ink s for CI Pressing' 1 ' I lii. . "W . • 1 Soon after McCleary's touchdown the first half ended. Between the halves the Pitt I and State roo t s paraded around the field and visit d each other; surely the Pittsburg ad herents showed more and better spirit than they have ever done be fire. One thing rerdains , for State to do; we must take to the Smoky City some Th4nksgiving such jla cro'd las has gone to Wilkerbar l e or Williamsport in the past a d teach those people what true :.', l iege spirit is: A lone-day vacatin has prevented such a thing in tie past but it l is only fair that We should show once at: least Our f 1 strength at; Pittsburg where o r athletic association reapS its big4t profit of the yeah where out,elev , n is probably put up in better st e than in any other season we visit d Ir ing our football! season andi who e our rooters are laCcorded the m hospitable treatment imaginable. Larry kicked;out of -bounds twil slat burn liege Tailor 1- ClothinF 1 Id Cleaning ...Lie --- - Block e Avemie East Col' ' 1 at the start of the then'Gatvin kicked on our 15-y rd line back 15 yar s and five - Then 1 Mauth, field where Roe wa! track ' s. i Tne sec nd h. f?ught out ,Lietwen and honors we e was only ' th oil! Mauthe's punts gJ Pitt was able to of only two first , do' from scrimMage ID ! me i n; .Ih owever. t were triroukh o and Mauthel was f l o I , these kicks awa Very complkel ponents while inson got away, runs in the seco' ceiving kicks. usual hard, agg A good chan THE ST.ATE MEEFE econd half and off to Mauthe Mauthe came Hirshman a4ded lid- punted to downed i if was bit erly the 30 I•ard • lines nearly Oren. , It •b several of imgr offside that I , her own, since Ili were made captain Roe's e Pitt tacklers several occalions tunate in geiting t all. Pidllet and tplayed their op and Art Rob several good periods aftet• re nson played his ye game. score on our part Mauthl ever p on Pin rah the Were side. Larry tempt two m Watsqn strong; g,3 weigh and 111 pl. game.! T 1 some, gru:: end o th:l were , di i ., Blair, Peal , 1 1 net al re! well, Ntiihi and Ijer in our var tiriguised punti4.. a three fine game ,end getting of/ thet sec' Thompto ,pigskin a an act 'wh bi:lliait g has ever. PENN STAT Plul let. Brow Smith , Jonnson, .Ete Watson. Gray waver. 14ari Very , Vo,his, (Cape Hirshinan, , Mc,7ltaty. ' - n,uchdown n Gem - Rev) Point Fteld H - ad Ithesma. men Frank, Pitt. Time'n F. H. I graduates, record as married ' 11 The Bi students 1 tonight : o'clodk, I PAGE THREE when Roe drolinied ne, long spiral and the t W l aver dropped on it rd line. Hirshman fQ ten yards but we zed (five yards for off ;bleary got twelve apd figld goal. The at good one but there was indi andt, the ball fell ena M.I trie, a marvelotisly • inst Galvin who out lmostsixty pounds ell all through the ruggle was a tire one and toward the d half substitutions ty freely. bewar, Quailey and l'eight- Pia players arti n i did_ .wn, Estep, Hit.low I, re all given a chance leupr: Herrrn.dis : f by soni goad Ming seco ' pre' I lock; 1 . aced Br., :n w ty E him i• H. slow made at least open field tackles. " The d of er Pitt succeeded in / 1 alo g forviar4 as On and aternpt. 1 t.eferei ran loff! the field vtith the put it in Larry's arms-- h closed one of the most I[ diro- i l seasons Old State : d. . 5 , UN-IV. PITTSBURQ I O I .. 1 e Roe (Cant) Dewar ~. j 7 1 t - yan Dinka .1 g , ..•.- Leafy c f • ..Galvin -r g . - Frankel, Blair w r t . I SteYerisan ~ . r e. Undoa.v.pealloqk Herm no q W Robinson .1 h A. Robinsdn. Quay r h Ent, Feightner . f b i . Richards ry Referee—M K. Thorelp minre—H M. Kelly. West W p G Crowell. Swarlhmote. inchur, Swarthmore Llnfl• 1., Peon. "Jud" Schmidt. - 35 minutes each. • —--- i 'O3, one of Stat e 's is making a good cher, was l recently York City. I nd Lapcaster county have a "Dh Feed" , ' Ilister - A 1 all at 8:45