I. C. W: A. Action The,lnttrcollegiate Vcirestl:ng As- sociation turned doN\ n our for admission this year on the vround ,'that our eligibility rules Lire too,lax Manager McNary satisfactorily an . swered-their other * objections On March 16 a special meetinv, of the association was called and our pe tition was turned down on the:ground that we were'toQ far avca) crom the other schools'aimprising the ieaizue. At the ncxt meetin held on I Maich 20,ManagerNati proved to them that this objection was poorly taken for we are closer to Corner than any of i the other colleges, and nearer to Penn than two of the others_ On an average, we are 276 miles alNay from every college in the association, against Cornell's 324 miles. Dart mouth, Harvard, Annapolis and Brown were invited to join the asso ciation and Yale withdrew from it Dartmouth is on an average - 5' . 75 miles away from the colleges irrthe association, Harvard 284 miles and Brown 258 tniles away. fhe only , objection which could not be an •,swered was the one` year eligibility rule: which it seems we will be forced to adopt soonerlor later in all branches of athletics i we, wish to compete with these,colleges. A mo tion was made to admit us to the i association but it was voted down by Princeton and , Cornell delegates, who were instructed to do so by their fact ulty athletic committee. A motion was made aid carried-that our Lac.- milmiem _ 7 ________ 77:7,:i I[ . I ) I 1 il j I ) Ni.l‘....Alilit-Q,t---r- ill HI i' - 1(4 .- T , i - --111, ...' - \ 1 i , iii' 1' i• 1 1 - R, r (i\-tt 'ill kx.; 1e,, , , , ius :1 ' ' i'—' •I We keep the quality up I .i I I , I r , i I 1 ' , I / 'tilde II ireoilai - ,bo4id per We 4-,-..-, i. nip 3 because the quality keeps us up ' ,il 1- l', - I - i , -c, , ,,5-s(ticiEAND C I Y LA R `l: '4( ill 1S A 'SI ECIALI Y 1 1 1 1 1 Try McAllister grub and be convinced I Extc s cost !' 1 : - , , vi :' Z .D O IN 'iI it , THE s' pet twn Suit! C.( (? AgehiE lor D-L gla C H A,S Y.),lt {. ttr,,r) t. e H E I\ l FIN C.LEANIN ' Pea Do aocis, ) rites Hoteil Bloc St,10::()1 Te AlLat Thar el row Nrvlb r )les . lid 't 411. Dealer 104 College . ue I Booth pholnes' , 1 Positive 3rawfdpl'S 1,. 1 Refill yit ',ir f , nel shop" Tel al it k S I O S , ered aril collikted i Stu( -Itille s L I. 1 j 1 I Rpop i ! 911 . :iiu h 1' 13,. : / . Maio \ 'll* ,; I (i)T, lEEE 1 1 1Lig. I St ill I Mrch I(lslding. A Walk I -~ ~ ,: i 6 1. 1 f t .r 8 1, 1 IA . , Trt -t tc l i i • 1 ,, i HO r, T,G, I EPA IFUNG r, SSIN9 ENI - 7 -- e fir c;rode- Avenue i- _:-2 , 13v cigz_ • a 12C - il 6: 1) h (.. I . au ' ! J.- \, , l F 1 f '.._. I I PST CARDS GE 4WELRY vf.p.ou NALL PAPER. R 9 PAINTING AND STATE C 'Man 2..i.qht, '.- ?ovot T e.o S - 5.at. , ?.. to US HI I,! In , ! li) F 7 d 0 \v, k I) 1(1; C. 1...1"P HOUSE Wall hat li Si perday J P. H A ICI Al A N . , 1 • trictly• ;Fi4 - stclOs : Taioring I 1 1 ' I Premlng,ilCleanWg, Rep,iiing i il',',2 {E. College Ave F "!BLA(R & t 0 I BELLEFOAd TE I ,JIE ‘A , ES AND OP7iID ANS Cur of 8 o kitrhoft Hooe Allj a I orders prurn tly a tetided to Fir watt •rid )ev• - tirr h, ai. Tit 0. specialty I Bo t phones ARD camOUL DING t'aq It.e, at 1 vBM kege,,?extn'a PEN NA
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