State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, April 07, 1910, Image 3

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    - -
borne in Itri l mphal processio.
This scrimmage is to be repeated by
successive teams of twenty- five as
rapidly as oircumstances will pr
mit. Whenl the teams have all on-
tested, th prisoners may be
ypeeraded" abo4the town and
made to do stunts ';for the amuse
ment of their captors and the gener
al public.
As a substitute, for one of our
present unequal contests, why ..not
give such a qontest as has, been out
lined above at least 'a trial'"? It is
"wide open" and therefore will be
full of interest for the spectators,
especially i 4 seated on
and bleachers of ' the ne
is thoroughl
appeal to th !
etween an e l
fore should
ants. It is
rd therefore does away'
with any advantage due to superior-t
ity of numbers. Prohibiting slug
ging,• mass lays and spiked shoes
reduces the ossibility of injury to a
ber of men
Five hundred men from each of
the two lower classes recently par
ticipated in; scrap of this kind at
Cornell,; involving twenty scrim
mages. ! It l lasted three hours. and
was a sight worth seeing. I Three
hundred freshmen and twenty-five
sophomores! were taken prisoners.
Those who 'witnessed it unite in de
claring ' it sufficiently strenuous to
suit the most exact L ng, and that the
" peerade" which ollowed was as
good as a circus.
Very trjil
The Whitney Brhs. Entertainment.
The , fourth nUmber of the Y. M.
C. A. lecture 1 course was given in
the , auditorium jon Friday night,
March 18, ;by the Whitney Bros.
Quartette. 1 his was the first time
"r .ri
that the 1-., l id ts and students of
State College ave been privileged
to wittiess the r entertainment, and
it is most giatifying to note that the
quality of their act , was such as to
he stands
field. It
nd there-
ual num-
ncite onl
cism from the large and appre'
audience present.
In concluding
,a very del'
program Mr. Edwin Whitney
humorous sketch of the W
family life and- history an
sketch embraced' numerous
ting and interesting episodes.
The Y. M. C.A. is to be c.ngrat
ulated upon securing such an exoel
- company to give a performance,
and enthusiasm is, keeping the tu
dent's interest on edge, in anticil a
,tion of the next lecture course event.
l A. B. C.
5T.47 eOLi,
t date
in for Coll
Tailor made Cl
Pressing and Cl,
Fi. w. s.:.
the most' favorable
1 ing Practicum. II
Profess° , C. S. Cornell, had of
the department of musk at Califor
nia Normal, is with us this week
for another course in' public singing.
All who attended the fehearsalS last
year will r member the results ac- ,
complished by Mr. Cornell in stimu
lating mass singing. Now that the
campus is :becoming, agieeable in
the evenings for restful strolls and
art Bloc
MEII2I fleg e A
tune u
and e
and •
this p
take growth
has b -
of T
f urnish=
e Alen
ing , )
1 , it is well for us to
1 app.aratus for the
ce is held every
he Chapel period,
gat 6.45, iq the
us son
our voc
y eveni
we allo
oing 1 (?)
this heading to be
led with reference to , the ar:
our first ,harbinger of spring
, '
y of many an afternoon's
Unless we alter our present
f gaering the flowers and
tl :s
'bm 3 ulling up the roo it
1 be—GONE.' At the t
t is a slow grower and el
duces seed, increasing u
root - stalks or vete' tative
E.l For this reason we shciuld
re care not to disturb ithe
d be more cautious while
lg the blossoms.
Aslociation- building
I n started at the University