`1). tozhe, j "kCardvmare Zomp a , wksmirco4 V.ta&v.acteTs Guns and ammunition, hu ing coats;! vests, belts and I. gins, ' can ' teens, knapsacks camp US, hunting knives axes; pocket cutty, All goode guiranteed. At 'Mock MA% SUMS% fflerl + Restauran Oi;xlsite Hotel Sandwiches • H.. C. YEAGER Walk-war-,Sho= 1 1 BET,LEFONTE 0. F. : W, Harnessmaker J. ; i. MINGLE, Shoemaker AUen Street The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital 8100,000 IHEY 1 - STUDES ! J. Martin's Whit :: Roo • ( is headquarters for choice fruits an, full and fine fine foreign and dom.- , nuts. Give as a call i in Opposite the os o ce i Alton Packard on Saturday. 'Alton Packard,a huttorist, will. give the second of ,tbe Y. M C. A. entertainmentin the Auditorium on Saturday evning. The word "hu morist" is, I however, not nearly adequate in . describing lylr. Pack ard. His wbric; is so diversifid, and i so well execitted, that no one word can attempt to describe it. His ob ject, co deliver "far!lfun well done" is accomplished by more agenCies than usually !fa I under the command of one man. sings, imperso nates, and plays 'the the piano; and he not . only does these thingsJ but does them at first hand, and mastlerfully. - , . ■g nd nd "Vanity Ihir" in the title of the evening's fuh Making. It is a hu morous discusOon' bf,„' perhaps, the most humoiotis of 4 things, hu manity in the Midst lof its vanities. Original verses, - slcetches, imper sonations, and mus ical skits ap go to make up the, ensemble. All who have heard Mr.Padkard in pry/Ow.; entertainments will need no coaxing to persuade thud to attend on Satur day e ening;, and a 0 Others will: be equall as enthusiaitici after the first hearin . 1 The' sentiment, exp - resed after Judge Lindsey's lecture , was thatill all the Other l n - umbers were as i• good ,as his, . this years's course would be the,' l best ever'." And, in Alton Packard have the man to uphold the record. The Byracuie (University Band was recently put upon a permanent basis by giving each player selected a;'scholarship valued at $6O a year, the number tot' i soholarships being limited to twent'. 1 ' Surdas $O.l , ! In political ,eConomy:—"HOw do hanks keep their assets- in la fluid cpndition ?" i . , I Wescoat ; watering sock." , I Wisconsin i to have a new biological labo' tory. The site has been chosen officially. '!'tit STATE COLLIAN' I PAgg atirtir EMI 3 OT lA. Blanchard Manager) , , • ue and Tenth Street} } tab}Fgh, 1' a . 1 miuwwwwwIMURPORPORII 1 I , 4 entre cr,Ountv The Za ' Bellefolte CASEBEE -i C. II Jew - 1 - r-end Opticlap e pair work Progipt'y free PrlvaterePtical p All kinds 1 Eytis exam ICE PENNSYLVANIA H. A EVEY ', iIL iv erl CAB IRK A SPECIAL. Goth 'Phones , - - 1 . •-. pOLME:S , lug Groceries and Fruits 1 tility Best Service' ' - g solicited t: to College, Pa. Staple au Your patron! Wr.ICUSTARD (NAIL P P I ER. ROOM MOULDING -RAI TING AND PAPERING STAit 1 E COLLEGE If you; ee it in this paper, it's so LLORY STUDIO OTOGRAPHY BELLCF 7kC.otek, PENNA