, tilti , P'enn'sylvpia : Stke EbWINiERI,E SPA KS, Phd.D., 1.4: D., PRESJDENO Established and marntained by the , Joint lactioH of thii United States 'Creivernin'tint Pfrnnsylvania 1 The 'FIVE GREAT SCFOi ,Aoiculture, Enginee l and Physical I4ducat [Fir'st semester begins catftlogue, bulletins, ,an $2OOO IN PRIZE elvards for Five Best Ei Essays—Details From P Penn Stkte students are to , en an oppoitunity to compete 000 in prizes - ; phaffner 84 Marx Assays or economic s bjects. These prizes are offered a nually. The esssays this year must ein by offered by June 1, 191 i 0. Professor i. Laurence LaUghlin of the University 'of Chi cago is chairman of the committee s t in charge of the contest. , There 4e five prizes.. qtali g $2,000. The contestants are pivid-d into three Classes,, fuller de ails, •f which may;; be had from P .fessor Ray, professor of history acid po litical science, The 'prizes are as follows Class A—First prize, $600;, second priz, $4OO. Class • —first prize $3OO second prize, $2OO, Class C—Ope prize, $5,00 Glasses HA'' 11,1 tiouhuly to under Bradtii subjects , Professor' I 1; The ihternati, d "B" re cation gradwat atm, and the to }ve been anima ughlin's commit ,leffect of labor :nal trade, 2; The wagon of th' .est means of rats unskilled, mparleon betwe the actual prim in the United A theory and protecdonis ILS offering twenty-ei::hticout•ses of- four . years,e6.ch -Lib; ing, Mines and Me t al ,urgy, and Courses in Home on - for women T I lON FREE to 'both, sexes niddle of Septei . nber -nt . second sempter the first of F ouncements, etc , addre•s The Registrar, 1 4. iA scheme 'for an ideal mont tary systeml for the United States. 5. rThe tilt relation of the cen tral governor tto trusts. 6. lirlow, uch of ) .1. S. Mills' economilc s St m survives ? 7. AI Ice I tql bank as a factor in a financial is s. pnomx ofessor be giv- for $2,- I ; The, me i bers or the committee aside from * [ rcfessor Laughlin, are!: Prof. 3., Bli Clark, Columbia Uni versityl; PrOf. Henry C. Adams. 1 Unive sity of Michigan; 'Horace White Esq l' ' New York City, and , . City, and F. Gy, Harvard U niversity t e best rSt. A.;to Build a Church. , , A soke given recently by the Brothekhoof of St. ° Andrqw, to the Episcclpal s,,ucie ts, accomplished its , it , work well by bri ging together the , the student i snd culty members of the denomilation. Speeches were made by Mr: Hewitt, the Episcopal rector at Belleonte, by , Dr. Pond and professor Fiz4cll, al l l bearing upon a subject of gie4importaw to church memlSrs herel,--the plan far" the erectiob of a 1 church, . Ground ,in a desirable pa:q of town has been held for so e tide; ; and plans ire enter tf ained or stiariing he church before next s comer, , Mr: Hew tt; who did similar work at the Univ sky of Ne- . b ,, as* exp l . eets to have i not only a 0 urch but 'also a parish -club house ' here the Members can assemble for te octal plooses, and where also. a limited number of student members can obtain numb er ~- ' . r par ,s land , ed-by urgo4 ng the n the ice of tiltess, MIME Col kge id t} Commonwealth of 1 al' Arts, Natural Science, •onornics, Industrial Arr i , rural charges moderate • riin.ry of each year For College, Pennsylvania LIBRARY NOTES. 1 t gifts to the library iricl; two volumes from i lGe ral a set of Taine's kilAto of Literature in three Ivolu ses illustrated, contributed by V. P. fumes of Belief° te; . Crane copies of his bOok on id Silv r, and a Bibliggr- ph g Literature ; Volumes ,3, of the Memoirs of the P ila- Societ3f for promoting • gri ' the irifi of Roberto L. 'nal icultural i Engineer. of Ca . a , üba. These volumes 0 te l 14 and are a very val ble i to the, library. The n me, [ BetancOunt apears on th fly The donor rites that Mr. unt is n man who dedicred nd fortune to the bettelent I.a, lib'erated ' his inhe ted nd gave each f them a um cres,pf .hi o estate. He llt the fir t r !toad in S an ti man king CQU triei. ) gh the courtesy of Edward . exill, now of Corooll, the r ry reobives. the current is ues until pally Sun. T ese oun4 with the other col ego •an t hie in the main Rea ing reed meeting, of the s for Hi raber was elected alt. f t i minty caul by rtu of R. E. bisque. 1 It 9. vot .to drop the idea of ny Senior Week festivities 1 semesters: twenty Beave Engl finel' lion. fr, G m Id M ez, 'm.l dal() OnS