PAGE SIX The Harrisburg ..lub Banquet. The Harrisburg club held its an nual-banqut in the club rooms of the , Harrisburg Engineers' club on Dec. 29_ About sixty men were present - including ,alumni and prospective State students of Harrisburg and vicinity who were there as guests of the club, Toasts and speeches were intermingled with the college yells and songs and ,the affair is thought to have been the most successful State affair ever held in Harrisburg. DE. Sparks was the guest of hon or. 'He spoke of the college life at State and told., what had happened at.the college during Vacation. He 'impressed upob the. prospective stu dents the importance - of being well prepared \ in the fundarpentals before entering college, and said he woulci rather be able to test a man's qualifi cations for entering—not by what he knows —but by what he can do and learn. Professor Steel , :I,f Harrisburg High schoOl'and Professor Davis of Steelton. Nigh School gave very interesting talks _along their line of work and told their impressions of State and its, men. Prof.. Davis also sp.d.. and toasts were given by prominerit alumni, who were present, the suOjeCts :being generally , upon the great. growth of the college since , their student days. • A flashlight was taken of those Present and turned out to be'a fine picture. A proof is now in the hands of the secretary, A. B. Zer by,,and can be seen by any,mern/ ber7 - The college bulletin the School of Agricultur is out now. the °diets will 'follow, leach, Month, and will then be combined for the gegord catalogu_s whyinh..;comes out in4Apcit —.— _... ;____ The opening exercises of 'tile sec 'ond semester will be on January '3l, Monday, at 10:30 a. m.,anci classes will begin at 1:30 p. m.' IMEMMI E l fcho :,w 7 ar e :}1! 1 11. bcing, 1 ' 11, ages are adv ' cYle i l I , . . ail = 1 4 Yor Ben , 919i.Otin) iii ,1; keelln,,tk)A , 'toe eokxlimb 2%2 East. b 1 ~lie Ib4 i ,tlic , lon-' agent if ii , e I your 'Ilk! 1 E BI RI Paul Wo' PEA f octo rin's R: C. Kli and n' ho care to Pr i Nvlo ar4 obliged to clothesr hLve fit care Ito their fit ies as wells their i authoritative l ',amin full dies§ and, tixedo suits istinction of d being sold on Broad " Yorkers ng 4 1 ve th e cal NN.s ,1 , 1 wbkoin; i 'by in ined by tO'bel , expo 'y ailore i po i y, new 1 ' l icynip4i 1 I i' 'tgome Bellefont kg i Talphem . 1 1 .1.11,a .r I vakes , et cl;vis i the• • I ' ultra • - glee WA I ) I real it § 1 1 :$ 1 . S. * ill af►d in our oivn city they 1 -n vy l ho realize ,the many we4mg fashionable Nev the shops of Alfred I " Yori City I , y & Co, 1 I I, rarHotel Wfiliamiport, pa. I fieadquarters,for all bta e' teirrisLoaated 1 5!)posite the P. R.R. stagon l g.- I Frde Taus to p.l& R; R. R.lstatiun. Rates 1 52 1 .50 pet d y .41d up ward I I D. KAVAIsIAU l' , , J.Q.MZ • II Kind Q ash in,lsei cane 38 Coliege! Ai .ys P,II cr: 111 , , 8IA: Pnironir Use in Tae H,lManager • 7 KLE,, iloic 1 Meats , Ecitit,,phones ROOM , g ,140 P .. ' §treTll r........ who Ipidver -1 Collogiao