State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, December 16, 1909, Image 9

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. The initial performance
Pharsonians on' Monday ni
well attended despite the f i
the weathie.r was the worst
have had here for weeks.
was blowing a gale, the viral
deep in slush, and occasio
'ries of snow, hail gild rain fi
air. Those who reached th'
torium and settled down , t
the evening in its warm .
charged atmosphere felt wel
for their venture.
Although the show was late in
starting, the reception which the
first act received was not a Dit chil
ly and the usual line of coon talk,
songs and dances was enjoyed for
nearly' three quarters of, an hour, the
curtain falling- after a burst of en - -
thusiastic applause for thell closing.
feature of the act, a stage wide
American flag, filing together in a
twinkling by the entire company.
The audience rose, and stopd until
1 i
the act v.'s finished.
rr;irolio Alec Gray 'l2, assisted
e girlsfrom the ' the (bottage,
Ore the audi ence n chance to wake
/up, even if he did appear to be in a
dreamy frame of m'nd. The differ
ent girls received a real ovation, the
i applause reaching heights not even
approached in the first act. The
song , which Gray rendered The
Pipe ' Briar ,"" was in keeping with
the re miniscent friood of th whole
viract. Miss Lo , Miss 1 Martin,
Miss Kessler Miss parks and Miss
Snyder seemed t 'be the fivorites
in the long list of "Sweeth4s."
The other act o l the olio, i, north
pole sketch, int roducing (orgo's
barber pole and 1 several yrds of
time worn dispatches current lin the
newspapers about Sept. 1, viras not
as well received .the rest
. I
In the last of the show lock ',
was strong. A 1-lazing Be
ducted as per 1 regulations I
hit with everyone. The m
of Meals eaten off the mantle -piece,
wrestling with ' temptation; expand
ing like the binominal theorem, and
all thet gentle Methods of enforcing
the rules, were explained to an ap
preCiative audience. To some it
seemed natural. Further sc es
from College Life ' which were so
very natural, were produced. '
The show as! a whole took ery
well. Some o the features el
been !cOninented on as 'open to al
teration; ; and [ improvement. The
real hi -.' of the show were Eichel- . ,
berger, I yson, and Nelson. ' McCoy
was s • ering from a severe cold
of the
ht was
4 that
hat we
i e wind
s were
-1 Lur
led the
- Audi
. enjoy
nd fun-
I repaid
and his usual lu l sty vbice was barely
audible to the
m iddle of the Aud i.
torium. I , '
The oss of the last year's end
men and featuke men was keenly
felt, and the general opinion is that
k the loss is irreparable.
The Thespians.
At the last Meeting of tlk TheS-
pians, the executive board 'voted 'a
donationof $56 to the suiport of
the free lecture cou:se. As theie
lectures have : pr?yed themselves
most popular t i d i the studtmt body,
j :ep
is refldily ,apparent time college
s timent is very favorable toward
king theth ! up, , and it is due
mainly to su4 i fts that thi lecture
course Cornmi ee is able o keep
good speakers °ming here. 1 f
Although it s somewhat early in
, the year' the Thitspians have lalready
'appointed a Cdmmitt to select l 'al
suitable play for the - ual produc
tion this year. , IPresiden F4ter.has
been in confe!ehce with Mr Down
ing, who succi*sfully Coached "Po.
pocaterpillar 'sift" last season,' in re (
gard to this same subject and what'
'evei is selected,] we may feel aSsized
that the play wip be a , first class one
arid one that irip be equally at gdod ,
as that performed last year. , 1.
of the
1 1 .ibrary' NOtdce.
All books rbt i fit be turned iri be
fore the Holidays. .
! -de a
The! New Football: Manager.
L. A. Cuthbert 'll has been cho
sen as manager Of the 1910 football
team to succed tie successful retir
ing manager., T. 14, McKee 'lO.
Cuthbert, relial4e, al hard and con
scientious worker, and a popular fel.
low aong
. 114 associates at Old
State wall deserVes 'tie honor given
him. 'she present system of having
three assistant ! tnanters in each
branch , of athletics
f as proved a
good one, even though; it is but two'
Years 011. Thereis a 4isti ction for
1 - 't - •
any student In becomuw anager of
any of !enn State's go l pd eams—on
gridiron. diamond, floor r track—
and it is an_ honor v i orth working
for. j
Cheer Up,l I .
IThe 'ndiana Daily S'iudint printed
the following editorial recently:
"Say, you old grouch,' di you ever
pause and consider how 1 'red you
make Your classmatelby moping
around i all the time. e tenth sias
tic. -Tlr world has +ugh tr Ole
on its d ooping sholders witho t the
addition lof yours.eFe' s a agic
influence in a cheery g ood m ruing
or a smile. -Why, it makes yo '-feel
god yourself and s ,of , ntold,
, I -
b nefit to those you re gmz' e i this
wy. ii l ppose things are not oing
as you think they shot ld.l Gr mfg ` •
li g wo4t sidetrack fair, so s ile '—
3; tr, Smile "
P 1
Ile Ft hiladelphia Cl i
1 r
'y night. at the last
r,perfected Plans fo
n reception to be
fi tel Arandsor on th
iv n/
e alsd selected frond
h . h and pr4paratory
_place in4mation about
fore the i senior classes.
tiiiii will undoubtedly bring
' - men in contact with Irnany f pro;
tive students. "pop" Golden
another faculty medaber, proi
Prof. , Walker, will rPiesent
faculty. All State , students
b, op
eet,ng . 1
thir s . 1
hJd al
2 st.
th d'si. 1
" tate
he r
- reni
pec- ,