, V e-n Qnt V o, Hvid t "1 ire t het 3ema Russian 1 Night. er the auspicesof the Cos tan Club, a most interestig sian Literary and ;Musical night held last Friday evening. ,The ience wa quite charmld bi , the el entertainment. Mr. Quevedo, president of the club, gave a strhg 'prrsentation !of the aims and Pu poses' of the organizapdn. Ex celertit addresss wer also made by i.,, ; Mil E , i 1 Srednic, on "Siberia"; Mr Schwar z, on "Russian School"; MI St rri, In "L. Tostply and His Connie sion", and Mr. Zamoschin, and "0 r Modetin Literature". Intel mingled' with the literary dumber , *lel ' singing and other rniisiOal featurk were most effectivo land ki reeabl. Particularly fine w ie the sold "Pirate", and the det In tile ark Orchard Valley'. 1.., I d chott4 w rk, especially in the " 4 ossack Sc; igi', arid in the two cl sing niimbe s, was excellent. i Plans ae b ing maidelfor a Latin American Ni ht abou the middle au ono th, of May "Ilse i entertainment will be dhiefly musical and if It equals the 'Russian Niglitl it will b well worth attending. , tmont ga eon Turfs ,ras tdo 1 to for press gear autil i the issue of The State-Ve day akternoon and will not ap April 14. Et +I PO A E 0 ', 1 2 0 010 0 0 010 0 0 " 0 1 0 0 O CB 0 0 020 0 0 007 2 6 ° O l 1 1 100 0 3 0 0 418 8 1 it H PO A E il (i 0 2 0 001 3 0 0 II 0 0 0 010 0 a 001 0 0 0 1700 0 1 :.. 1 0 001 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 * 1640 0 n account nun 0 0 0 0 0 u... 10 0 0 0 0 OX-10 ck ~ti By Klep -114, Oft Flaherty I diet y Lelf , t on 3 len bases - , Joifice hit—
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