UNA= STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursdat of each week during the eollege year bs the students t,f Iht r rr s} I ania State College In the 10 ,, TE st t tt t ..It t.ts Fat tilts, Alumni and the Entered at the Pustoffice. State CO:leg". Pa as second class matter Editor in Chief C. MacC. IiREITIM.ER, 'll Assistant Editor R. F. HEMINGWAY, 'll Associate Editors W. FISHER 'io J. F. MATTER.N, lo i D. R. MASON, 'll W. S KRIEBEE, JR , 'l2 W. B. X AN KIRK, 'l2 Business Manager F. H. BERKF:BILE, 'lO Assistants F. PRESTON, 'll L. E SWARTZ, 'll E. A. AMES, 'l2 SUBSCRIP rioN II 50 per year or $1 25 if paid is ithin 30 day s after iate of subscription THURSDAY. APR 7, 1910 beginning with this issue, the Col legian will be published by the new editorial staff and it is the earnest intention olthe new, officers to use their' utmost endeavors to maintain the high standard of excellence to which he pap i er has been brought by thd diligence and untiring effot is bf the preceding editors I For years the Collegian has been steadily growing, until now the"Fiee Lance" days apixar very dim in the past. Let us hope that the suc cessful career of 41e paper will con tinue and that the news contained in it columns may always, be of like interest to faculty, alumni and stu dents. To Messrs Fisher and Mattern, great praise and credit is due, for as Editor and Asst. Editor respect ively, they made many sacrifices, to El or MEM MIT ir up' , on of ihc ti ,perfec lege 0 which , at th i prebiq It from e State ear. wish tereste !beyond, self evi l dition • theilpas l f is sta th ►s pap colie nd ge leg by suppor I tAeryo al with 'Finn le Manifestly (iiiificu tih pdsitiot th4t the spies at' the t always be 01 'aped s to iroprOl we 'entreat all ti)! giN7l siipport,; iYhile D everything n °sir p ie Penn iState „_, iglhtfuli onnectl it vvotil !retain t 1 I ' I legilni.' We 01; Ili sng4eSt papr a theui i we to keep whqe Iri t will in, Mil in its t n aca or the, . 'Jai staff, ;,. I ti l l'e ),fl - 4prey nt o ' m ~ i nd twfrOm the ftj r Thy USllllq§ de 1 1,.. ,1 ;0 0 e i iiiit iv 1h : efi n indc l o o ma n ril ' i e ne j i man iiinater, thr4 1' to lioc moro i 1 m4in l i I ment 1912. in this afternoo ing th eet Pla 1 Shakes appeal , - and a por p un 9ompan e, it is to unde he ego for sea 1 I hose ),I rmaric !eed the tw these p their ) w d atth Intitu S co he itir Collig the riew r be fcir, e for E I, 1 Coll t 9 see 1, stinpr tl5 , den IWitn least ducti I ly on merit Elnd the verdict Tt L emendOus Success," Ith r.ts of the town, it is quite safe underclassmen and new edict that they will realize only he ullest admiration' for the Ben ire is and as the sale of tickets is very large, all are urged to procure heir seats as soon as possible, in lDrder that they may have l a good k'iew of the action from a point of vantage in the Auditorium. Everybody at State was disap poil ed last week that Mr. Carnegie eoul not arrange his trip from the Paci ic coast Ito New York to in. I clud a visit to this college. It has been six years since he' was last here and the !visible growth and im provement the college and stir r4ndings would have been a real plasure to him. He has always nifested a special interest in the 'dents a Penn State and their rk, as witneised by our beautiful 'nary building and our valuable s scholarships. He is accus- ed to spend his summers in 1 itland and will probably not visit before going abroad; but when [does come, bid State will gibe , a welcome which will; be worth Y. hl. C. A. Nominations. Tine,following men nave been notn m4ed fPr the offices .of the Chris tian P4sociation for this coming' y`;e4r: President, F. H. Johnson, W. R. 1 Rhoads; Vice President, J. E. Watson, DeV. Meade; Secretary, J. W. McNeil, P. Forsythe; Treasurer, I V. Egbert, J. H. Watson;l Assistant Treasurer, J. E. Atkinson, W. V Oyer, S. C. Kincaid. The election will be hr" :cti on with the regular Sunday eve meeting this week, April 10. d in con-