State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, April 07, 1910, Image 7

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    amount in all fro
The following
instructions, if p
• ercises with above
sistently fol'owed,
ost gratifying re•
will produce the
sults: 1
. Stand with feet I'2 to ? 14
inches apart, hips firth. As arms are
raised overhead with thumbs inter
locked, fill the ;lungs deeply and
stretch as high over head With hands
as possible,! swaying body strongly
forward and backward. ' •
2. Repeat No. 1, body rocking
from side tb side instead Of forward
and backwa d.
3. Position as before, I and with
arms extended Aidewise, t - ist body
around strongly to right. I Alternate
from right to left, keepin hips firm.
4. Position as before, hips firm
with hands resting on hip ;, fill lungs'
deeply, and force air into the upper
part of chest by contracting the ab
muscles strongly,[ hold mo
then force' it 'down into
abdomen. I Rep*t twd or three
times, theh exhale. I
5. Keel above position, hands
on hips and describe from waist-line
with head and shoulders as large a
circle as possible from left to right,
then rep at from right to left.
6. B strongly contracting the '
abdOnin '1 muscles force the abdo
upward, h ld momentarily, then
by perfect irela atioh. allow the ab
' 1
tO sink ack ' to normal po
sition. .
Each exercise should be repeated
from eightito sixteen times. A few '
trials will decide the amount re- 1
quired for each special need.
44ScrubP' Baseball Nine this Spring
, Hell coach H. C. Mcllveen, 'O7
thinks itiadvisable'to have a college
baseball team ls spring. Last
year the four nin e of the interclass
league were relied upon to glue the
varsity team practice through dairy
encounters; but this system did not
prove altogether satisfactory:) The
"scrub team" this spring shoUld be
2'. to 5 quarts
stronger than an sing class aggre
gation was last spring and it should
be able to give the varsity daily
arguments of the ,kind that the All-'
Class Nine gave•captain Hirshpan's
team last Commencement, when the
"bigfellows" won by the narrow
Margin of 2td 1. i •
Already • a number : of the :ft)i-e-
Mose stars in the interclass league of
one year ago have been paced on
the varsity, squad, which Mcllveen
intends to maintain with over twenty
men during the whol of the corn
ing baseball season. ; At the same
time each class has, been making ,pre
parations to put a good baseball
team on the field and it is possible
that the membership of the league
may be increased by admitting' the
"Specials." It is good to see more
men enjoying baseball here this
spring has ever been the case
her,etofore since baseball is an ideal
college , sport. With probably
twenty-five players on the varsity
squad E;ird I morel than , twice that
many on- the four or five interclass
stuads, a great amount of benefit
should be derived from the national
pastime this spling on New=i beaver
Field, Old Beaver Field and half a
dozed less noted diamonds.
The German Play. 1 i
"Das Danschen von Buchenan,"
the second annual play given by the
Deurscher Verein, was most accept
presented on March 19. The
metnbers of the cast were chosen
for their naturally good. acting.and
their fluent German; and thru con
sistent practic'e and aided by the
coaching of MisS S mmons and IC%
Boucke,' they wer able to forth a
strong, well-balanced team. Aitho
the play was more difi
of last year. and slid
proceeded i faultlessly
K.lss Kessler ca
the part of "Agneis,
She was vivacious
to •
ed ,
icult than that
.htly longer, it
[ from curtain
ed, admirably
the heroine.
and spirited-
ul and charming. , Very I often
1 ork gained the applauseof the
.nce. I Her 'acting in thei.scene
"Silberling" 'l, was particularly
I , nt and fetching.
lb ie Biro ,in" was well Present
`. y Miss Weiss Her lines.
not so exacting as those of
!nes,'l required_ close attention
tail; and they were well render
! _
ruout the play.
Ir. Lohmann, as "Von Fink," -
very strong and skillful."Silber-
also required good acting. , and
work was well done by Mc.
en. Mr. Schrvock, as "Der
i n," and Mr. Wertz, as
ob, PO the servant, completed in
e! c llent manner, a cast of great'
gth and power.
i.e play was a mariced success
I I ery way, ad the members gof
Verein -- were well satisfied by
.bowing made, The singing of
nan, songs before and after the
act lent a pleasant} touch of
ancy and color The corn
: e in charge of the play con
-1:1 of Messrs. Siegler, Bucher,
1 . iler, Adams and Kreibel.
Captain Hay to Visit Us.
= ptain W. H. Hay, 10th Caval•
. S A.,1 who was command
of Cadets for the four years
i ng last September, will very
y visit State College about April
r 18:
e has been 'detailed to inspec
mounted fOrces of the Ra. N.
In April, and his tour of inspec
it 16. He will go' later, from
'one to Philadelphia, and will
laps be able to spend Iwo days
e College.
I ctivd work on the Columbia
versity stadium will probably
113 in- a short time. The plans
for two running tracks, baseball
,football fields, and stands with I
estimated seating capacity of