PAGE . Excellent Baseball Prospects. ,' lready four weekly baseball pract *ces have been held in the Arm ry and coaches Mcllveen 'O7, and ree 'OB, are well pleased with the utlook. Pitcher Skemp 'O9, outfi I der Ferguson 'O9, catcher and outfi lder Thomas '09 3 . and sub-out field r Bray ex-'ll, are the only men f Captain Hirshman's strong 1905 team who are not now in col lege. Captain McCleary 'lO, mid field; ex-captain Hirshman, 'lO, first base;ll-ariy" Vorhis 'lO, catcher; Lynch 'll, pitcher; Klepfer 'l2, pitcher; Kelley 'll, second base; Blythe 'l2, 'shortstop; Eberlei 'l2, third base; Workman 'll, teft ield; Carson 'l2, right field; Leidic 'lO, sub outfielder; and -Pearce'-10, sub outfielder; are all out for this spring's, nine, and these twe ve Men certainly !. form an extra,o diparily strong nucleus for ' the Coaches to build upon. From lait year's class teams the following men have now been placed , 'on the vaisity squad: Braun 'lO, outfielder; Piolett 'lO, pitcher Bubb 'l 1, ' baseman • and out fielder; Butill, infielder; Minich 'll, pitch er; and Jacobs 12, infielder. Last spring the interclass baseball league proved a big success and it no doubt will be continued this year ,with greater interest than before. Klepfer graduated from the freshman nine to the v ity , last season and this or gan'7;s tion should produce good ma terial fo'r Penn State teams in years to co e. Of the new candidates for the nine, -laddow 'l3, of Lebanon Val ley College, is an infielder of prom ise. He has -played a strong game at center on the basketball, team this winter add should stand a good chance for- varsity basaball honors as well. Barrett' 'l3, and Bien 'l2, both Uniersity Of Pittsburg players, are strong candidates, the former for the outfield and the latter for the infield. A new battery, Hechinger 'l3, of Columbia' High school, and , 1 11 7 0 il w 1 art k new lgo A fi pa otsi i Seri do u • re; if) I ili iii ti ili iii tei 1 0, ,ii , iii to ill ili iii W. 4h.1t..-. "! ri - reA r i - : „ Hen No sity of -en ad t 4 I 1 i eg4 hb pitcn- 00l , also ihe twirli , to join o qlay. i expr L L' Lents fi. hink f f burg. . 1 Calle y didat : "B ig I. an fob I , del yester Arneri Ga.,. . the '0: hopef of our The' .1 has m- pta *ro - it is 1 s ap bu =de -I 1 IN iiii be} pleasexi 1 , e now,navel, all like .thets • colors„till If our sprig clothes is fil . ii an get )i.cit , u i 111 will belne 0; . 11 re stn_ fly al hat 'Th 'tirm:n es as t dome I i ?ant , • , T prration to better ! n worth more to himself arr and loqk tiim over and pic MOE woc i ol , M of our custom male depart, I SIM I CORREC J 13 c , ,l i 1 , 1 0. • .0 • 6 ; ire DRESS LEFONTE 1 1 . I West he , - . I ed ., to t e ~,, !ene" Mc 4 !forlikji tht it se' .rornising c mils. _ of any position a! be an unusually si Cree. There is ha a d itf "Bull" McCl - I 6 e Of the best I t , ever wore thel a I signs will fail di; or Nev,i ybrk I e New , :York, for 'thehs, l efote l 1 I,riri' g, I .sed th most ; On Friday morn Jdh9 J. Gibson, Philadelphia office house E befdre t ment of the' sho• E. grad the outcothe sebal s.asbn. ood m;tOial play , 5e iiiiM with 'our, special fOi I you to them, the ood tailOr- read t yle i extra 1910 hand tailor- ready for t your to 'hem early we the best drssed 1 v;ool ; the kind I 1 If OTHIIER .I ' I FOR , PP I N i ' ' '34l* •:*:,4M44:4 i 1 i , • the result Irong nine, thi, ory everywh eary doesn't,l , -ams this sp Blue and Wh .mally. l 1_ g, at 10.20, M ahager of ofl the West' ectric Mf! e student Electrial of the dep. Engineering,' apprenti tes. 1 ' Co., will sp courses for