PAGE TEN _ _ ~ 1 i 1 1 . 1 _ I . , 1H o ' I , 1 H. 11. Pennsylv. ntaE : ), S;t4t - •. 'College „ i, 1 i EDWIN ERLE SPAVES, Ph.D I. L D'' PRESIDENT 1` • • I ,[ i'' 1 - 1 ' Established and maintained 'by the. joint action the United S ate Govelin ent and ;t he ComMonwealth of Ile nsylvanla ll' !' ii I; . . , , FIVE' GREAT SCHOOLS offering twenty-eig ourses of four y a l rs each ' Liberal4rts, Na ural Science, AgricUlture, Engineering, Mines and Met 1 rgy, and Cour es iii Hi me Eco omics, I dustrial Arr and Physical Education for women ... T I ON FREE to pth sexe . incidenal charg4s moderate :First semester begins middle of September an i second semester the first of Febru ry of each year •' For - catalogue, announcements, etc., add“esi. 1 1 ' The Regis rar, Sta e College, Pelyisylvama; _ 1 1 , I ; i , Action, of Executive Committee At a meeting of the Executive Committee held at the college on March 28thi among the other busi- i ness transacted, the following action was taken: Professors Stewart, Noll, and'MY ers were given a year's leave of ab sence in order to pursue graduate study.' l FranCis,B. Kingsbury of Harvard University was made Inst!uctor in Chemistry. - - H. F. 'Hershey of the class of 'lO was employed to conduct part of Professor Stewart's work. John A. Runk of the class of 'lO was employed to conduct, the work of Mr. Noll. Robert H. Bell of the class of 'lO was employed to conduct the work of Mr. Myers. Samuel L. Faust of the class of 'lO was appointed Assistant in Ag ricultural Education Dice H. C. Baker resigned. Floyd S. Bucher i of the class of 'lO was appomted Assistant in the Pennsylvania Soil Survey; also Leo N. Skemp, Wilmer E. Gross, J. M. McKee, 'Walter B. Nissley and Da vid K. Sloan. Andrew A. Borland of the - class of 'O9, who is now pursuing advance tudies at the University of Wiscon sin, was made Assistant in Dairy Husbandry. Permission was given to the class of 1912 to erect a grandstand be tween the bleachers on the baseball 1 1 E I C I (LI.LEII T 4: S r 1 I'- ' '1 I I•ojlee o a, swimming Lcliu til iti:vestigation r i col,ncer i ni' g tihelpossi g 0, 'suffiiqt supply, , irlto take pie ,k)ool s i c () field. The pool was del y could be ma e bility bf secuth of runninr -,lt( g waii 1n... , , serviceable. 1 '[ The title of t e Scho l ol and Metallurgy was changer School of Mne " in order form with t 'e ractice olf ot I tutions. ; 1 i ..a The Depa offtment , du tria and Design asi l inOod:io "t d i School of Li eral Amis. 1 The proP4ition frOM ti - le Na otal e t Association f l ifarihetls ::. !est lill j; [ 1 i a course or c ool; of tinnip 'Alas met with th 1 pi . orriise a, co-opera- ' tion in every PcOiblelwlY. Authoriza iOrl Was griveri f ''r , tie I r., 1 holding l of l a icorifernlOe o !'il,igh, school princi ails at hei coll ge !in May on the 'a e date + fh lter scholastic sc o I meet. ; The plan f r systerrili on the camps d e ,core.. the propose ,se!wa e sySt4rlw; ified and ap lic e n' wasr i de] be made to 0 : to e Bo* Of } i tio onstr (it ',or ;edl system whicl I main c 1 egel iwee Mc , llisl I'g en 10l sst . to iro at ta m l t for permissld of the prop., lead from to Ia point be, and Old Mai. Orders we t any supefflFio Main into do I A syst cluding o a ordered i II 11 ; also,l .umping, ill perm •ld pum . 'The c near the 1:1 i - the same o b used as locker room. 1. Au*or iat on was given to pro ced Vkfrith! th erection lof two small t buildings ea the Electrical Engi neering A ne , to be lased by the Engineeri g Experiment Station. Applic r ion, was ordered to be , 1 ma to he Prussian 1 Government i form int i rchange of teachers dur ing Ithe next college year in ac ord ance with the plan inaugurate by the 'Carnegie Foundation. 111 11. It was ordered eaat owin to the imma riti , , f the participa 'ts, the likelih od of disorder, the 'neces sary e pease, the 'loss of ti e, and the u ortunate attendant resililts, the amnia Freshman banquet which has heretofore been held in some city l I r } nea the college be hereafter abol is hs di c' a lea. of to ' to ' her ii Art; the , 1 ,. ot 1 ecte ers Imith S eth to ,e lice averse er Ball re-visa lege o reply eristic thank preve blessi past." ansfotrl in 0101 i ing. irl . sts, was stem bi ey compressed air, which t the tearing down of the house. , InsOuction cf a huifiling inasium was authorized, :n Thomas F. Hunt' was given e of!absence for an inspection rouh Europe. en the Hon. Andrew Carnegie the Carnegie' Technical 1s in ittsburgh last Week an l• iton wa teleghaphed to him to The ennsylvania State Cb - his yto I New York. In e sentrthe following charact tele&am:- "Many grateful • but previous engagements acceptance. Shall throw our gs northward to you as s'e fly 1 Carnegie. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers