, . . St 4.- .1.-t ',, . ~,.,:tt l ~,,,„,„,, ~,_. I - A 1, , il - , ,' 1 . , 1 7 , 1 " \ ( :. " - 4 : 4 ‘ .. 1: " .,.. 1r ! 111 ' ~.„,.., ..,........ ____,.... t... „..:. • , .., . ti..'S•s- ~ , , 1 Vol. VI, o. 23 S . A BIG I HIT THESPIA Best Production Ever By Far th- Given by This °Famous Orgarii- 1 zation. Soubrette," the annual Penn - State Thespians the ' Audituriu-m on the "The Ga play of th. was given Tuesday ni vacation. ght prior to the Easter .1 ,audience galve the play vation and all in all the The large ers a great I show was a! "Bullets"! complete success I Foster could not have IFI for a bettter part in, out the talent that i his usual fascinating been selecte which to b he displaye. manner. aisi impersonation of the "Soubrette''' was beyond reproach Harry AiaT4rong, who took the part pf Jack I Hymen was exception ally brillianti throughout the entire performance; land his rich baritone voice was nio l pst appreciative in his solo work. - I Joe Hasller, as Showman, most I assuredly cl,ci not miss his calling, she kept th audiene in a contin ; - ous uproar by his characterization of that fambus celebrity. i But to speak of one member of the cast, is (d include them all. Their work was 'active, forceful, impell ing and laudable to the highest eA.- treme from; ` every viewpoint, and all honor is Ito them. ' in vet y milL The chorus was especially well tion of tne trained and, they executed their of how a 1 many and various dances in a man ner which Vas highly meritorious i ceived L.tl and beyond any coMparison... Their Sunbury wa, costumes were unique actiO4.4ll:l4l4**4l`aton._ ed, and, the exacting eye of the After the clolsest observer cciuld not have de- I of Sunbury tected any tlaw in them. STATE COLLEGE, PA , A T'14L71111910 The show was rnt'itked by set eral clever and new ; [ln the second act, the Ai r'nan dance by Foster, CiLth'ie ar,d . the .ch rus VitS especia,:v well executed, 'acid enjoyed immensely by the large audience. Anottlei hit was made in the same act by the boxing bout be tween Sh6.vman ;1 Young Whirl wind whitrh cor . iNu ,ed the snecta tor with lau;.;htei and brought to a close the most suc_:essful Thespian performance ever put betoTe the public by a I Pe,. State d+natic p,ese , organizaunn On luesday' a; erroon, 29, the troop aLstir bed in B burg. A'th itt.dl tel,ow had no rrnedi s 1 to( a we perforrna . nLe ,vent: f yen. s iy tilt laLge ucii L e ciateLi the play • auch file next n yvi , z du. of 1910 ;eft for Sulhury tt tnen spctal car Bet ), d that„ I S paid abbut the show vtven thete, but y must he cnng,tatutate3 on halv ing; one at the c'ei -st, nel.•_•st 4nd most Ltd tot d-1 'll.2.att es in 'the Slate mne ex:2l,e of the Iper-i yen hLie may to a forsiance conlviet ab degrce. be' attributed to his w this tact ,pe•arance of in Suabut y mane a goo uO,-i,,,P2 is tlk best sign t'it suffice to say that s stung wlth the .Ip,)r- show the ) ound ladies gave .an Infqrmal dance Contlnued on' page a F t 4ty, larch Nt., l ons this . 1 hAci an eh; , the reha'p l oolh ness PPle - Alll :rater )fans tons tin...;eii 4' the frrst ap ' Lhesplans , I say that they iess,on is pitting it Iht appmecja- I,,nce is beinv re- Prke Five Cepts NAME THE MAN 1--- . M. Willard in the . Following 1 , er Make a Strong Appeal. 1 ; - State Colle4an ilernen: 1 1 - -- , lir recent ilss•u' el touches . on the ro t Ge Y ressing present[ need of the Social Hall mu l ;t be a Social Who has s mpathies big h to take in all °lir college life, t and '-to come? Whd will - t the +nan to puSh it? rly every successful pr i oject of nd in other colleges has found usiastic, unseltish,, all-round man,,to organhe in a busi ',ay the whole movement. the social, musical, athletic ity, and religious organiza , ave a claim on him and , must I, • rn to do it The alumpi are -- It. interested. He mustl have ?confidence. Yriends of our let-, 4 " i - ' deals are daily being made, ii listen to the right man. know]_ what we want; we shall Above all let us embody l in the very best in our collee t the Social Hall may be,' what be, the college center and soul years to come. - J. M. Willard. an,l ‘‘ VV oni p so th. it wil Thi icsenl Socia hie L, Tl - 1 g; Club. been of till mames of the men whd rep- the Freshman Committee_ are ' Bier and B. B. net receipts cif by the Penn 'S amounting to " iven to paying of free lecture cours ass op the E' 0., Ehn i • erriclif_. he concert ate the t! 'usical have 0 eficit
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